I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 58 Step Into Tianyi School

"Are you crazy?"

The Tianyi School is heavily guarded and it is difficult to enter. Lin Yiyue feels that stepping into the Tianyi School is to kill herself!

"With this, it should be easy to enter the Tianyi School!"

Su Chen chuckled, flipped his hand, and a blue token appeared in front of Lin Yiyue's eyes!

"Tian Yizong protects the law!"

"Su Chen, so you are the protector of Tianyi School?"

Lin Yiyue opened her mouth wide in surprise, but Tian Yizong was all water cultivators, but Lin Yiyue could only feel the thick earthy breath and fiery fire spiritual power on Su Chen's body!

"This is the law-protecting order!"

Su Chen smiled, he became even more curious about the identity of Qing Yunzong's third protector!

"Yes, this is Tianyi's highest-level law-protection decree. It is authorized by the suzerain. You don't need to practice Tianya anymore. You can use Tianya Cape as your home, and only collect information for Tianyi!"

Lin Yiyue understood Tian Yizong better, and said lightly!

"Su Chen, don't say you killed Tian Yizong's invisible protector?"

Lin Yiyue was even more shocked!

"Hey, it's said that women have long hair and short knowledge, why are you a different kind?"

The voice of milk sounded, and after leaving Lin's house, Xiaohong came back immediately, laying on Su Chen's shoulder, squinting at Lin Yiyue, and said.

"Let's go, adults talk, there is nothing wrong with children!"

Su Chen slapped Xiaohong's forehead and said.

"Go, go to Tianyizong!"

The next moment, under Lin Yiyue's leadership, Su Chen came to Tianyizong's residence!

Tall buildings decorated with silver rise, the forest pavilions are tall, the fairy clouds are curling up, and the auspicious atmosphere is a thousand!

"The one that shines is the sect of Tianyi Sect, made of a top-quality amethyst!"

"Firstly, to gather the aura of heaven and earth, secondly, to show the wealth of Tianyizong, and thirdly, to make people awe-inspiring!"

Lin Yiyue smiled wryly, living in the Northern Ice Field, joining the Tianyi Sect is a beautiful and sacred thing.

She had dreamed about it, fantasized about it, but she never thought that she would marry into the Tianyi Sect, let alone entered in this way now!


"Tianyi Sect's Holy Land is not the time for recruiting students, and the idlers can't wait to step in!"

The young man who guards the gate is smiling and full of air.

It's also worth being proud of being a gatekeeper to Tian Yizong. At the very least, it's not bad to pretend to be pretending in front of outsiders!

"Go away, delay things, be careful of your job!"

Su Chen said angrily, without staying too long, and walked towards the door!


A sword energy struck and pierced Su Chen's feet.

"One more step forward, Kill Unforgiven!"

The young man shouted loudly, his long sword clanging in his hand, guarding the gate was his duty.

"What a killer!"

"Just say that, you can go home and herd the sheep!"

Su Chen laughed loudly, and a blue token appeared in his hand, and the dense light rose up, making the piercing boy unable to open his eyes.

"Protection Order!"

"Guardian, I'm blind, I'm damned!"

The teenager is terrified!

"Remember, don't be casual in the future, it's just pants!"

Su Chen patted the boy on the shoulder, and then walked away, leaving the boy in a daze!

"I belong to sheep, not pants?"

The boy was puzzled!

I have to say that Tianyizong's formation is amazing!

Gathering the spirits of heaven and earth, absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, outside the formation, there is a snow-covered ice field, but inside the formation, it is like spring all the year round, and all kinds of fairy grasses are competing to bloom!

The breeze is coming, the water waves are not happy!

At this moment, Su Chen and Tian Yizong collided head-on!


"Why did you come to Tianyi?"

The big protector was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled!

"Who is he? Where is the young master?"

The great protector knew in his heart that Lin Yiyue and the young master he had single-handedly matched were born talented, and as for the purpose, he knew in his heart!

"Why, I have a case in Tiantian, do I still need to report to you?"

Su Chen raised the token in his hand, and then he was about to take Lin Yiyue away!

As for the young master's natural talent, he was beheaded by Su Chen on the way here, and died!

"Protection order?"

"Which Guardian are you?"

The big protector stared at Su Chen sharply and asked.

"Why, you doubt my identity?"

"Since I am a hidden guardian, there is no need to confess my identity to you, right?"

"Since I ran into you, let's be a tour guide!"

"I haven't been back for many years, and my memory is also bad. Now I go home, I feel strange, and I can't find my way!"

Su Chen patted the Great Elder's shoulder very naturally, and stuffed a sixth-grade elixir into the Great Guardian's hand without any trace.

"Hehe, okay, I will lead the way, I don't know where you are going?"

The Great Protector is very happy, no one thinks there are too many sixth-grade elixir!

At a critical moment, the sixth-grade elixir can save lives, so who would take it too long?

"Hey, let's go for a stroll, just in time, on the way here, the young master's wife was chased and killed by a bear, so I will rescue her!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Yiyue's heart skipped a beat, and she glanced at the big protector, and found that the big protector was smiling, as if immersed in the joy of the sixth-grade elixir, she didn't pay attention to Su Chen's words at all!

"It's bad, Su Chen, you've been covering it up very well, but one sentence exposed your identity!"

"There are no bears in the Northern Ice Field. Bears are a must-kill prey on Tianyi's blacklist. In the past 50 years, there are no bears in the Northern Ice Field!"

Lin Yiyue murmured in her heart, she was extremely nervous, now that she was exposed, the two of them were really under attack, and there was no help!

"By the way, it is said that the suzerain is injured, is the suzerain alright?"

Su Chen asked with concern while visiting!

"The suzerain was indeed injured, it was very serious. Not long ago, the heads of the four major sects gathered together, and the suzerain took them to a mysterious place, what did they say about the heavenly pavilion!"

The Great Elder has already understood that Su Chen is the one who sneaked in. The Northern Ice Field has no bears. In a word, Su Chen's identity has been exposed!

"Oh, what about the people brought back by the suzerain?"

"Who is he, worthy of the suzerain to travel thousands of miles to bring him back to our sect?"

Su Chen finally got to the point, Lai Tianyi Sect's purpose is to save Leng Cangyue, as for Viper, it shouldn't be so easy to save.

The Great Guardian knew it well, and regarded Su Chen as Leng Cangyue's accomplice.

"That person seems to be involved with some unknown person. He is the top criminal of Tianyi Sect. He has been chopped into pieces, leaving only a trace of sanity, and sealed in the forbidden area!"

The big protector chuckled, he stared at Su Chen to see his expression, however, he was disappointed.

Su Chen's Gujing was calm, nothing unusual!

"I am in the Desolate Demon Clan, and I have learned the soul search technique. Take me to see her, maybe I can pry her mouth open and relieve the suzerain's worries and doubts."

Su Chen was very nervous inside, if Leng Cangyue really fell, he wouldn't mind poking a hole in Tian Yizong!

"Soul search!"

"Hidden protection method, this is a forbidden technique, if you are not careful, you will become the public enemy of Tianyu Continent!"

"It's okay, the soul search technique, I only benefit the suzerain, I believe the suzerain will not swing the butcher knife at me!"

Su Chen waved his hand, and another sixth-grade elixir was delivered to the Great Guardian!

"Haha, let's go, I'll take you to meet her!"

The big protector showed a sinister smile!

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