The moment Tian Shengcai widened his eyes and looked at the three sixth-grade elixir, the smile on the corners of Su Chen's mouth became even wider!

Ever since using wild grass and trees and fire spirit power to refine medicine, Su Chen has tried to integrate the power of soul into the medicine pill!

You can detonate the pill as you like, thus becoming a huge lethal weapon!

The lips collided lightly, and the word "explosion" blurted out!

The sixth-grade elixir that had just been lifted above his head exploded with a bang!

The mushroom cloud is billowing, the black smoke is momo...


"my eyes……"

"I...why can't I see..."

Born to scream, he fell on the back of the spirit beast, covered his eyes and howled in pain on the ground!

Su Chen originally planned to detonate the elixir at the moment of entrance, so that he would kill Tian Sheng in one fell swoop!

However, I am born to dismiss it, and have no intention of eating the elixir at all!

This is how the scene just happened!

The bright flames shot out, blinding the eyes of the natural talent in one fell swoop!

Born to be the first to bear the brunt, affected by the force of the explosion, his palms were bloody and his face was pitch black, beyond recognition!


A silver spear slammed, mercilessly piercing through the natural talent's dantian!


"I am going to kill you……"


Tian Shengcai rolled on the spot, his bloody palms danced around, making everyone back away again and again, leaving room for Tian Shengcai alone!

"Su Chen wounded the young master of Tianyi Sect, go, catch him, and go to Tianyi Sect to receive the reward!"

The second elder yelled loudly, stirring people's hearts!

However, the members of the Lin family looked at each other, and no one moved!

"You... are you going to rebel?"

The second elder drank coldly.

"Second brother, stop shouting, people's hearts are cold, what prestige do you have? If you want to save him, you can save him yourself!"

Patriarch Lin Xiaotian smiled wryly. He understood that after this incident, he and the elders lost their conviction, and everything had to go with the flow!


"You... aren't you afraid of Tian Yizong's wrath?"

The second elder smiled wryly, full of murderous intent, he really wanted to chop Su Chen into pieces, but found that he couldn't see through Su Chen!


"Hehe, everyone was injured in my Lin family, do you think Tian Yizong will let it go?"

"Just like what Su Xiaoyou said, it's dead anyway, so it's better to fight!"

"Kill Tian Shengcai, destroy the body and wipe out the traces, maybe there is still a glimmer of life!" Lin Xiaotian snorted coldly, and walked towards Tian Shengcai who was rolling on the spot!

"Kill the natural talents, destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces..."

"Kill the natural talents, destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces..."


Everyone in the Lin family was in high spirits, shouting loudly!

"Who dares!"

The second elder stepped forward and stood in front of Tian Shengcai!

As if sensing the arrival of someone, Tian Sheng endured the pain and grabbed the second elder's ankle, and then, three times, five divisions, two, stood up, and pinched the second elder's neck!

The nails were long and slender, and they plunged into the second elder's flesh abruptly!

Due to the pain, he instinctively reacted, punched down, and with a bang, Tian Shengcai's chest was dented!

"I... I killed the young master?"

Seeing Tian Sheng fell to the ground, the second elder panicked!

thump thump

Take three steps back, leap onto the spirit beast's back, and run away in fright!

"Su Chen is mighty..."

I don't know who yelled, and then, the whole room exploded, and everyone was chanting "Su Chen... Su Chen..."

"Yiyue, let's go and wander around Tianya!"

Su Chen chuckled and grabbed Lin Yiyue's hand!


Lin Yiyue's mood is very complicated, but at this point, she can only bite the bullet and take one step at a time!

Su Chen walked up to Tian Shengcai, and took off all the space treasures on his body!

"It's still rich. There are 18 pieces of sixth-grade elixir, 200 pieces of third-grade elixir, and a lot of herbs. Haha, if you rob the young master of the sect, the harvest will be considerable!"

For a moment, Su Chen was dreaming, and even thought of robbing the young masters of Yunluan Sect, Zijinmen and Hunyuan Sect!

Anyway, we will have to face the five major sects in the future, and even the situation of immortality, so it doesn't matter if this day comes earlier!


After pouring a ladle of cold water, Tiansheng woke up!

"Let's go, go to Tianyizong!"

Su Chen's words stunned everyone present!

No one knows what medicine is sold in Su Chen's gourd!

At this very moment, four immortals, including the master of Qingyun Sect, gathered in Tianyi Sect!

In the hall, the atmosphere was tense to the extreme!

"Heavenly Sect Master, tell me, what's going on?"

Sect Master Yun spoke first.

"Open your mouth and let your spirit go, but your tongue will make a fuss!"

"Everyone, are you asking me for an excuse? Or are you confronting Sect Master Qing?"

Sect Master Tian was not surprised by favor or humiliation, even if his cultivation base fell and he was seriously injured and embarrassed, he endured it and said with a smile.

"Heavenly Sovereign, your injury doesn't look like it was punched out. It's fundamentally damaged, and it has the devouring power of a golden threaded ring knife!"

"Could it be, have you seen the unknown guest?"

The head of Zijinmen sneered, at this moment, he doesn't mind obliterating Sect Master Tian!

"I didn't see the nameless guest, but I saw something more terrifying than the nameless guest!"

Sovereign Tian sighed, thinking of the desert and his party, he was going crazy.

The cultivation base of Immortal Venerable Realm was swallowed abruptly, and now it has fallen to Void King Realm!

"If you want to die together, now you want to come here and act wild?"

Sovereign Tian muttered in his heart!

"Oh, what's more terrible?"

Sect Master Yun was interested, he really wanted to find out who could destroy the Immortal Venerable!

Seeing Sect Master Tian's appearance, Sect Master Yun felt that his lonely position of being so high and cold had been shaken!

Suzerain Hunyuanzhang, Zijinmen sect master, and Qingyun Sect suzerain also have their own small nine nines in their hearts!

"Let's go, I'll take you to the mysterious Heavenly Immortal Pavilion!"

Sect Master Tian got up and walked towards the outside of the hall.

At this moment, the azure blue water was misty, and a spirit beast with a moist breath came carrying an old man!

The old man tried to break free from the shackles of the water mist, but he tried his best, but he couldn't get rid of the blue water mist!

"Tianlin beast?"

The Sect Master of Tianyi Sect smiled wryly.

The next moment, the Tianlin beast lay down in front of the suzerain, bowed slightly, and the second elder of the Lin family was thrown off!

"Where is the young master?"

The suzerain was a little surprised.

The next moment, the Tianlin beast raised its head, and a layer of water mist flew up, submerging the suzerain's eyebrows!


Breathing out lightly, the suzerain directly took out a top-grade spirit sword, and beheaded the trembling second elder with one sword!

"Go, go to the Tianxian Pavilion, I wish you all become emperors!"

The suzerain is still so calm, flying on the back of the Tianlin beast, and leisurely submerged into the clouds!

"Hey, that spirit beast is gone, and it went all the way south!"

Ice Field, Su Chen was trying to figure out how to sneak into Tianyi School, when suddenly he looked up at the sky and said!

"Su Chen, what exactly do you want?"

Lin Yiyue asked.

"The Viper has been sealed under the ten-thousand-year-old ice of the Tianyi Sect. Are you interested in going crazy and saving the Viper?"

Su Chen laughed!

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