Layers of snow-capped peaks pass through the clouds, and the mist reflected in the sun is so white!

The forbidden land of Tianyi Sect is said to be the hometown of extremely cold air. There are thousands of years of ice rocks there, and all creatures that are frozen and sealed in will be immortal forever!

"It's so cold, I'm freezing to death!"

Xiao Hui curled up on Su Chen's chest, her claws grabbed Su Chen's chest, as if she wanted to dig a hole and get in!

On the side, Lin Yiyue's face was also covered with frost mist, her spiritual energy was surging,

Block the cold attack!

"In front is Wangyou Valley, where the woman was imprisoned. At this time, I'm afraid he has died!"

The big protector chuckled, and a look of a successful trick flashed in his eyes!

"Go, go and see!"

Su Chen was a little anxious, the fire spirit power traveled all over his body, every pore was emitting fire, he didn't feel cold!

"It's the viper's breath, boy, I sensed it. It's the viper's breath. Its vitality seems to be weakening!"

At this moment, Xiaohong exclaimed in surprise, and sent a voice transmission to Su Chen, and in an instant, it regained its spirit, as if it was no longer afraid of the cold.

"Is there the breath of Leng Cangyue there?"

Su Chen has a lot of trust in the Red Fire Dragon Jiao, especially its super perception, so Su Chen has to obey!

"No, there are only 30 corpses here, eternal youth, forever, it seems... It seems that the essence has been sucked dry!"

Xiao Hong frowned, flew over, and plunged into Lin Yiyue's arms.

Slipping out, she got under Lin Yiyue's clothes, her head protruding from the collar, and she looked at Su Chen with a sneer on her face!

"Drained the essence? Corpse?"

"Is there a secret here?"

Su Chen's heart skipped a beat, and he retracted the step he took!

"Hidden Protector, why, you can't bear the extreme cold here?"

"Based on your cultivation, it should be very easy to resist the extreme cold. Come on, show your true cultivation and let the old man open his eyes!"

The big protector chuckled, he always thought that Su Chen deliberately concealed his cultivation, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

The Grandmaster Realm Cultivator has a guardian decree, how is this possible?

"Why, the master level is very good! Do you have to be like you, swaggering, for fear that others will not know that you are a holy king?"

Su Chen carelessly, not nervous at all!

"Look, Leng Cangyue is here!"

Suddenly, the Great Protector exclaimed, pointing to the depths of Wangyou Valley, and said.

Su Chen was taken aback, especially the word "Leng Cangyue", which made Su Chen's nerves tense.

The instinctive reaction was to look into the depths of Wangyou Valley.


With a loud noise, a bronze-colored palm was the heaviest imprint on the back of Su Chen's heart. The violent force pushed him ten feet away, and landed on a nearly transparent barrier.

Layers of ripples appeared in the barrier, like a layer of sticky lard.

Very easily, Su Chen passed through the barrier and fell heavily on the ice. Due to inertia, he drew 30 feet before he stabilized his figure!

"Great Guardian, you..."

Lin Yiyue pointed at the big protector, and was incoherent for a moment, not knowing what to say!

"How can there be any bears in the snowy ice field?"

"Obviously, he came to save Leng Cangyue!"

"Yiyue, you belong to the young master, you can't cuckold the young master, you can't insult my Lin family's reputation!"

The great protector chuckled, the cultivation of the Saint King Realm was surging, and a chain of spiritual power flew across in an instant, sealing Lin Yiyue's cultivation.

"Ahead is indeed the Valley of Worry, and it is also the place where the Viper is sealed!"

"Every night when the moon is full, the Viper will come out to look for food. Tonight, let this kid be the Viper's dinner!"

The big protector sneered, very happy!

"let me go!"

"Yiyue, don't forget, this is Tianyi Sect, and I am the chief protector of Tianyi Sect! Here, you are no longer the eldest lady, everything is in my hands!"

"Hehe, it's a beautiful day, the old man will eat meat tonight, how about an old cow eating young grass?"

"Tell me, at that time, Tian Shengcai, that trash will get you, and know that you are broken, how will he react?"

The big protector laughed, his eyes gradually turned green, and he stretched out his salty hand to Lin Yiyue!

"Go away!"

Lin Yiyue was in a hurry, her cultivation base was blocked, she could only escape with her own physical strength!

However, before he could take a few steps, he was hit by the extremely cold air and fell down with a plop!

"Haha, Yiyue, how do you feel about Lin Xiaotian being my father-in-law?"

The Great Guardian became more and more rampant. There was not a single soldier on the outskirts of the forbidden area. At this time, the Great Guardian of the Saint King Realm was Heaven!


Lin Yiyue used all her strength to smash a lump of ice at the guardian!

"Haha, struggle..."

"The old man will be sympathetic and cherish the jade, and will not be barbaric..."

The big protector's eyes turned green, and he grabbed Lin Yiyue's chest!


There was a crisp sound, and immediately after, the Great Guardian screamed!

He only saw a flash of red light fly by, and immediately after, his palm disappeared, and his wrist was dripping with blood and stubble, it was breathtaking!

"Bah... bah..."

"It doesn't taste good at all, it smells like urine, how many places does it take to touch it before it gets contaminated?"

With a look of disgust on Xiaohong's face, she opened her mouth in a burst of crazy nausea, and a withered palm was spat out!

"Bastard, you dare to bite me?"

The guardian is crazy!

With his palm gone, how could he bear such a blow?

Ignore Lin Yiyue, chase after Xiaohong and fight!

"That's right, you were the one who bit it! Are you capable of biting it back?" Xiao Hong chuckled, and then ran wildly on the thick ice with her slippery body.

He is a flood dragon, in the water, or on the ice, that is its world!

The Great Protector of the Saint King Realm really couldn't catch up with Xiaohong for a while!

bang... bang...

There was a burst of loud noises, the trembling snow peak trembled, and countless ice slags rolled down!

Under the thick barrier, Su Chen held two spears, one silver-white and one golden, stabbing towards the barrier crazily!

However, it is easy to get in and hard to get out!

The enchantment was like an iron wall, and Su Chen only felt the pain in his arm from the shock.

"Su Chen..."

Lin Yiyue shouted, her heart was full of worries!

"damn it!"

The Great Protector felt in a trance for a while, and he knew that it was because of excessive bleeding!

A sixth-grade elixir emerged and swallowed it in one gulp!

"Blast me!"

Su Chen shouted, how could he miss such an opportunity?

With a loud bang, the guardian felt dizzy in his head, and golden stars flashed in his eyes!

The next moment, the whole person was unconscious and fell on the ice!

There was black smoke in the mouth, gushing three feet high, like a chimney!

"Damn it, is the physique of a Saint King Realm cultivator so strong?"

Su Chen was speechless for a while, before, the same method killed several Void King Realm cultivators!



Just when Su Chen was shocked by the strength of the Saint King Realm, there were rustling sounds from behind him.

The ice surface wriggled, as if it was about to burst, and the ice and snow flew like a snow peak that was about to collapse!

"Su Chen..."

"It's the Viper, here comes the Viper!"

Lin Yiyue exclaimed, her eyes almost popped out!

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