I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 29 Meet The Immortal Artifact, Kill Unforgiven

At this moment, the fragment in Su Chen's hand burst into divine light, and blended with the token on the ground with a swish!

So far, the three fragments have been fused together, and the shape of the token is like a jade plate, but it is only one-third the size of the jade plate!


"What kind of treasure is this?"

Seeing the golden writing on the token, Su Chen exclaimed!

The word "xian" is very clear, and the word "spirit" is missing a stroke, but it is still recognizable!

"Brother Su Chen, what is this stuff?"

Su Yan'er was curious for a while!

"I don't know, keep it, it may be useful!"

Su Xuan saw everything in his eyes, but he was thinking about how to snatch it!

That incomplete token seemed to contain a strong aura, which made Su Xuan go crazy!

Su Xuan even felt that holding the incomplete token to cultivate, the speed would be twice the result with half the effort. He could raise two realms in one fell swoop, and it would be no problem to step into the Realm of Realm!

Leng Cangyue blinked her eyes, she didn't know what to think, only Murong Xue remained silent!

"Through this area, there is Bianhuang, which is the same as the black pine forest. It has not been developed by people on Tianyu Continent, and it belongs to the zone of six no matter!"

Leng Cangyue suddenly raised her head and looked at Su Chen, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes!

Among the people present, only Su Chen has stepped into the Grandmaster Realm and has the highest cultivation level. If they encounter trouble again, can they still be so lucky and get through it safely?

"Six don't care?"

Su Chen was a little dizzy, he felt like he was out!

"It's not under the management of Wuling Academy, not under the management of the five major sects!"

"It is said that in the depths of the wilderness, there is a city that never sleeps!"

Leng Cangyue revealed her longing and longing!

"Yes, I've heard of the city that never sleeps!"

"That is the richest city on Tianyu Continent. The sun hangs high during the day, and the jewels are brightly lit at night. There, you can realize all kinds of freedom, as long as you have a hard enough fist!"

"It is said that a treasure appeared in the city that never sleeps, which seems to be the key to a secret realm!"

Murong Xue became interested, and only thought about going to Wuling Academy to get rid of the shackles of fate, but forgot about the city that never sleeps in the wilderness!

"Brother Su Chen, it's hard to come out once, let's go to the city that never sleeps!"

Su Yan'er was elated, she pulled Su Chen's arm and shook it!

"Brother Su Chen, I think we should go to Wuling Academy to report first." Su Xuan was a little nervous, without a strong enough backstage, he was really worried that he would give his life to the city that never sleeps!

"Quick, they're over there!"

Suddenly, there was a loud shout, full of murderous intent!

More than a dozen cultivators of the Realm of Return to the True Realm came frantically!

"Eldest brother..."

As soon as he saw Bai Yunfei whose corpse was in a different place, Bai Wuxie felt dizzy in his head, and he couldn't calm down anymore!

That's a genius at the Void King Realm!


Su Xuan screamed.

However, Su Chen didn't run away, and calmly walked to Bai Yunfei's body, pierced his dantian with a sword, captured the object from the air, and forcibly took out a ball of flames that danced and danced!


"Come on, kill him and avenge the elder brother!"

Bai Wuxie's eyes are straight!

The reason why they came here was to remind Bai Yunfei that Su Chen had a fairy weapon.

As a result, it was too late!

"Su Chen, you are crazy, run!"

Leng Cangyue stomped her feet anxiously!


"Killing Void King Realm cultivators is like killing chickens, and I'm afraid of this group of jumping clowns!"

Su Chen was calm and composed, with one word, he bluffed the crazy crowd!

"Come on, kill him, the suzerain will reward you!"

Bai Wuxie pushed forward with both hands, encouraging him!

However, everyone looked at Bai Wuxie, and no one took another step!

"Bai Wuxie, why don't you go up?" Lu Feiyang sneered.

"Let us be cannon fodder, and you go to the suzerain to receive the reward?"

Someone figured it out!

"He has a fairy weapon on him, whoever catches him will own the fairy weapon!" Bai Wuxie was speechless, and shouted.

"It must be a fairy weapon. To kill the elder brother, it must be done by holding a fairy weapon!"

Bai Wuxie shouted again!

At this moment, Su Chen understood that Ye Wushuang in the crowd must have betrayed himself!

"Ye Wushuang, you are really a scum!"

Leng Cangyue smiled wryly. She originally thought that Murong Xue would marry Su Chen, so she set her sights on Ye Wushuang. As a result, Ye Wushuang was really unbearable for her love!


In the crowd, Ye Wushuang smiled bitterly, scratched his head, showing a hint of embarrassment!

"Those who want to die, come here, I'll send him to see Senior Brother, Yincao Difu, you are still Senior Brothers!"

Su Chen looked majestic, and with a wave of his big hand, he held a big knife shining brightly in his hand!

"Ye Wushuang, roll over and die!"

Su Chen was completely furious!

There is a saying, don't be afraid of thieves stealing, but be afraid of thieves thinking about it.

Today, everyone present will die!

Those who meet the fairy weapon will be killed without mercy!

A stream drifted by, Su Chen was like a ghost, with fire and spiritual power rippling, and a faint smell of burning floated in the air along the way!

The big golden ring knife clanged, and the knife glowed brightly, directly slashing Ye Wushuang's face!

"Go away!"

Ye Wushuang was terrified and retreated quickly!

However, Su Chen's drunkenness is not about drinking!

With a sudden flip of the wrist, the bright blade light swirled in the air, and with a swish of the blade, three people received the boxed lunch on the spot and met the Ksitigarbha King!

"Damn it, you lunatic!"


At this moment, it was Bai Wuxie's turn to shout!

Without looking back, he ran away in a desperate manner!

"Save your life!"

Su Chen roared loudly, as if entering no one's land, the sword clanged, and the golden ring buzzed, as if possessing the magic power of soul-stirring!

The fleeing people only felt a buzzing in their minds, like countless bees fluttering their wings!

All of a sudden, everyone fell to the ground, holding their heads in their hands, wailing endlessly!

Su Chen didn't hesitate, and went down with a knife, like cutting a watermelon, and the big heads rolled down, making Murong Xue and Leng Cangyue almost faint!

"Su Chen, let me go!"

"I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Ye Wushuang's scalp was numb, and he knelt and crawled in front of Su Chen, kowtowing continuously, until Yintang was bleeding!

"Damn it, punish it with no regrets!"

The big knife is raised, it is about to fall!

"and many more!"

Leng Cangyue shouted!

"Thank you, thank you for showing mercy!"

"Thank you Fairy Leng!"

Ye Wushuang was absolutely terrified!

"Tell me, how did you heal your dantian injury!"

Leng Cangyue asked.

The next moment, Ye Wushuang explained everything, for fear that he would also get the lunch box!

Even if, twenty years later, he will be a hero again, but there is a one-sixth chance of reincarnation becoming a human!

In the six realms of reincarnation, if you become an animal, you will have to go through it once in this world!

"The token comes from Xie Guardian's space treasure?"

Su Chen was interested, but at the same time showed a trace of worry!

"That's right, Guardian Xie's space treasure is on him!"

Ye Wushuang searched for Lu Feiyang's body, brought back the Space Treasure, and handed it to Su Chen in great pain!

"Forget it, take it with you!"

"Clean the battlefield, let's go to the city that never sleeps!"

Su Chen said very seriously!

Killing more than a dozen Guizhen Realm cultivators at once is enough to shake the entire southern region!

However, this is not something Su Chen is worried about!

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