I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 83 The Fall Of The Two Demons

Ashes eat ashes, the wind is calm, the line is still the same, the face is full of complacency, as if everything is under control.

"Go to hell!"

Murong Xue swung the sword, and after the sword energy was contaminated by the gray mist, it became a ration of ashes.

"Little baby, come on, become the king's food!"

Eating gray and laughing loudly, with one mouth, the fog is billowing!

In an instant, Su Yan'er and Murong Xue turned into two gray stone figures.

"The most beautiful is gray, and the most fragrant is gray. This is my favorite!"

Eat ashes and laugh, on the second daughter, it didn't feel the slightest threat, just like in the past, full of vitality and energy.

With a big mouth, it is like a dog swallowing the moon.

"How to do?"

Murong Xue was in a hurry, she couldn't move her body, she couldn't speak, only the power of her soul could squirm for a short time.

"Brother, save me..."

Su Yan'er was full of spirit power, and exclaimed.

At this moment, Su Yan'er was terrified, full of despair and helplessness.

At this critical moment, the unparalleled golden light pierced through the dim gray mist, like a tentacle, eating ashes and entwining them.

Xianxia curls up, the golden light is gorgeous, and the incomparable suction spreads down.

The lavender head shattered again, and a round purple bead fell into Su Chen's hand.

"Su Chen..."


After eating ashes, he fell into the hands of the evil star again, and this time it seemed that he was doomed.

"Flash to ashes, this is your best destination."

Su Chen exerted force on his palm, and the suction spread, and cracks like spider webs appeared on the purple beads.

"Do not……"

The hysterical scream shook the sky.

"Su Chen, what's going on?"

Leng Cangyue was speechless, seeing the gray and petrified Murong Xue and Su Yan'er, her heart skipped a beat.

"Boy, save me a nice soup."

Suddenly, Xiaohong on the top of Su Chen's head squirmed, stretched comfortably, and said in a childish voice.

"It is the ancestor of the devil, are you sure you want to swallow its power?"

Su Chen chuckled, and grabbed Xiao Hong from the top of her head.

"The king just fell asleep and had a dream. In the dream, a disheveled demon attacked and was swallowed by the king."

"Is this demon the demon in my dream?"

Xiao Hong frowned and smiled slightly, her red paw lightly poked the bead in Su Chen's hand, eager to try it, gearing up for it.

After a long time, the ashes and ashes were completely silent, and the purple bead also shattered, and an inner alchemy the size of a peanut appeared again.

The spiritual energy was surging, and the energy was surging, which made Xiaohong excited for a while.


Biting the inner alchemy with one bite, Xiao Hong's mouth was full of energy.

"It's so cool, my power is back!"

Xiaohong exclaimed excitedly, it really felt the return of power, and its cultivation was raised to the Void King Realm in the blink of an eye, a realm higher than Su Chen's. Unfortunately, its figure was still cute and cute, without any change.

With a groan, Xiao Hong jumped into Leng Cangyue's arms, the expression on her face made Su Chen choke speechlessly.

"Boy, Cang Yue is so small here, not as big as Yi Yue's!"

Just as Su Chen was about to use the golden light to rescue the two of Su Yan'er, Xiaohong's voice rang in his mind.

"I wipe..."

"You perverted dragon, get the hell out of here!"

Su Chen waved his hand, and suddenly grabbed Leng Cangyue's chest.

However, Xiao Hong had been on guard for a long time, and instantly climbed onto Leng Cangyue's shoulder.

Su Chen grabbed the air and hit Leng Cangyue's chest.

The soft feeling came, making Su Chen messy.

Leng Cangyue's face turned red in an instant, and she instinctively flew away from Su Chen.

"Cang Yue, I... I didn't do it on purpose, I want to..."

Su Chen was convinced and didn't know how to explain it for a while.

"How about the opportunity this king created for you?"

Xiaohong grinned and said with a simple and honest smile.

"Sejiao, you die for me!"

Su Chen was convinced, fortunately, he and Cang Yue were in love with each other and there was no estrangement.

If this hit Murong Xue's chest, what would be the result?

"Su Chen, let's get down to business. The two of them are not out of trouble yet."

Seeing that Su Chen was going crazy, Leng Cangyue said in a soft voice with her head lowered.

Su Chen nodded, the token seemed to become a part of his body, and he could control it as he wished.

In an instant, the golden light enveloped Su Yan'er and Murong Xue.

The gray mist melted like ice and slowly receded, and the two girls recovered.

"elder brother……"

Su Yan'er burst into tears, and hugged Su Chen's neck, crying hard.

"Su Chen, thank you!"

Murong Xue looked somewhat shy, hesitated to speak, and finally looked at Leng Cangyue, revealing a hint of envy.

"Yan'er, is there anyone else coming in?"

"Where's Lin Yiyue?"

Su Chen was a little anxious.

"I don't know, it came in anyway. And the sword god is also here."

Su Yan'er wiped her eyes and said.

"It's broken, this is a habitat of demons, three demons and four monsters are rampant, each showing their magical powers."

"Just now this monster eats ashes and eats everything in the world. Fortunately, I have a magic weapon to restrain him."

"Go, save people quickly."

Su Chen was burning with anxiety. The sword god died, so he didn't have too many psychological regrets. When Lin Yiyue died, Su Chen would feel uneasy.

Because, he owed Lin Yiyue.

In Tianxian Tower, Su Chen wanted Lin Yiyue's innocence, although not voluntarily...

The next moment, everyone walked through the dim sky.

Su Chen wished he could grow a pair of wings and swim across the entire space in an instant.

"Yiyue, where are you?"

"Hold on, no matter what trouble you encounter, you must avoid it and wait for the big brother to rescue you!"

Su Chen shouted and prayed in his heart.

After a long time, Su Chen and the others came to the spider spirit's territory again.

At this time, the spider spirit was confronting the viper, and neither of the two monsters from the Immortal King Realm attacked first.

"Second brother, are you okay?"

Su Chen patted the sword king on the shoulder.

"I come!"

"Octospider, watch me cut off its legs and drain its silk!"

Su Chen shouted loudly, and made handprints again and again, the flames burst into the air, drowning the spider essence.

However, Lie Yantao had no influence on the spider spirit.

With a pout, the spider web condensed out of thin air, and the yellow, black and red spider directly climbed onto the giant web and began its wonderful performance.

The eight legs squirmed and made a loud rhythm.

"This is hypnotism, everyone be careful!"

After experiencing it once, Su Chen knew how powerful this spell was. Once he fell into a deep sleep, he would become a delicious meal for spiders.

"Look at me breaking the spider web!"

Su Chen yelled loudly, the spirit power of earth surged, and the spirit force of water clanged. The two kinds of spirit power intertwined in the air, and the sticky mud appeared out of thin air.

There was a rain of purple mud in the sky.

The spider web as big as a grinding plate festered instantly, and the octospider hung upside down with a golden thread hanging from it.


A ferocious snake head went straight to the sky, and with a pout, it bit the spider spirit tightly.

"Grey Dragon, I really belong to you!"

Seeing three times, five times and two times, he swallowed the spider. Su Chen touched the gray dragon's scales and raised his thumb.

"Xiaohong, stop being so lewd all day, come out and work!"

With a wave of his hand, Su Chen grabbed Xiaohong's tail and pulled it out from Leng Cangyue's chest.

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