
"Go to hell!"

The two of them had an amazing tacit understanding again, sword qi flowed across their fingertips, and the piercing Xiaohong grinned, and got into the yellow sand with a disheveled face!

"Brother Su Chen, what does this little cat mean? What is an upside-down golden hook?"

"And what are the roots of old trees?"

Su Yan'er was at a loss, especially when she saw the two behaving inexplicably, she became even more curious.

"Kids go aside!"

"Sir, don't meddle in what you say!"

The anger in Su Chen's heart, this kind of thing can only be understood but not expressed in words, how to explain it?

You can't just open your mouth and say, "big brother executed Lin Yiyue on the spot!"

"Tch, Brother Su Chen, you said you are fat and still panting? You are three months older than me, so you are an adult?"

Su Yan'er was not convinced!

"If I don't tell, I'll just ask others, especially piling piling, it sounds like fun!"

As soon as these words came out, the complexions of Su Chen and Lin Yiyue became even darker!

There was no words all the way, only Su Yan'er asked this and that, and in return there was only a silent response.

Passing through the oasis, the three of them finally walked out of the desert, and what appeared in front of them was a tall city.

A wide moat, like a green belt, surrounds the city.

In the air, there is a layer of colorful enchantment, with runes looming on it, and the fluctuation of space power, which makes people shocked.

At this moment, on a wide wooden bridge, Murong Xue was pulling Ye Wushuang along with the endless crowd, preparing to enter the city.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, the city will post a notice!"

Suddenly, there was a loud shout, a group of cavalry, dressed in gray and dazzling, riding red horses brightly, holding iron guns in their hands, hurriedly shouted!

In the next second, one person clattered and shook his hands, and a yellow notice was posted on the city wall.

"Brother Su Chen, this is the city that never sleeps. Aren't we going to Wuling Academy?"

Su Yan'er asked in puzzlement.

"To go to Wuling Academy, you have to go through the city that never sleeps." Lin Yiyue chuckled, but her eyes were fixed on the frightened crowd.

"Let's go and have a look. If it's suitable, we'll take over the imperial list." Su Chen became interested, and with his superb refining techniques, he might be able to create some tricks in the city that never sleeps.

After all, geese have left their voices and people have left their names.

"Let's forget it, there have been a lot of troubles recently."

"Su Chen, there are many masters in this city that never sleeps. The most important thing is that you can't fly in the air. It's the five-element barrier, which is endless. Can you break it?"

Lin Yiyue was a little tired, she just wanted to find a quiet place to have a good rest, and, not long ago, that bout of sex made her linger on.

However, even if Su Chen doesn't look for trouble, trouble will come to him automatically!

"Murong Xue, let's go back!"

Ye Wushuang was a bit dumbfounded, now he pretended to be Murong Xue's boyfriend, but he didn't have the ability to protect Murong Xue.

The notice clearly stated that the blood essence of 100 women and the souls of 100 women were needed to refine a blood-returning soul pill!

The younger the woman, the better, but anyone who catches the woman can go to the Lord of the Nightless City to exchange for a volume of mysterious exercises.

As we all know, the owner of the city that never sleeps collects all kinds of exercises from all over the world, and is a wealthy party.

Moreover, the city lord is invincible under the Immortal Venerable, and the entire Nightless City is actually the city lord's private property!

"Are you still leaving?"

Murong Xue looked around, full of fiery eyes, looking at herself, as if seeing a fat sheep!

"Don't even grab me!"

With a loud shout, a strong man stood in front of Murong Xue with a broad sword on his shoulders!

"It's the Immortal King Liu with a knife, under the knife, there will be no survivors!"

Someone exclaimed, unexpectedly, all the sword kings are here!

"Boy, get rid of the reality, and you can still linger and live forever, otherwise, your head and neck will be separated!"

Liu Yidao chuckled, and looked at Ye Wushuang with disdain on his face!

"Look, there are two more over there!"

"What day is it today? How come the angels meet each other?"

Someone chanted for an instant, and the crowd jumped up, surrounding Su Chen and the three of them to an impenetrable size!

"Boy, you have a lot of good fortune, sitting alone with two beauties?"

"Hehe, now, they are recruited by me!"

Just when everyone's eyes were on fire and they were about to take down Lin Yiyue and Su Yan'er, they shouted loudly, and a figure floated towards them like a gust of wind!

"It's the sword god, Mo Wenjian!"

The crowd fell silent instantly!

Mysterious-level exercises are good, but they have to be practiced diligently.

A sword king and a sword god are both mythical figures in the city that never sleeps. Who dares to compete with them?

"Su Chen..."

"Big brother..."

Lin Yiyue and Su Yan'er grabbed Su Chen's arm, left and right.

"Sword God Mo Wenjian?"

"Can you let me see what's written on the list first?"

Su Chen is not surprised by favor or humiliation, and seems to have nothing to fear!

"Don't look, I will tell you what the sword god will do!"

"The city master uses the blood essence of the two of them, plus a soul, to refine the seventh-grade elixir, the blood-returning soul pill!"

"If you hear it clearly, get out of here, don't become the ghost of my sword!"

Mo Wenjian is very proud. His cultivation in the Immortal King Realm, a top-grade spirit sword, and a set of Xuantian Nine Swords swordsmanship are the capital of his pride!

"Listen clearly. But, can I use a large amount of pills to make them safe?"

Su Chen stretched out his fingers and picked out his ears, disapproving!

Mo Wenjian thinks that Su Chen talks a lot of nonsense, just about to make a move, when he hears about the huge amount of pills, he feels relieved, and immediately becomes very interested!

"Mass? How many are there?"

"As much as you want, I'll give you as much as you want. If the big brother doesn't have enough, just use herbs to practice on the spot!"

Su Chen is very domineering, so what about the fairy king?

Take out 1,800 sixth-grade elixir at once, and you won't be able to kill him if you don't believe it!

Still the same sentence, there are pills, but you will be willful, if you don't accept it, we will blow it up!

"Are you a pharmacist?"

Mo Wenjian became interested, if he befriends such a young pharmacist, it would be much better than getting the city lord's mysterious skills!

"Well, now, you can refine the fourth-grade panacea with your bare hands."

While Su Chen was speaking, a light flashed in his hand, and a hundred-year-old Polygonum multiflorum emerged!

"Did you see it? Human-shaped Polygonum multiflorum, eat it to prolong your life and live for another hundred years!"

"Now, I will refine him into a fourth-grade Yannian pill!"

The next moment, in Su Chen's hand, the century-old Polygonum multiflorum gradually withered, and the essence squirmed in his palm.

A quarter of an hour later, the flame suddenly rose, continuously refining the viscous essence...

Another half an hour later, a full 20 pills exuding dense mist emerged.

"Mo Wenjian, inspect the goods!"

Su Chen waved his hand domineeringly, and the stream of light flew into Mo Wenjian's hands.

"Fourth grade, all fourth grade panacea!"

Mo Wenjian was shocked.

The crowd watching on the side was also instantly silent.

In less than an hour, 20 fourth-grade elixirs came out, which directly refreshed everyone's cognition!

"Okay, I've made you a friend! I will protect you from the whole city that never sleeps!"

Mo Wenjian laughed out loud.

"This friend, you see she is also a top beauty, why don't you take her in too, how about I protect you too?"

With a loud shout, the sword king Liu Yidao had surrounded him at some point, pointed at Murong Xue, and said.

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