I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 7 Refining The Third-Grade Panacea With Bare Hands


Ah Da shouted loudly, his figure was like lightning, and suddenly he caught a figure from the grass!

Upon closer inspection, it was Su Xuan who snatched Shengji Pill and fled here!

"That, that turned out to be Fairy Leng!"

"I also heard that the blood python is dead, so I came here to take a look!"

Su Xuan smiled awkwardly. At this time, the Shengji Pill was only taking effect, and his dantian was being repaired, so he didn't have any combat power!

"Su Xuan, I heard that you are also at the ninth stage of spiritual energy, come and compete with me!"

Leng Cangyue, daughter of the Leng family, chuckled lightly, and swung her sword towards Su Xuan!

She didn't think it was a coincidence that Su Xuan appeared here!

"Don't, Fairy Leng, I'd like to tell you a piece of news, in exchange for my own safety!"

Su Xuan smiled wryly, dodged Sen Han's long sword, and at the same time recounted the Su family's affairs with embellishment and embellishment, ninety-nine and eighteen times!

"This is a big event!"

"Drag the blood python back."

Leng Cangyue was in a hurry, calling Ah Da and Ah Er to leave!

"Su Chen, what kind of ability do you have to cut open the blood python? Are you still alive?"

"Did you get good fortune?"

"The dantian is broken, so what if you get good luck?"

Su Xuan walked around the bank of the cold pool, but found nothing unusual, let alone the slightest trace of Su Chen.

"The Su family, I can't go back!"

Su Xuan sneered, but he didn't regret it. After taking the sixth-grade elixir, his dantian recovered. He was confident that he would become a blockbuster in a short time. At that time, the Su family would carry him back with eight sedan chairs!

At this moment, at the bottom of the cold pool, under the light blue barrier, Su Chen's whole body exuded a bronze light, like a bronze statue!

However, his breath was rising, traces of fiery breath kept wandering in his chest, and finally merged into his heart!


There was a low roar in the throat!

That fiery breath turned into fiery red spiritual power in the blink of an eye, and melted into the heart!

With the beating of the heart, Su Chen's blood seemed to be boiling!

The blood flows through the whole body, and the impurities in the body are burned and removed under the scorching heat.

The pores of Su Chen's whole body opened, and a layer of viscous and disgusting mucus was expelled!


"Fire spirit power, it's done!"

"I'm in the Spirit Transformation Realm!"

Su Chen laughed excitedly!

"Next, it's time to slap your face!"

"Reckless Desolation!"

"I want to refine medicine, I want to monopolize the resources of the entire Cloud Piercer City, and let the Murong family come to beg me!"

Su Chen looked up, looking up at the cold pool like a lake in the sky, and then he slashed down, breaking the barrier with a gap!

After a long time, a jet of water soared into the sky, and Su Chen walked on the waves, fluttering, and landed steadily on the shore!

"Su... Su Chen..."

"You...you are a human or a ghost!"

Su Xuan, who was meditating on the bank, suddenly woke up with a start, feeling a burst of fear in his heart!

"Su Xuan?"

"It's really a narrow road!"

Su Chen's voice was cold, and his face was full of killing intent!

"Hmph, your dantian has been abolished, you no longer have the capital to be proud, what are you fighting against me with?"

"If you don't want to be humiliated, just obediently go back to the Su's house and see your father's ugly face!"

"He also shattered his dantian and became a waste!"

"Su Chen, let me tell you, it won't be long before I step into the Spirit Transformation Realm. At that time, the Su family will beg me to go back!"

"I'm the top genius of the Su family!"

The more Su Xuan said, the more excited he became. After taking the sixth-grade elixir, his dantian became more solid. He even felt that under the strong spiritual energy, he could gather spiritual power and step into the spirit transformation realm in one fell swoop!

"Spirit Transformation Realm? Is it amazing?"

Su Chen chuckled, raised his hand lightly, and condensed a fiery red spiritual snake in the air!

"You... you actually stepped into the Spirit Transformation Realm?"

Su Xuan's eyes widened!

At this moment, he regretted it immensely!

If Su Chen is at home, maybe it will be another turning point!

"How do you want to die?"

Su Chen came to Su Xuan's side, his eyes were sharp and full of murderous intent!

"Brother Su Chen, you have to thank me. I saved your life. I gave you the opportunity to step into the spirit transformation realm. You can't repay your kindness with revenge!"

Su Xuan was terrified, he was really afraid that Su Chen would depose him again!

"Capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be escaped!"

Su Chen waved his fists, and greeted with fists one after another, hitting Su Xuan on the head!

"I will not abolish your dantian!"

"I'll give you a choice, either you will be my loyal little brother, or I will throw you into the bottom of the cold pool and become an ice sculpture, your youth will last for thousands of years!"

Su Chen kicked Su Xuan over and roared angrily.


"Don't choose, I will help you choose!"

Su Chen lifted Su Xuan with one hand, and was about to throw him into the cold pool!

"I choose, I will be your little brother, not just a little brother, I can be a cow or a horse!"

Su Xuan shouted, spewing blood from his mouth!

The next moment, Su Chen rode Su Xuan directly, and Su Xuan was really like a strong horse, and brought Su Chen back to Su's house!


"Spirit Transformation Realm..."

Patriarch Su's eyes widened, seeing the Huo Lingli squirming on Su Chen's body, he was so excited that he burst into tears!

"Father, let Su Xuan go, he's talented too! As for your dantian injury, I'll make medicine and fix it for you!"

Su Chen has a plan!

After getting started with the Five Qi Chaoyuan, it is quite difficult to practice the other four Qi.

After all, in the entire Tianyu Continent, only that unknown guest has cultivated the body of the five elements.


The Patriarch was a little surprised, you know, how difficult is it to refine medicine? How precious is a pharmacist?

If there is no guide, if you try to figure it out on your own, you may not achieve anything in your life!

"Father, the only thing you can do is to prepare a courtyard for me in Chuanyun City. Next, I will refine medicine as an unknown guest. At that time, people from the Su family can come and support me!"

"Su Xuan, your identity is a child beside me!"

"Chen'er, refining medicine is not so easy!" Patriarch Su was a little helpless, but at the same time had endless longing!

"Su Xuan, go get a dragon snake orchid, 10 years old is enough!"

Su Chen ordered.

How could Su Xuan dare to resist at this moment?

If you resist, you will face the anger of Su Chen and the punishment of the Su family.

After a while, a dragon snake orchid appeared in front of Su Chen!

I saw Su Chen's face was serious, he grabbed the herb directly, and the fire energy was soaring, the whole dragon snake orchid withered in his hand and burned!

In fact, the fire spirit power is just Su Chen's blindfold!

"Reckless Grass and Tree Jue" is running, and the whale sucks the cow to drink, and it perfectly swallows and absorbs the aura essence of the dragon snake orchid!

The next moment, a cloud of ashes appeared in Su Chen's hands!

"Look, refining medicine is to extract its essence and discard its dross. Now that the essence is extracted, it's time to condense the pill!"

Su Chen chuckled, and used wild vegetation to refine the medicine, and it went so smoothly!

Under the blessing of fire spirit power, the essence of Longshelan kept condensing and churning in the palm of her hand...

After a long time, three veins of spiritual energy emerged on the sticky essence, and the rich fragrance of Dan spread...

"I'll rub it, third grade...refining third grade panacea with bare hands..."

Su Xuan was convinced!

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