I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 64 Reappearance Of The Gate Of Time And Space

The three protectors are majestic and dignified!

He felt that he had been hit, and the legend of the immortal being undefeated had been broken, which made him terrified and bottomless!

"Three Protectors, where do you think they will go?"

"Desert in the Southern Region?"

Su Chen muttered to himself, narrowing his eyes slightly, as if thinking of something.

At the beginning, in the desert, the Heavenly Sovereign was inexplicably wounded. Could it be that the fall of the Immortal Venerable was all a conspiracy planned by the Heavenly Sovereign?

Could it be that there is a great terror above the desert?

The more Su Chen thought about it, the more likely it was!

"Let's go to the desert. If it's the adder, everything will make sense!"

The streamer flew, and Su Chen quickly followed.

"Elixir is still so useful!"

"As a bomb, it really is a waste of money."

"No wonder everyone regards pills as treasures."

Above the void, Su Chen laughed at himself, another elixir entered his stomach, and his spiritual power became full again!

If only relying on his own spiritual power, Su Chen would not be able to walk in the void for a long time, then the Floating Cloud Shuttle would probably not be able to move long ago!

Traveling all over the three mountains and five mountains in one day is something Su Chen can't even imagine!

"Su Chen, we are..."

On Su Chen's back, Lin Yiyue was tightly bound, the breeze was blowing on her face, her hair was fluttering, and she was so beautiful!

"Yiyue, go to the Southern Region, the immortal has fallen, we must find out the reason!"

Su Chen was very serious, but at the same time he was very curious.

"The Immortal Venerable is the god on Tianyu Continent, how could he fall?"

Lin Yiyue was puzzled, but her heart skipped a beat when she saw the three guardians walking in front of her.

"Isn't this the three protectors of my Lin family? After disappearing mysteriously for 8 years, and now showing up, it turns out to be an immortal?"

Lin Yiyue opened her mouth wide, and rubbed her eyes vigorously to make sure she read correctly.

"This person is really mysterious. In the five major sects, he has the status of an elder and a disciple, and he is also a high-ranking figure in the Lin family. How did he do it? Is it because of the Five Qi Chaoyuan Kung Fu?"

Su Chen is even more envious of the three protectors!

All the way south, within a full hour, Su Chen followed the three protectors across the Tianyu Continent, and came to the desert again!

"I don't know what happened to Yan'er and the others?"

Shaking his head, Su Chen smiled wryly.

"No, people from the Demon Race have been here, and the place where those people's aura disappeared is by the side of the oasis!"

As soon as she entered the desert, Xiaohong became excited. That was her territory and her home.

"Su Chen, I didn't expect that the cat next to you can talk!"

The three protectors were a little shocked, and there was a hint of greed in their hearts.

He has seen many spirit beasts, and he has also seen many spirit beasts that communicate with their masters through soul power, but this is the first time he has seen spirit beasts that speak human words and communicate happily.

"Don't make a lecherous expression, this king is a pure man, and this king's sexual orientation is normal!"

Xiao Hong glared at the third protector, and with a whoosh, she slipped into Lin Yiyue's arms again, causing Lin Yiyue's face to turn red!

"Xiaohong, where did they disappear?"

Su Chen was very excited, maybe he could speculate the reason for the fall of the immortal through the ruins around him.


Xiaohong turned into a fiery red light and bounced to the edge of the oasis.

"It's here. I remember that there was a teleportation array here. Did they destroy the teleportation array?"

Xiaohong looked around, but found no trace of the teleportation array.

The yellow sand was still there, except for the four hooves left by the Tianlin beast, the long stretch of yellow sand was surprisingly calm.

"The little loach came here, it was caused by its venom!"

Xiao Hong looked at the black sand and frowned.

"There is a lot of demon energy in this place. Could it be that everyone has been captured by the demon clan?"

Xiaohong said to herself and analyzed, causing Su Chen and others to exclaim.

"There is indeed a strong wave of space power here. Obviously, if someone breaks the void and leaves, what kind of cultivation is that?"

The third protector squinted his eyes, his soul power was transpiring, and he carefully sensed all the situations in the four fields.

Suddenly, Su Chen felt a stuffy feeling in his chest, and then, an incomparable celestial glow rose thickly, above the yellow sand, an ancient teleportation array suddenly appeared in the place shrouded by the celestial glow!

"It is this teleportation array, it is the fairy secret realm, and it is the key that resonates with the entrance of the fairy secret realm!"

Xiaohong was excited, if the broken fragment on Su Chen's body can open the door to the fairyland, then its cultivation base will be restored, just around the corner!

"You have a lot of secrets!"

The three protectors looked at Su Chen, their eyes sparkled, making Su Chen feel a chill in his soul.

"Being greedy for money and killing people!"

"Big brother is not easy to bully, so what if you are a fairy?"

Su Chen murmured in his heart, thinking about countermeasures!

The third protector stepped onto the teleportation array with excitement, and the runes were lingering on it, and the ancient breath rushed to his face, and the vicissitudes of the years moved him!


The three protectors waved their hands, the spirit stone was thrown, and the surging spirit power instantly activated the formation!

In the blink of an eye, it was like hanging upside down in the void!

A gate of time and space is suspended, the fairy clouds are thick, and there are thousands of auspicious signs!

"Sure enough, it's the Fairy Secret Realm!"

The third protector was overjoyed. Inside the stone gate, four golden stone statues bowed down. He just felt familiar, but didn't think much about it!


The unparalleled suction spread, and the face of the three protectors instantly turned black!

His power is passing, his cultivation is falling, and his original power is being pulled away!


"what is that?"

The third protector had a ferocious expression and roared in horror, as if he saw a great horror, his whole face was pale with fright, and his eyes were about to pop out!

In just ten breaths, the three protectors were petrified under that incomparable pressure, and finally knelt down in the fairy pavilion!

"Su Chen, what's going on?"

"Is it because of this reason that the Immortal Venerable fell?"

Lin Yiyue backed away in fear, for fear that she would be sucked in too!

"Look carefully, that stone statue is the head of the four sects, except there is no Heavenly Sect Master!"

"Everything is clear. When we activated the formation, Sect Master Tian must have suffered here, and his cultivation base has plummeted!"

"But why did he escape death?"

Su Chen was a little puzzled. Suddenly, Su Chen saw the golden thread big ring knife and the Yinyue Zhanlong sword obliquely inserted on a boulder, and his heart started to itch again!

"Su Chen, what are you doing?"

Seeing Su Chen walking slowly towards the door of space, Lin Yiyue exclaimed!

He grabbed Su Chen's arm and wanted to drag him away!

In an instant, an unparalleled coercion came over them, and the two of them remained motionless!

"Su Chen, it's fine now, you and I will die in the same year, same month, and same day!"

Lin Yiyue closed her eyes. At this moment, she felt relaxed, as if everything was about to be liberated!

"Who said we were going to die?"

Su Chen didn't panic, he clearly sensed that something was calling him behind the gate of space and time, and for a moment, under the shroud of the fairy light on his chest, he unexpectedly resumed his actions!

Stretching out his arms lightly, he wanted to push Lin Yiyue out of the area covered by the gate of time and space!

However, the moment he touched Lin Yiyue's shoulder, he was in a mess!

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