The three fairy kings smiled wryly, their faces full of bewilderment!

Auspiciously, the three returned to the palace helplessly!

The wind is rolling, the clouds are shrouded, and the vast northern ice field is covered with white snow, and everything is covered with snow!

"so cold!"

Xiaohong curled up in Su Chen's arms, shivering, the moment she spoke, white mist gushed out!

"Northern Ice Field, Tianyi Sect, if Leng Cangyue suffers the slightest damage, I don't mind having Tianyi Sect removed!"

Su Chen's face was gloomy and cold, and he was holding a snow lotus in the ice field in his hand. He was full of anger, and the essence of the snow lotus was continuously refined, and then it turned into 8 fourth-grade panacea filled with aura!

Su Chen is not stingy, and Xiaohonghai eats whatever he wants!

"Xiaohong, the panacea is gone, let's practice again, as long as you don't let your aura surge, your body will explode!"

Su Chen chuckled, his eyes were sharp, he couldn't stop looking for the grass jelly in the vast snow field!

Su Chen must be well prepared!

And the spirit pill has become his favorite weapon!

Dissatisfied? The panacea is like a cannonball, it will explode until you have nothing to love in life!

"There is someone ahead!"

Xiaohong's perception is still so detached, she spouts spirit energy, pointing to the front and speaking carelessly.

Sure enough, not long after, Su Chen saw Lin Yiyue and Hufa Xie concealing their aura and walking slowly. Moreover, Hufa Xie in Void King Realm was also injured, with bright red blood on the corner of his mouth!

"This Protector Xie is very mysterious. His dantian was pierced by Sect Master Yun and it was directly burned to ashes. It can still be recovered, and his cultivation is still flourishing!"

Su Chen had to look at Hufa Xie with admiration!

Of course, if Su Chen knew that Hufa Xie had eaten the lotus root of Yingri Bianhe to recover from his injury, I don't know how he would feel!

"Thank you, Protector, if you go further, you will be the sect of Tianyi Sect!"

"It's also the site of the Yang family, are you sure you want to go?"

Lin Yiyue chuckled, always with a mysterious smile!

"Go, why not go? The death of Protector Yang must be explained clearly. My Xie family cannot take the blame for Su Chen!"

Xie Hufa's face was gloomy and cold. Xie's family and Yang's family had a delicate relationship. At this time, the death of Yang Hufa from Wuling Academy was blamed on Xie's family. Perhaps it was the trigger of the war between the two families!

"Hey, I, Su Chen, are so unbearable? One person does things and one person is responsible. When did I escape?"

With a hearty laugh, Hufa Xie was stunned for a moment, and then, the extremely tense nerves relaxed again!

"Su Chen..."

"You, you actually escaped the clutches of Qing Yunzong's patriarch?"

Lin Yiyue had an incredible expression on her face!

"So what about the Immortal Venerable? Big Brother has the qualifications of an Immortal Emperor!"

"Yiyue, are you interested in inviting me to visit the Lin family?"

Su Chen waved his hand lightly, and a plant of Ice Flame Grass became a fourth-grade panacea, which Su Chen took into his pocket!

Lin Yiyue's face remained unchanged, she even reached out and put her arms around Su Chen's arm!

"Of course I have interest, but I don't know if you dare to be my boyfriend?"

Lin Yiyue's voice is soft and full of magnetism, making Su Chen feel like his bones are soft!

Su Chen smiled, and wrapped his arms around Lin Yiyue's waist.

"Of course I'm interested! How could I refuse a beautiful woman? Besides, big brother is a normal man!"

Su Chen's arms tightened, and he lowered his head slightly, almost kissing Lin Yiyue's crisp lips in one breath!

Lin Yiyue looked flustered for a while, but then she was relieved again!

His eyes were slightly closed, as if he was waiting for Su Chen's further attack!

"Tell you, don't try to play tricks!"

"The big brother is never threatened!"

Su Chen smiled and said softly, which made Lin Yiyue stunned.

