I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 60 Is There Really Someone Who Thinks Life Is Too Long?

A big snake with a height of thirty feet and the thickness of a bucket wriggled its blackened body and bared two fangs. The snake letter was thirty feet long!


Su Chen was taken aback for a moment, but then he was relieved again!

A case in the future, isn't it just to save Viper?

Now that I hit it, I just saved a lot of energy!

"I know you can talk, you're psychic!"

Su Chen was not afraid, he smiled at the corner of his mouth, and with a palm, a crimson spar emerged!

The gorgeous sun is transpiring, as if there is a slow flame burning!


A roar that looked like a dragon but not a dragon shook the sky!

A cloud of dark green venom was pouring down like a torrential rain!

At the same time, the tail was like a steel whip, blasting the air, and with a rumbling sound, it slammed down towards Su Chen fiercely!

The big snake's face was full of sadness, a crystal clear teardrop dripped down, and the air was full of desolation!

The biggest obstacle is the inability to communicate, which makes Su Chen helpless!

He is not afraid of venom, but he can't take a blow from the Immortal King Realm!

"Viper, Xiao Hui, the king of the desert, is not dead, this is a token from me from Tatuo!"

Su Chen roared, and retreated crazily.

However, how fast did he pass the Viper in the Immortal King Realm?

After only ten steps back, he was entangled by the bucket's thick tail, and was pulled in front of Xuepen Dakou in a flying scroll!

"The world is as black as crows, and you are no exception!"

"Believe you, pigs will climb trees!"

Viper made a thick sound, full of sadness and desolation!

"and many more!"

Su Chen was in a hurry to bite down when he saw the bloody mouth!

Outside the barrier, Lin Yiyue's heart tensed up to her throat!

However, she couldn't hear the sound, but saw Su Chen being rolled up to his mouth by the viper, as if he was going to eat him alive!

"It's all you!"

Lin Yiyue was furious and kicked the big protector's chest frantically!

"Little girl, don't worry, it will come back in a while, listen to me!" Xiaohong chuckled lightly, disapproving.


One bite pierced the big guardian's lower abdomen, and the sharp claws directly pierced the big guardian's dantian. After a while of groping, a golden bead was forcibly dug out!

"Golden elixir, a cultivator of the Saint King Realm, his dantian will be tamped and condensed, this is the essence of his life!"

Xiaohong explained slightly, and swallowed the golden pill in one gulp!

Lin Yiyue felt that such a bloody scene was normal!

Her heart is completely on Su Chen, worried, helpless, nervous, longing...

"Viper, you are cursed by the Immortal Emperor. If you leave the desert, your lifespan will decrease. Am I right?"

"Back then, when you failed to cross the tribulation, you were transferred from the mountain by people from the five major sects, and you were arrested, leaving Xiao Hui alone, living like a year in the dark!"


Su Chen uttered everything about them in one go!

"I know a lot!"

"Say, who killed Ash?"

The snake's tail exerted force, and Su Chen's bones were numb, almost breaking!

"Who said Xiao Hui is dead?"

"It's waiting for you in the desert, and I'm here to save you!"

Su Chen was overwhelmed, he felt that this viper didn't like anything, he couldn't communicate at all!

"Don't lie to me. It's useless to talk too much. In my few lives, it is also a kind of enjoyment to taste human flesh again!"

The viper's face was icy cold, and it opened its mouth wide, ready to bite off Su Chen's head!

"Wait, I still have evidence to prove my innocence. If you don't believe me again, you will be killed or cut to pieces. I admit it!"

Su Chen drank loudly, almost convinced, Su Chen even thought again, was the Viper stimulated? Would you rather die in the Tianyi sect and have your body sacrificed to become a treasure, than fight desperately to gain a chance?


Viper squinted its lantern-sized eyes, breathed gray mist, and the corrosive breath gushed out!

"Do you remember the Red Fire Dragon Flood Dragon?"

"Hmph, of course this king remembers it, the coward among the monsters, if it helped me back then, this king would not be trapped here, so cold that it was so cold that I couldn't see the sun!"

Viper's teeth itch!

"It's here, and it's rejuvenated, and Xiao Hui is also rejuvenated!"

Su Chen's heart became tense, once he was bitten by the viper, he would really die, and he would get his lunch box!

"Where is it?"

Viper became interested, with sharp eyes, scanning the surroundings, looking for the shadow of the red fire dragon dragon.

"Outside the barrier, I was tricked and thrown in."

Su Chen pointed at the thick barrier and sighed softly.

At this time, Xiao Hong was full of auspiciousness, and swallowed the golden elixir condensed by the sage king, its strength increased like flying, and her cultivation returned to the true state!

However, its body is still cute and chubby, more and more like a national treasure panda, without the appearance of a dragon!

"I'm so pissed off!"

"How did this king become such a bear?"

Xiaohong pouted, very displeased!

"Wow, you're so cute, if you weren't covered in scales and armor, you would really be able to compete with a bear!"

"By the way, where are your parents? Don't say that one of them is a dragon and the other is a bear. You are a hybrid!"

Lin Yiyue laughed out loud!

"Damn it, this king is a pure man!"

Xiaohong was angry, being despised by a woman, it was very upset, it vowed to regain its cultivation, transform into a human, and then beat Lin Yiyue a hundred times a hundred times!

"see it?"

"That adorable little cat is the Red Fire Dragon!"

Su Chen was a little speechless. Through the barrier, he could see Lin Yiyue and the others, but he couldn't hear their words.

"Sure enough, it's that damned little snake."

Viper's eyes lit up, revealing deep hatred.

"Tell me, how can you save me?"

"Grandmaster, why do you save me?"

"What confidence do you have to save me?"

The Viper was furious, at this moment, it couldn't wait any longer.

However, being trapped here for thousands of years has already exhausted its arrogance, and the thick barrier cannot be broken at all!

"Now, that's the only way to go!"

Su Chen sighed slightly, feeling very helpless!

At the beginning, he vowed to save Viper, because he had two immortal weapons, the Dragon Slaying Sword and the Golden Silk Dahuan Dao!

Now that the celestial artifact has been taken away, Su Chen can only rely on the broken token fused into his chest!

"What can I do?"

asked Viper!

"follow me!"

Su Chen chuckled, with an extremely solemn expression on his face. He wanted to gamble, and he gambled with his own life!

Standing in front of the barrier, Su Chen naturally put his back on the barrier!

"Viper, you hit my chest with all your might!"

"Don't spare any energy!"


Su Chen said seriously.

"Damn it, you don't want to live anymore?"

"Is there really someone in this world who thinks life is too long?"

Viper was a little curious, it was the fairy king among monsters, if it hit with all its strength, even the fairy king among human beings would not dare to resist, a little grandmaster, wouldn't he be blasted into scum in an instant?

"Don't talk nonsense, if you want to leave here, just do as I say!"

Su Chen closed his eyes, concentrating on the existence of the induction token!


Viper came to a dragon to sway its tail, and the enormous power poured down, hitting Su Chen's chest directly!

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