I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 65 Spring Brilliance Enters Asgard

An evil fire rose in Su Chen's body, and the feeling of strongly possessing Lin Yiyue grew in his mind!

"Su Chen, you... what's wrong with you?"

Lin Yiyue was a little flustered, but she couldn't avoid it. She let Su Chen open her arms and hug her tightly!

The next moment, Lin Yiyue felt her mind was blank, the passionate kiss from her lips made her messy and intoxicated...

After a frenzied struggle, Lin Yiyue no longer resisted, but catered to Su Chen's movements...


After a long time, Su Chen slowly came back to his senses, looking at the shy beauty in his arms, Su Chen's heart trembled!

"Wow, this king actually watched a live broadcast!"

Xiao Hong came out from under the yellow sand disheveledly, with a look of excitement on her face.


"Go to hell!"

Lin Yiyue and Su Chen spoke in unison, and shot down frantically with one finger after another, making Xiao Hong grin her teeth and choke speechlessly.


Su Chen was flustered. Just now, he lost his mind and executed Lin Yiyue on the spot.

"Yiyue, I..."

Su Chen was speechless and didn't know what to say for a moment.

The gate of time and space above the head was still floating, and there were silk ribbons hanging down. The call from the bottom of my heart was still vague, making Su Chen restless!

"Su Chen, do you love me?"

Lin Yiyue put her arms around Su Chen's neck, and the magnetic voice echoed in Su Chen's ears.


Su Chen blurted out, however, this was not his true words. The original purpose of following Lin Yiyue was to save the Viper Egg, so as to save Su Yan'er and others from danger.

As for what happened later, it was out of Su Chen's control at all!

"Su Chen, let's make an oath!"

"Unless the mountains have no edges, and the heaven and the earth are united, you dare to break with the king!"

Lin Yiyue's face was rosy, and she said softly, the arm around Su Chen's neck was even stronger!

"Okay, winter thunder and summer rain and snow..."

Before Su Chen could finish his words, the glow in his chest suddenly burst forth, and two streams of fresh air hung down from the door of space, like two tentacles, entangled Su Chen, and ruthlessly dragged him into the fairy pavilion!

"Su Chen..."

Lin Yiyue shouted loudly, and stretched out her arms, as if she wanted to pull back the person who had entered the Heavenly Immortal Pavilion!

At this time, in the depths of the oasis, Murong Xue and the others were practicing with their eyes closed, not paying attention to the surrounding scene at all!

Shouts of alarm awakened everyone in the cultivation state!

"Su Chen?"

"Who is calling Su Chen?"

Murong Xue was taken aback, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw the Celestial Pavilion floating in the void!

"My God, it's a miracle!"

"Is this the treasure left by the Immortal Emperor?"

Apart from anything else, the spiritual power was transpiring, and a red horse was condensed, carrying him on his back, galloping past!

"Yan'er, let's go together!"

Seeing Murong Xue leaving quickly, Ye Wushuang became very jealous.

"Since everyone thinks that I did something wrong, then I am completely wrong. After you become my women, why am I wrong?"

Ye Wushuang murmured in his heart, but with a kind smile on his face, he pushed towards Su Yan'er!

"Brother Wushuang, I'm so scared!"

Su Yan'er pretended to be timid and looked nervous!

"With me here, don't be afraid, come on, let me relax for you, and make you linger!"

Ye Wushuang laughed loudly, his face full of affirmation at Su Yan'er's appearance.

"Brother Wushuang, snake, here comes the snake!"

Su Yan'er pointed at the back of Ye Wushuang and exclaimed.


In an instant, Ye Wushuang's scalp tingled, and he instinctively turned around, ready to slap him down.

Su Yan'er grasped the timing very well. The moment Ye Wushuang turned around, a spirit sword stabbed out frantically, piercing through his lower back and piercing his dantian!

"Want to eat my tofu? Be tender!"

With a chuckle, Su Yan'er stepped away, leaving Ye Wushuang alone in a daze.

Before, his cultivation base was abolished, and there was Hufa Xie to solve the urgent need.

At this moment, Ye Wushuang was completely desperate when his cultivation base was abolished!

"Hateful woman!"

"If I become the Qing Emperor in his year, all the women in the world will be in their pockets!"

Ye Wushuang was so hysterical that he couldn't love him anymore!

"It's Lin Yiyue..."

Ten feet away from the gate of time and space, Murong Xue could clearly see the woman shrouded in the glow!

"Don't come here, you won't be able to get out if you come here!"

Lin Yiyue shouted.

"Sister Xue'er, look quickly, brother Su Chen is in that fairyland!"

Su Yan'er shouted, she clearly saw Su Chen groping among the five stone statues, as if he was looking for something!

"Yan'er, Su Xuan, come on, let's kill her together!"

"It's her who caused us to be trapped in the Viper Palace, and Leng Cangyue to be ruined by spirit beasts!"

"It's not a pity that she died!"

"Yan'er, her purpose is not pure, she must want to harm Su Chen again!"

Murong Xue squinted her eyes, her momentum was overwhelming, and she was full of murderous intent!

"No, that's not the case. Anyway, don't come here!"

Lin Yiyue shouted, after Su Chen left, she moved for a moment, and then was mercilessly imprisoned again, Lin Yiyue knew that as long as Murong Xue and the others stepped into this place, they would lose their ability to move!

"Yan'er, let's go!"

The next moment, Murong Xue and Su Yan'er held long swords, and rushed towards Lin Yiyue with arrogance and high spirits!

Su Xuan was unhurried, as if he had lost his sanity.

In an instant, Xianxia came to her body, and the two of them seemed to have been immobilized by a body-holding technique, and they were motionless!

"I said don't come here, it's fine now, if someone wants to plot something wrong, we will be a living target!"

Lin Yiyue sighed.

"Void imprisonment! How is it possible?"

Murong Xue exclaimed, she couldn't do anything except talk!

On the oasis, seeing the three stunning beauties being pinned down, Ye Wushuang was driven mad, and even regretted his actions just now!

"What a great opportunity this is. Even though I'm disabled, I'm still a man!"

Ye Wushuang took a elixir, which stopped the bleeding, and then, clutching his lower back, limped and walked towards the three women!

At this moment, inside the Heavenly Immortal Pavilion, Su Chen was exuding a beautiful light all over his body, and that incomparable coercion was forcibly shielded!

"There are seven black spots on the ground, which are connected to look like the Big Dipper!"

"Five immortals occupy five places, and these two empty places..."

Su Chen couldn't imagine it anymore.

"Could it be that there are seven immortals in the world? These seven positions are reserved for the seven immortals?"

Su Chen was terrified, he thought of Tianzongzhu and Mozun.

In the whole world, it seems that the two immortals are still alive!

Su Chen didn't think about it anymore, but frantically searched the five petrified immortals!

The Immortal Venerable petrified, his clothes, and space treasures all became sculpture-like existences, but the celestial glow on Su Chen's body passed by, and the place shrouded by the celestial glow returned to normal.

When Xianxia left, the place turned petrified again.

Su Chen is getting more and more interested in the fragments that melt into his chest!

After looting five space treasures in a row, Su Chen left unwillingly!

"It's the Celestial Lin Beast!"

Suddenly, Su Chen saw the Tianlin beast walking in the medicine field, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth!

"It seems that the previous guess is correct, you are transformed from a fragment!"

Su Chen said to himself, heading towards the Tianlin beast!

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