I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 51 This Is What Happens When You Mess With Me

Seeing Qing Yunfei, who was naked and his eyes were about to burst into flames, Su Chen smiled lightly and walked away!

Su Chen felt that he had the ability to restrain Qing Yunfei, and he was not afraid of his revenge, so Su Chen did not abolish Qing Yunfei!

Su Chen regards Qing Yunfei as a magic knife stone, next time we meet, try to defeat him without throwing pills!


The bronze spear clattered, making a perfect circle in the air, and then entered the space treasure!

"The great river flows eastward, and the stars in the sky turn to the Big Dipper..."

"Let's go, let's go, don't be dissatisfied with Yunfei behind..."

Su Chen sang a song, the angry Qing Yunfei vomited blood and fell into a coma!

Leaving Hantan, Su Chen didn't go back to Su's house, but set off on the road in a hurry, heading for the southern region!

"Fuyun Shuo, what is this stuff?"

Taking out a pair of blue boots from the Space Treasure, Su Chen was puzzled!

"How can Qing Yunfei's things be ordinary? Put them on and try!"

Su Chen smiled and put the boots on his feet!

"It's nothing special, it's just a little bit taller!"

Su Chen sighed slightly, shook his head, and just swaggered away!

Stepping into the black pine forest again, the old scene is still there!

From a distance, Su Chen saw a group of men in black, looking at their waists, as if they were looking for something.

"People from the Demon Race?"

Su Chen frowned, looking around, there was only a huge rock to hide.

Those pines and cypresses turned into a sea of ​​flames and became fly ash half a month ago!

"Brother, didn't you say that ground milk appeared here?"

"We searched almost every inch of the land, but we didn't find the smell of ground milk!"

Du Lang was crying, feeling very helpless.

"Earth milk, that is the condensation of the essence of heaven and earth. It is a rare treasure of heaven and earth. If it is easy to find, it will be precious. Rare things are more valuable, keep looking for them!"

The leading man in black squinted his eyes and glanced at the boulder where Su Chen was. With his keen insight, he had already discovered Su Chen's trace, and found that Su Chen was blatantly stepping on the flying magic weapon.

"But big brother..."

"If you tell you to look for it, just look for it, don't talk nonsense, don't be lazy!"

"I'm going to relieve myself!"

Du Feiyu smiled, lifted his trousers, ran a few times, flashed, and came to the boulder!

"It's ground milk!"

With a loud shout, Su Chen was terrified!

Suddenly, Su Chen got up, only to find that a layer of dark barrier covered him like an upside-down iron pot!

"Sneaky, spying on us?"

"Tell me, which sect sent you as a spy!"

Du Feiyu laughed lightly, with devilish energy lingering around his fingertips, a black magic knife emerged, clanging, the magic knife trembled, and the killing intent loomed.

"Is it related to you?"

"The big brother is just passing by, remove your scapegoat, otherwise, you won't be able to eat and just leave!"

At this time, Su Chen can be described as rich and powerful!

After robbing Qing Yunfei, the young master of Qingyun Sect, his pockets bulged again. He had a full 180 pieces of elixir, and as many as 60 pieces of sixth-grade elixir!

Su Chen is really envious of Qing Yunfei, he also really wants to be a rich second generation, to taste what it's like!


Du Feiyu laughed, he is a cultivator of the Void King Realm, and besides, there are seven younger brothers who are in the True Realm Realm!

"The kid in front of me is at the pinnacle of the Grand Master Realm, but he is not surprised by favor or humiliation, and speaks outrageous words. Does it really have a trump card?"

Du Feiyu muttered in his heart!

"Brother, what's the matter?"

All of a sudden, everyone came!

"A big fish that seems fat, but a thorn!"

"Come on, teach him a lesson, teach him how to behave!"

"If you don't know how to keep a low profile, you can only...hehe...you can only be naked and shameless!"

Du Feiyu laughed loudly, and with a wave of his hand, the magic energy evaporated, and the cauldron covering Su Chen disappeared!

"Whoever educates who is not sure!"

Su Chen's face was quite serious, after all, he was facing seven masters of returning to the true realm at once!

"What a thorn!"

Du Hu laughed out loud, full of demonic energy, and the trick he came up with was a monkey to steal the peach.

Su Chen turned around, exerted force on his legs, and suddenly took a frantic step, "Nine steps shattered the ground, and one step sent dust flying!"

With a loud shout, the ground trembled, as if an 8-magnitude earthquake had occurred. Except for Du Hu who had just made a move, those who were watching the show were all attacked indiscriminately!

For a moment, people turned on their backs and fell to the ground in embarrassment!

"Good guy, what a powerful earth spirit power!"

Du Lang breathed out lightly and squinted his eyes to look at Su Chen.

"If you only know this little skill, then you can die!"

"Black Panther Whirlwind!"

"It's not negotiable to cut off your legs!"

Du Lang was like a spinning top, spinning crazily, and the demonic energy was lingering like a sharp blade. The void along the way was cut and rippled layer by layer.

However, Su Chen didn't panic, and imitated Du Lang's movements, just spun on the ground, volleyed in the air, and frantically flicked his arms, "Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle!"

Dozens of streamers shot out, submerged into the crowd, and then exploded!

The sky is full of black mist and dust billowing...

"One more triple hit!"

Su Chen seemed to be addicted, as he waved his hand three times in a row, 30 elixirs flew and exploded like crazy!

for a while

The wind was rolling and the sky was dark, and the gray fog was rising and the ground was dim.

Just because everyone provoked Su Chen, the panacea exploded!

"I'll rub it, so many pills, you are not reckless!"

Du Feiyu felt a pain in his flesh!

When had he seen so many panaceas?

"Stop it!"

Du Feiyu shouted loudly, his figure was ghostly, like a ghost, passed through the billowing smoke, and grabbed Su Chen by the neck!

"Boy, you are crazy!"

"Wasting so many panacea, my heart hurts!"

"Now you have no chance to waste!"

Du Feiyu chuckled, his teeth itching from hatred!

The moment Su Chen is caught, the spiritual power is full of energy, and the magic energy is lingering, and Su Chen's extraordinary meridians are sealed!

"Hey, if you have pills, you will be willful. If you have skills, you can also learn from me. Discard them like dung!"

Su Chen was not surprised, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Good guy!"

Du Lang, Du Hu was ashamed, and there was even a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth!

"Hehe, boy, these things are mine now!"

Du Feiyu chuckled, reaching out to take off the space belt and space ring on Su Chen's body!

It was too late and then too soon, Su Chen waved his hand suddenly, and precisely stuffed a sixth-grade elixir into Du Feiyu's mouth!

With a bang, blood and white brains scattered in all directions...

"Don't mess with me!"

"This is what will happen to me!"

Du Feiyu died in an instant, his headless body fell to the ground, and the bright red blood was gushing like spring water, making everyone terrified!

Du Feiyu resisted most of the energy of the explosion, Su Chen was also affected, but did not suffer serious injuries!

"Get out of the way!"

Su Chen was imposing, holding a handful of pills in his hand, ready to throw them out crazily at any moment!

The earth spirit is full of energy, Su Chen is going to repeat the old trick again!

All of a sudden, the boots under his feet shone brightly, and unparalleled power bloomed...

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