However, before Lin Yiyue could speak, Su Chen breathed it out, making Lin Yiyue feel numb all over!


"Farewell to you, if you want me to be your boyfriend, you have to pay a little interest first!"

"Of course, Kitahara's night is cool and romantic, if you agree with me, I don't mind!"

Su Chen laughed.

"Come on, follow me to Lin's house!"

"If you promise each other with your body, you will promise each other, who is afraid of whom!"

Lin Yiyue shrugged her shoulders and smiled charmingly, making Su Chen a little confused!

"Are you overwhelmed by Big Brother's alchemy?"

"Or is there a conspiracy?"

Su Chen became vigilant!

"Okay, boy, you have captured the heart of a beauty so quickly, how can you make a bachelor like me miserable?"

Xie Hufa showed envious and jealous eyes!

"Yiyue, where's the viper egg, give me one to try!"

Su Chen didn't take it seriously, didn't she think that Lin Yiyue was serious and used beauty tricks just to convince herself?

How about not paying some interest?

"Give you!"

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a viper egg the size of a goose egg fell into Su Chen's hand!

At this moment, Su Chen was even more confused, and couldn't understand Lin Yiyue even more!

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!"

Su Chen murmured in his heart, extremely vigilant!

In this way, under the leadership of Lin Yiyue, the three quickly crossed the ice field, avoided the storm, and came to the Lin family!

"Master, Miss is back!"

The butler shouted excitedly.

For a while, Lin Xiaotian's sad face gradually eased up!

"Tianyi Sect is pressing very hard, especially the Great Protector. Under his instigation, Yiyue is on the list of young masters of Tianyi Sect!"

"This marriage must be concluded. For the sake of the Lin family, sacrifice Yiyue alone!"

Lin Xiaotian sighed.

If Lin Yiyue doesn't come back, he can still delay the time. However, if Lin Yiyue comes back, he can only take one step at a time. After all, the Tianyi Sect is the overlord of the Northern Territory, and their little Lin family has no ability to resist !

Letting Yiyue marry the young master of Tianyi Sect is simply an insult to the Lin family!

Because the young master of Tianyi School has been married 8 times, and every time he gets married, his wife will die within a year!

However, due to the status of the Tianyi sect, the people of Kitahara dare not speak out, and can only be slaughtered by others!

"Patriarch, do you want to send someone to inform the young master of Tianyi Sect?"

The housekeeper's face was flushed, as if he had already lost his mind!

"Go, or my Lin family's property is really over!"

Lin Xiaotian is helpless, as long as he is not the head of the family, he will take Lin Yiyue away!

However, if you are not in your position, you will not seek your own government!

The head of the family must be responsible and responsible, he cannot ignore the safety of the Lin family!

"Father, I'm back!"

Lin Yiyue shook Lin Xiaotian's arm coquettishly, blushing!

"What's the matter with the immortal list?"

Lin Xiaotian frowned, somewhat depressed.

"Father, where is my mother?"

Lin Yiyue was a little puzzled. When she came back, she didn't find her mother. Moreover, there was a weird atmosphere in the whole Lin residence. All the eyes that looked at her were full of disgust, which made Lin Yiyue very uncomfortable. !

"Yue'er, there is something, dad will tell you!"

"The young master of Tianyi Sect..."

"No, I won't listen, I won't marry him!" Just as Lin Xiaotian opened his mouth, Lin Yiyue stopped him.

"I have a sweetheart, and I will consummate the house with him tonight."

Lin Yiyue pointed at Su Chen at the door and shouted loudly.

"Damn it, it turned out to be a shield!" Su Chen smiled wryly.

"Hey... I'm Yiyue's boyfriend."

"Yiyue is my cheap wife!"

Su Chen smiled awkwardly and said hello.

"It's the first time I'm meeting my father-in-law, of course there must be a gift!"

Su Chen didn't give everyone a chance to speak, and when he raised his hand, more than a dozen streamers flew away...

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