I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 8 At Noon Tomorrow, Open A Warehouse To Release Pills

"Su Xuan, try..."

Su Chen waved his hand, and the elixir flew and fell into Su Xuan's hands!

Su Chen didn't show the slightest pity, as if he was doing an ordinary thing!

"Give it to me..."

Su Xuan was a little surprised.

"Yes, be the first to eat crabs, you are a warrior!"

"It's my first time to refine medicine, and I successfully refined a third-grade panacea for you to eat. You should feel honored!"

Su Chen chuckled.

People had to bow their heads under the eaves, Su Xuan knew his situation at this time.

Open your mouth, and the panacea will melt in your mouth!

Su Xuan felt hot all over his body, and then he stopped coughing, and the wounds on his body from Su Chen recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The blood was no longer flowing, the bruises were alleviated, and even Su Xuan felt that he had lost weight, and he became a little more handsome because of this!

Originally, Longshelan has the effect of relieving cough and moisturizing lungs, stopping bleeding and removing blood stasis, and also has the effect of losing weight!

The essence is extracted by Su Chen and condensed into a panacea, the effect will naturally be obvious!

"That's... so amazing!"

Su Xuan was excited.

"Chen'er, this..." Patriarch Su was a little shocked!

"How about it, Dad, my child's alchemy skills are not bad!"

"Next, I will refine the medicine, and those who are lower than the third rank will not be refined."

"Two days later, through the mouth of the people of the Su family, I must be passed on as a fifth-rank pharmacist."

"The Su family must go to cheer and flatter me fiercely!"

"I think the reputation and influence of a fifth-grade pharmacist will be great!"

Su Chen revealed a ruthless look.

He knew that his cultivation base was very low, and the fourth-grade elixir was the limit, but he did have a fifth-grade elixir in his space belt.

As we all know, the chance of success in refining medicine is not very high, and there are too many interfering factors.

However, Su Chen was 100% sure, with the power of fire and the magic of grass and trees, if he made a move, he would definitely become a third-rank panacea!

This is his confidence!

In the next two days, Patriarch Su found an abandoned courtyard for Su Chen, and secretly sent someone to deliver 10 large baskets of medicinal herbs!

Su Chen started a crazy journey of refining medicine!

Su Xuan was dumbfounded watching from the sidelines!

He had watched Su Chen's medicine refining technique a hundred times, but he didn't see any tricks in it!

Su Chen simply held the medicinal herb in his hand, and then the fire spiritual power transpired, and the medicinal herb turned into ashes.

The medicinal herb essence was refined under the fire spirit power, after refining, the water evaporated, and then it turned into Chaotic Yuan's elixir!

The dense mist was steaming, and three halos emerged. With Su Chen waving his hands, he threw them into the basket like throwing jelly beans!

Su Xuan's heart ached to death!

Those are all third-grade elixir, others regard them as treasures, and put them in the jade screen for collection, but Su Chen doesn't care, as if the third-grade elixir is Chinese cabbage!

As he kept absorbing the essence of the elixir, the operation of the "Manghuang Caomu Jue" became more and more proficient, Su Chen's meridians were also broadened, and his fire spiritual power also got a little bit stronger!


"It's all right? If you break through to the Spirit Transformation Realm in one fell swoop, you will be able to become a Grandmaster Realm!"

Su Chen was very happy.

"Brother Su Chen, where did you learn this alchemy technique?"

Su Xuan was envious, don't want it, he also refined medicine, they were all useless pills, the highest was a first-grade young pill, and he didn't know what kind of shit luck he had that time, he did it in one go, and refined a pill with three dense Guanghua's elixir.

Moreover, Su Xuan still used the medicinal cauldron and consumed countless medicinal herbs!

"Do you want to learn?"

"Actually, you won't be able to learn it all your life!"

Su Chen showed a playful smile!

The reckless wild grass and trees, combined with the fire spirit power, is simply perfect!

"Brother Su Chen, can you teach me?"

Su Xuan asked cheekily.

"Looking at your performance, now I'm all at the third rank, and after a month, I'll be all at the fourth rank!"

Su Chen revealed a look of choice.

"Release the news, at noon tomorrow, the third-grade elixir will be given away for free!"

"Only one hour!"

"What, free gift? Are you crazy?"

Su Xuan almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, his heart ached to death!

"Don't worry about it!"

Su Chen crossed his legs and looked indifferent!

At the same time, the head of the Leng family brought Leng Cangyue to the Su family!

"Patriarch Su, you are growing stronger and stronger. Can you compare a skill I just learned recently?"

"It just so happens that the agreement reached between the Leng family and the Su family has also expired. We will win or lose with one move. If we win, the land will be managed by my Leng family!"

"If you lose, the land will still belong to you. My Leng family will offer you another third-grade elixir to make amends for coming uninvited today, how about it?"

The head of the Leng family sneered.

"Su Uncle, if you don't want to make a move, you can!"

"Let me compete with Su Chen!"

Leng Cangyue chuckled, just eating a piece of meat from the blood python, she inexplicably condensed her spiritual power, broke through the ninth stage of spiritual energy, and became a qualified cultivator!

"Su Chen is not at home, as for the competition, let's skip it!"

"Patriarch Leng, my Su family has occupied that piece of land for almost 10 years, and today..."

"Patriarch, there is news from Chuanyun City that an unnamed pharmacist will open a warehouse in Chuanyun City Square at noon tomorrow to release medicine, and there are ten baskets full of third-grade elixir!"

"The most important thing is that those pills are all free, go early and get early!"

Just when Patriarch Su compromised and wanted to give up that piece of land, the butler rushed over and shouted.

He didn't treat this matter as a secret at all, and even ignored the existence of the Leng family!


"Don't talk nonsense, and the pills are still made in baskets?"

"Did you think it was Chinese cabbage?"

Patriarch Leng was quite disdainful, he thought the butler was here to make trouble!

"Speak responsibly, what is the existence of the third-grade panacea? And give it away for free?"

Leng Cangyue chuckled lightly, completely treating it as a farce!

At this moment, people from Leng's family came!

In a hurry, I leaned over to the head of the Leng family and whispered a few words in the ear!

"Okay, okay!"

"That Patriarch Su, let's talk about today's matter in another day. My Leng family has important matters to deal with, so I will leave first!"

"How offending, forgive me!"

After saying those words, Patriarch Leng looked like a dog with its tail between its legs, dingy and in a hurry, even stepping on the tip of the wind, and hurried away!


"The future of the Su family depends on you!"

Patriarch Su smiled wryly. He naturally knew that it was true to open a warehouse to release pills, and it was true that it was free!

At this moment, the news of Unnamed Guest opening a warehouse to release pills spread throughout the entire Cloud Piercer City like a rising tide in the sea!

The Murong family, the Ye family, the Leng family, the Su family, the four great families, and many smaller families all got the news, and they all began to speculate about the origin and purpose of this unknown guest!

"Xue'er, take the two protectors of Qingyun Sect to have a look tomorrow, tell the people of Qingyun Sect to report and show off, and invite that unknown guest to my Murong family as much as possible!"

Patriarch Murong laughed, with such a powerful background of Qingyun Sect, he didn't believe that the unknown guest would not show any emotion!

"Father, there seems to be something hidden about this matter, why don't you go and check it now!"

Murong Xue frowned!

"No, people are definitely panicking right now. What we have to do is to wait and see what happens, stay the same and be the biggest winner!" Patriarch Murong laughed!

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