I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 66 The Fifth Fragment In Hand


The Tianlin Beast raised its spirits, raised its head to the sky and roared loudly, almost substantive sound waves rolled in, like ten thousand swords, piercing through the heart, making Su Chen's scalp tingle!

At this time, the Tianlin Beast, like Su Chen, is full of fairy clouds and auspiciousness!

Every time it lands, a layer of ripples will rise on the ground, blocking the endless pressure in the air!

"You can't run!"

Su Chen stared at the Tianlin Beast with blazing eyes, searching for its flaws and weaknesses!

"Water waves? You actually have the characteristics of water spirit power!"

"Among the five elements, although water can overcome fire, but when there is more fire and less water, fire can also overcome water!"

"According to the Five Elements, earth conquers water! Today, big brother will bring you an earth and fire prison to send you back to your original origin!"

As soon as he stepped out, the spirit of the earth surged, and with the help of the earth's energy, he knocked the Tianlin beast to the ground in an instant!

At this time, the Tianlin Beast only has the spiritual cultivation, and has no other strengths other than flying!

"Skyfire Liaoyuan!"

With a loud shout, the aura of Guizhen Realm surged out, and a flaming palm stretched thirty feet long, covering the sky and covering the earth, blocking all the escape routes of the Tianlin Beast!

At the same time, Jiu Ta Li Di Beng stepped out with the first step, the dust was flying, and the ground was shaking.

For a while, the Tianlin Beast couldn't stand firm, and could only fall back and forth on the ground, in a panic!

The huge flaming palm fell, grabbed the Tianlin Beast by the neck, and dragged it to Su Chen in front of it!

"Return to the original!"

Su Chen's face was serious, and he pressed his palm on the sky spirit cover of the Tianlin beast!

Suddenly, the golden light shone, and the spiritual power of the Tianlin beast seemed to be mercilessly sucked dry. In the blink of an eye, a gray-black fragment fell into Su Chen's palm!


The fragments flew and merged into Su Chen's chest!

With this, the five fragments were fused together, and the three characters "Xian Ling Mi" clearly appeared on the token.

The rays of the sun were billowing, and Su Chen felt that every pore in his body was spraying with energy!

"There are so many treasures, we must take some back!"

Looking back at the space crack like a wormhole, Su Chen clearly saw the three girls being ruthlessly imprisoned, with bitterness on their faces!

On second thought, only Genius Dibao can resolve the conflicts of the past.

Su Yan'er is his younger sister.

Murong Xue almost became his wife, and as for Lin Yiyue, Su Chen swore from the bottom of her heart that she would protect her with all her heart!

And Leng Cangyue...

Think about it, Su Chen feels dizzy!

However, Su Chen exhausted all his strengths, the elixir, the milk of the earth, and the essence of the sky crystal were all like Zhang Gen, integrated with the fairy palace, and could not be shaken at all!

"Fairy Artifact!"

Su Chen looked at the sword stuck on the boulder again, but he was powerless to pull it out!

With a flick of the void, an old man manifested in the void, with three thousand feet of white hair, drooping temples, lotuses protruding under his feet, and auspicious energy behind his back!

"The seven gods gather together to worship the emperor for survival. The key to nine transformations will manifest, and the secret realm will naturally open!"

"Go, go, before the time comes, everything is in vain!"

The sound of fairy sounds makes Su Chen feel refreshed!

The next moment, Su Chen seemed to have had a dream. When he woke up, he found that he was lying in Lin Yiyue's arms again!

Xianxia is not there, the gate of time and space disappears, everything is so peaceful!

"what happened?"


Su Chen was shocked. On his body, five space treasures told that everything just now was true!

"Brother Su Chen..."

Su Yan'er was a little speechless, Lin Yiyue is their number one enemy, why is she so lingering with Su Chen at this moment?

A trace of panic flashed in Murong Xue's eyes. Ever since she learned about Su Chen's details, she had developed a deep love for Su Chen, but because of the unhappiness of the engagement page, she dared not face Su Chen. .

"Su Chen, they are..."

Lin Yiyue didn't hold back at all, just hugged Su Chen's neck like that, and asked.

"Su Yan'er, my sister!"

"Murong Xue, she was my fiancee before, but not now!"

Su Chen had no choice but to tell the truth!

"No, what is that?"

Lin Yiyue's body tightened, it was obvious that she was a little displeased.

"The ninth concubine of the young master of Qingyun Sect!"

Su Chen's words sounded like a needle prick in Murong Xue's ears, but how could she refute?

"Ah, Su Chen, so you were robbed of your wife?"

"Su Chen, don't worry, I will be devoted to you, I will not be attracted by glory and wealth!"


"Shut up, for Su Chen's sake, the past will be written off!"

Murong Xue couldn't listen anymore, she turned around and was about to leave!

Coincidentally, Ye Wushuang came sneakily.

Poor Ye Wushuang has become the target of Murong Xue's venting!

Spiritual energy surged into Ye Wushuang's body!

"Cooperate with me, or you will die without a whole body!"

With a look and a threat, Ye Wushuang, who had lost all his cultivation, was terrified!

"Wu Shuang, you are my Prince Charming, let's go!"

Murong Xue shouted, put her arms around Ye Wushuang's shoulders, and walked away!

"Oh my god, which play did Sister Xue act in?"

Su Yan'er was speechless!

"Prince Charming? Sister Xue, you have to be careful. By the way, the person riding the white horse may not be a prince, but maybe a monk!"

Su Yan'er shouted!

On the oasis, Murong Xue staggered and almost fell into the quagmire!

“Brother Su Chen, where are we going next?”

Su Yan'er asked, quietly cast a glance at Lin Yiyue, and found that Lin Yiyue was also quite good-looking.

"The little loach must have been caught by the Demon Lord, maybe it will be cooked and fried!"

Xiao Hong has an eager face, she has been a neighbor for thousands of years, Xiao Hui is in trouble, it is really difficult for her to stand by and do nothing!

"Demon Race, Demon Lord?"

Su Chen's expression turned serious!

He still remembered that in the Heavenly Immortal Pavilion, the old man said that the seven statues gathered together, praying to the emperor for survival. The Jiuhua key manifests, and the secret realm is naturally opened!

"Could it be that the Fairy Secret Realm can't be opened just by collecting nine fragments?"

"Do you need seven immortals to kneel and worship?"

Su Chen thought about it in his mind.

With all the fights and calculations, plus the three guardians who revealed their cultivation not long ago, there are exactly seven immortals under normal circumstances!

"Is this predestined? Or a coincidence?"

Su Chen was silent.

In the dark, there seems to be an invisible big hand, pulling Su Chen's nose, walking along!

"Go to Wuling Academy!"

"I think that Wuling Academy will not be indifferent to the fall of the five immortals."

Su Chen thought about it and decided to go to Wuling Academy temporarily.

As for Viper Xiao Hui, let her husband save her. After all, the demons are ruthless, and the demon energy is also a natural barrier, which is difficult to pass through!

"Five Spirits Academy has Transformation Grass!"

"I want to change form!"

Xiaohong burst into excitement.

"After the transformation, you are also a bear!"

Su Chen strikes.

"It's not the king who said you!"

"After this king transforms into form, he will definitely be stronger than you!"

Xiao Hong had a look of contempt on her face.

"Strong? Apart from your rough skin and thick flesh, where else are you strong?"

Su Chen laughed angrily.

"There are too many, at least, this king can do 36 moves, what kind of upside-down golden hooks, what kind of old tree roots..."

"Anyway, it's not like you, you can only drive piles!"

In an instant, the faces of Su Chen and Lin Yiyue darkened.

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