I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 52 Is This A Petrified Dragon?

A layer of halo was transpiring, and Su Chen could only feel a tremendous force coming from his feet. Immediately afterwards, his whole body soared into the air, fluttering, thirty feet above the ground!

"Flying magic weapon?"

Su Chen was a little dazed, he knew that Qing Yunfei's things were unusual, but he didn't expect that these boots could carry people to fly!

The earth spirit was vibrating, Su Chen didn't dare to relax for a moment, for fear of a free fall, he became the first grandmaster in history to fall into the void and fall to his death!

"I wipe..."

"This fat sheep just ran away like this?"

Du Lang was not reconciled, he was really greedy for the huge amount of pills and the treasure that manned the flight!

However, only by stepping into the Immortal King Realm can they fly in the air. A group of cultivators in the Realm Realm can only watch Su Chen get farther and farther away, and finally turn into starlight and disappear from sight!

The world is bright and clear, and there is no cloud in the sky.

With the breeze blowing on his face, Su Chen felt refreshed.

"Desert, here I come!"

"Xiao Hui, Xiao Hong, here I come!"

Su Chen shouted in the air, and the sound waves rolled away!

After a long time, yellow sand all over the ground appeared in front of my eyes!

Su Chen was condescending, and it didn't take long to discover the Grand Canyon!

At this time, in the Crystal Palace, Xiaohong swallowed the inner alchemy and demon spirit of the silver-eyed golden-winged eagle with a depressed face. On the contrary, it is plump and looks more and more like a cat!

"Humpty Humpty, you said Su Chen was caught, what will happen to him?"

Viper Xiaohui hovered on a stone pillar made of sky crystal chalcedony, swallowing the essence of jade, swallowing snake letters, and asked softly!

"he came!"

Xiao Hong jumped up, found a hole, and plunged into it, leaving only a big furry butt, which looked even cuter!

Sure enough, in just three breaths, a figure flew in from the sky!

"Little Hui, what are you doing yourself?"

"Here, I will reward you with a sixth-grade elixir!"

Su Chen was in a good mood, as soon as he made a shot, it was a sixth-grade elixir, which made Xiaohong who was hiding in the hole greedy for a while!

With a shake of the body, I was surprised to find that the hole was too small, and I tried to get in just now, but now my head is stuck and I can't pull it out!

"That is……"

Su Chen found out about this scene and couldn't help but smile silly.

"Xiao Hong, what kind of kung fu are you practicing? Headlocking kung fu?"

After a long time, Su Chen pulled Xiaohong out, and also gave it a sixth-grade elixir!

"Next, we're going to do something big!"

"Go to Tianyi, meet and rescue Viper!"

As soon as Su Chen's words fell, he was opposed by Viper Xiao Hui!

"No, I was cursed by the Immortal Emperor. If I leave the desert, I will lose my vitality and die. Now, I have no snake energy. I'm afraid that within a day, I will become a snake!"

Xiao Hui was crying with a mournful face, speechless!

"I'll go with you, the outside world is still very beautiful!"

"There are beauties, there are elixir, and more importantly, there are disasters to blame, and there are people who are responsible for it!"

Xiaohong laughed, as if full of longing and longing!

"Su Chen, take this piece of jade, and only when I see the jade will my husband believe your words and won't hurt you!"

Xiao Hui opened his mouth, and spat out a piece of blood-colored jade!

"The essence of the fire spirit!"

"Little Loach, let me tell you why the spirit of the fire spirit disappeared. It turned out that you stole it!"

Xiao Hong's eyes widened, and she almost jumped up and snatched it!

"Be civilized, this is taking, not stealing!"

"Su Chen, this is the spar that my husband discovered when he was resisting the catastrophe, and it is also a token of love he gave me!"

Xiao Hui was very sad, especially when she heard that her husband's energy was depleted, and it seemed that the end was approaching, so it was desperate to go to Tianyizong!

However, if one's cultivation base and energy were sucked dry, he might not be able to reach the Tianyi sect, and he would die first!

"Don't worry, I and Tianyi are inseparable!"

Su Chen smiled slightly, and told Viper Xiao Hui to take care of Murong Xue and the others, then hugged Xiao Hong, stepped into the void, and floated away!

With the magic weapon of flying, Su Chen crosses the sky like a streamer, and the speed is so fast!

"Look, dragon..."

Xiaohong pointed to the ground under her feet and exclaimed!


Su Chen slowed down and looked down at the ground, but found nothing!

"That mountain! Look, that mountain is like a dragon petrified!"

Xiao Hong exclaimed all over her face, pointing her claws at the high mountain, her eyes sparkling, she was very excited!

At this moment, Su Chen was stunned!

"Isn't that Xulong Mountain?"

"The Canglong faction's residence back then!"

"The Qingyun Sect of the Eastern Region today!"

"Could it be that Xulong Mountain was really formed by the petrification of a divine dragon?"

Su Chen showed puzzlement and shock.

Above the void, one can clearly see that the entire Xulong Mountain is a coiled giant dragon.

On the top of the dragon head Tianling is the main hall of the Qingyun Sect, and the dangerous peaks on the left and right that look like Optimus Prime are the dragon horns of the giant dragon!

On weekdays, no one would fly over Xulong Mountain, so no one would pay attention to this phenomenon!

"Is this a magical work of nature? Or is there something else hidden?"

Su Chen was shocked!

At this time, the master of Qingyun Sect was forced to go to Tianyi Sect, and he could only stay behind the three elders of the Immortal King Realm to guard Qingyun Sect!

"Someone is spying on my sect!"

The great elder suddenly looked up at the sky!

"Young Master's Floating Cloud Shuttle?"

Erchang was puzzled for a while, the boots exuding holy light were the flying magic weapon of Qingyun sect, it couldn't be wrong!

"Go and see!"

The third elder was a little puzzled, "As soon as the suzerain left, someone peeped from the void, this is definitely a provocation!"

The three of them swelled their cultivation bases, their spiritual power transformed into wings, like dragonflies, they came towards Su Chen standing in the void!

"It was discovered."

Su Chen smiled wryly, his feet were filled with spiritual energy, and he was about to run away!

"Three Immortal Kings!"

“Su Chen, there seems to be nowhere for us to escape!”

In his arms, Xiao Hong was speechless for a while, if he was caught at this time, what awaited him would be skinning and convulsions, and entering a cauldron to refine medicine!

Su Chen's face was serious. He saw the three people from three directions, surrounded by horns towards him. The pressure of the Immortal King Realm was surging, and they locked on him straight. The only direction that was not blocked was Qing Yunzong. of the main hall.

"Xiao Hong, don't be afraid!"

"The big brother has a lot of bombs, watch the big brother reward them with a few firework bombs!"

Su Chen is not surprised.

With a light wave of the arm, three directions, each flying 5 pieces of sixth-grade elixir.

Immediately afterwards, the auspicious sound exploded in the air, and bright clouds rolled.

The sixth-grade elixir exploded in the void, and its power was not blocked at all. It can be said to be a perfect release!

The three elders of the Immortal King Realm, without warning, were deflated, their spiritual power was unstable, and the phantom wings behind them trembled and almost disappeared!

"I rub it, the sixth-grade elixir explodes?"

The Great Elder was a little dazed, his face full of disbelief.

The clouds were rolling and the wind was blowing. When everything returned to calm, the three of them looked at each other in dismay. Above the void, where was Su Chen's shadow?

"We must send a message to the suzerain, the person here is too crazy!"

"Fifteen sixth-grade elixir exploded, fortunately a little far away from us, otherwise, we would be ashamed and thrown to grandma's house!"

The second elder smiled wryly!

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