I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 28: The Gold-Threaded Ring Knife, Slaying Bai Yunfei Angryly

With a wave of his hand, everyone gave way in an instant!

"Let's go!"

Bai Yunfei led the way, leading Su Chen and the others away!

On the way, everyone in Su Chen saw Ye Wushuang being tied up, but Su Chen just sneered and had no intention of saving him at all!

"Finally gone!"


"My shop, my panacea, my herbs..."


"It deserves a thousand knives, who should I ask for reason?"

The shopkeeper was wailing, with an expression of lovelessness!

"Bai Yunfei, are you sure you want to be my Qing Yunzong's enemy?"

Murong Xue was very upset and asked softly.

"Azure Cloud Sect?"

"This is the Southern Territory!"

"If it's a dragon, you have to curl up, and if it's a tiger, you have to lie down. Don't accept it? Let you feel the anger of my Yunluan Sect!"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, the palm of his palm was glowing with golden light.

"This is a fierce flame obtained from the underground magma lake. It is said that it has a trace of the golden-winged roc bird's breath!"

"If you refuse to accept it, taste my burning wrath!"

Bai Yunfei laughed lightly, the flame heart moved at will, turned into an arrow feather, and shot through the void with a pout, blasting a rock by the roadside into powder!

The rippling cultivation at the Void King Realm stage gives people an endless sense of oppression!

Bai Yunfei was pretending in front of Su Chen, he wanted to give Su Chen a blow!

However, Su Chen didn't even open his eyes to look at Bai Yunfei. From the beginning to the end, everything was calm, as if everything was just passing by, and there was always nothing in his eyes!

"I wipe..."

The anger in Bai Yunfei's heart.

However, for that mysterious token fragment, Bai Yunfei had no choice but to bear it!

Everyone walked through the bustling streets and came to the foot of Biyun Mountain.

"Passing through here, you will enter the wilderness area. There are few people there. It is said that people from the demon race often come and go!"

"I really don't know how would you have the confidence without the escort from Wuling Academy!"

Bai Yunfei showed a disdainful smile!

"Okay, you can escort us yourself, the token, hehe..."

Su Chen didn't finish his sentence, and shook the token fragment in his hand lightly, with a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth!

From the beginning to the end, Su Chen was playing with four sixth-grade elixir in his hands, which made Bai Yunfei feel uncertain!

Want to do it, but afraid that Su Chen will detonate the elixir in an instant!

Bai Yunfei hesitated a little in his heart, but then showed firm eyes again!

With a Void King Realm cultivation base and a body protected by fierce flames, he is not afraid that anything will happen to Su Chen!

"Let's go!"

After making up his mind, Bai Yunfei took the lead and walked towards the distance!

"Brother Su Chen, we..."

Su Yan'er felt a little hopeless in her heart, and her face showed timidity!

"Don't worry, I'm here!"

Su Chen chuckled, as if everything was under control.

"Well, I don't have a good memory, what's your name?"

Suddenly, Su Chen caught up with Bai Yunfei and smiled honestly.

"I advise you, return the treasure to me quickly, otherwise, I will not be polite!"

Bai Yunfei was very depressed, especially when he saw that Su Chen was calm and calm, he was nervous, and he was even more unsure whether to make a move!

"It's fine for you, but I want to ask, is this considered robbery?"

"Or, does it count as robbery?"

Su Chen laughed, especially since Bai Yunfei's younger brother didn't follow, Su Chen was even more excited!

"Let me tell you, so what if it's robbery?"

"take it out!"

"I have endured you for a long time!"

Bai Yunfei suddenly erupted, the golden flames billowed over the sky, and the sun and the moon were shining brightly!

At the foot of the uninhabited Biyun Mountain, Bai Yunfei finally let go of his hands and feet, not afraid of exposing the matter!

"Look at the bomb!"


The moment Bai Yunfei breathed heavily and slapped the palm print towards Su Chen, Su Chen shouted loudly, and a sixth-grade elixir suddenly exploded in front of Bai Yunfei!

"I'll throw it again!"

Another celestial product exploded, the waves were like ocean waves, the void seemed to be distorted, and layers of mushroom clouds rolled up!

"I hit!"

Su Chen cheered up, flicked his fingers, and another sixth-grade elixir exploded!

"Damn it, Su Chen, you're crazy!"

"This is our only sixth-grade elixir!"

Murong Xue's heart ached for a while, she almost convinced Su Chen!

It's fine to treat the third-grade elixir as a jelly bean, but this is a sixth-grade elixir. How difficult is it to refine it?

Su Chen actually threw it into the dung, and even used it as a yo-yo!

"Fall down!"

"If you have pills, you will be willful!"

Su Chen shouted loudly, and threw out the last sixth-grade elixir. The bright flames shot up into the sky, and the surrounding fields were filled with waves of fire. The sky was filled with scorching heat and suffocating smoke!

The sky is full of fire, and one person is a tumbler!

Amidst the dust and flames in the sky, one could see a figure, drowsy, standing up again after falling down, his whole body was sprayed with black smoke!

Bai Yunfei was convinced, Su Chen's move made him quite embarrassed!

The successive bursts of pills made him ashamed and lost the opportunity!

Even if he wasn't seriously injured, he was so busy that the protective barrier was blown to pieces, and his body was scorched black!

"I throw..."

Su Chen waved his hand, but found helplessly that there was no more medicine at this time!

"I'll wipe...then it's gone?"

Su Chen was still throwing it for fun, but in the end, it was gone!

"Go to hell!"

Finally, Bai Yunfei rushed out of the dust, his fire spirit was surging, he gathered a big knife, valiantly, dripping, with steel teeth gnashing, he slashed at Su Chen head on!

"You are the only one with a knife?"

Su Chen was convinced, he couldn't suppress Bai Yunfei in one breath, once Bai Yunfei came out of breath, he would be the one who was unlucky!

With a thought, the golden silk big ring knife was held in his hand!

High-spirited, unrestrained, with eyes like torches, he waved his hand towards Bai Yunfei's sword!


The light of the knife burst out, and the shadow of the knife pierced the sky...

One knife seems to have cut the void, cut off the eternal...

Bai Yunfei only felt the light of the spiritual sword in his hand, and immediately after that, his chest felt cold!

Then, he saw the spiritual power saber split into two halves, and his head was connected to half of his chest, flying out backwards!

The remaining half of the body fell to the ground with a plop, bleeding profusely!


Just uttering one word, Bai Yunfei died like this!

"Dare to rob me?"

"Big brother never suffers!"

Su Chen laughed, and the golden thread big ring knife had been put away.

Swaggeringly, he walked up to Bai Yunfei's body and stripped off his clothes!

"A space ring, a space belt!"

Su Chen smiled lightly, and poured out the contents in one go!

That piece of token bloomed with bright rays of light, and the fairy glow curled up, making people intoxicated!

"This is……"

Murong Xue was a little shocked, she remembered that there was a record in the Qingyun Sect classics, this seems to be a key, the key to open a secret realm!

"The key has nine points, but the Yunluan Sect, Zijinmen, and Tianyi Sect each got a fragment. Could this be the legendary key?"

Murong Xue was shocked, but remembered it in her heart.

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