I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 84 The Six-Winged Silkworm Ants Appear, And Yiyue's Soul Flies Away

"Can you be a little gentleman?"

"Such a savage, can he marry a wife?"

"Didn't you see that this king is immersed in that wonderful fantasy realm?"

"Soft, soft, but it seems a little small!"

Xiao Hong enjoyed it, and stared at Leng Cangyue's chest.

In an instant, Leng Cangyue became confused.

"Rogue Jiao, see if I don't tear you apart!"

Leng Cangyue went berserk, her sword energy was like frost, and she slashed towards Xiao Hong crazily.

"Damn it, hag, do you still have the courage to want a man like you?"

"You want to be a fair lady, you want to look like a fairy!"

After all, Xiaohong has stepped into the Void King Realm again, with a nimble body, avoiding Leng Cangyue's attack, and still has an educative expression.

At this moment, Su Chen and Leng Cangyue were speechless, even Su Yan'er and Murong Xue despised Xiao Hong for a while.

"Sword God!"

"It's the Sword God!"

Suddenly, the sword king pointed to the distant sky and shouted.

There, a bright sword light shot straight into the sky, a sword seemed to split the void, a sword pierced through eternity, and a sword seemed to gain insight into the future...

However, that sword light seemed to have exhausted all its energy and essence, and after it had exhausted its splendor, it slowly died down, and then there was no news of it!

"Sword God is in trouble!"

The king of swords showed a deep worry.

"Xiaohong, don't be shy, it's important to save people."

Su Chen grabbed Xiaohong and said very seriously.

"By using your nose, you must find the location of the sword god."

Su Chen was very serious, and his eyes were full of eagerness.

"Sword God, no, no, this king's nose only has feelings for females."

"This king has nothing to do. What are you doing smelling the breath of an old man like Sword God?"

Xiaohong's head was like a drum, and she turned 360 degrees back and forth, shaking her head vigorously.

"Damn it, you can't change your hue in your bones!"

Su Chen was simply convinced.

"Xiao Hong, what about Lin Yiyue? You should be able to find her, maybe she is with the Sword God."

Su Yan'er chuckled, revealing a hint of sarcasm.

"Tsk tsk, this little girl is indeed a lot bigger in some places."

Xiao Honglai revealed a look of longing, her eyes turned bleakly, she glanced at Leng Cangyue, and hid behind Su Chen with a slamming sound.

Sure enough, Leng Cangyue went into a rage, her teeth itching from anger.

"Okay, this place is extremely weird, there are three monsters and four monsters with different supernatural powers, it's better for us to get together, Xiaohong, let's get started."

Su Chen interrupted Leng Cangyue.

"Look at my world boundless, thousands of miles tracking technique!"

Xiaohong took a deep breath, suddenly heaved and exhaled towards the ground, and then turned into a stream of light, chasing towards a certain direction.

At this time, in the distance, Lin Yiyue was holding a broken sword, and with a clanging sword energy, she chopped off the silkworm ants that were flying by.

Ping ping ping ping, the sound of metal clapping could be heard endlessly, and Lin Yiyue's arm hurt from the shock.

The silkworm ant was only chopped into the air and was not injured.

He swooped down, bared his fangs, and bit down on Lin Yiyue frantically again.

Its teeth are made of fine steel, extremely sharp, cutting iron like mud, biting the long sword, a crack is a gap.

It seemed to eat everything, whether it was spiritual power, spiritual sword, or various defensive weapons thrown by Lin Yiyue, they were all crushed and swallowed into the stomach.

This is the six-winged silkworm ant monster among the four monsters.

The whole body is like fine steel, impenetrable by water and fire, fearless of the five elements, feeds on the creatures of the six realms, and mostly lives in groups.

"how so?"

Looking at the densely packed silkworm ants in the air, Lin Yiyue was stunned.

Let's run, silkworm ants can fly, one dive, and land on the back.

Let's fight, silkworm ants are invulnerable, whatever they gnaw and bite will break.

This was simply a crushing battle, and Lin Yiyue had no chance of winning.


The broken sword struck the silkworm ant, sending out bright sparks, which made Lin Yiyue's arms go numb.

"Bing Ning!"

Lin Yiyue's water was full of spiritual power, and the blue mist filled the air. In the blink of an eye, it turned into extremely cold ice, freezing the silkworm ants flying in the air.

As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, the ice shattered so fragile that it even became the ration of silkworm ants.


The silkworm ants are exhilarated, mad, and arrogant, like arrow feathers, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth.

It is full of vigor, like yellow sand all over the sky, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

"Are you going to die?"

"What the hell kind of place is this?"

"How can there be such invulnerable bugs in the Wuling Pagoda of Wuling Academy?"

Lin Yiyue was in despair.

There was a sad smile on the corner of her mouth.

Looking back on my life, everything was unsatisfactory. I finally met Su Chen and got a trace of true love in my heart.

"Su Chen, goodbye, if there is reincarnation, we will meet again!"

Lin Yiyue was in despair.

"Death and dao disappear, and the soul flies away, and it can't be your ration!"

Lin Yiyue smiled wryly, her soul power was surging, and bright sparks burst out of her whole body.

She wants to burn her soul, so that she can be wiped out without leaving a trace in the world.

Following Su Chen's movements, he detonated the pills on his body one by one, and threw out a handful of spiritual weapons crazily, preventing the silkworm ants from approaching him.

The sky is full of desolate colors...

"The love of the world is thin, the love of human beings is evil, and Wuling Academy is separated from the belly. Silkworms and ants attack, tears are left behind, and there is no expectation to see Jun Xiao. People make their own, today is not yesterday, and it is hard to see Yin and Yang separated."

Lin Yiyue muttered to herself, with a pale smile hanging on the corner of her mouth!

Desolate, helpless...


Finally, Lin Yiyue fell down, and the whole body was covered with flames, and the flames gradually shone, reflecting the sky for three hundred miles.


"Damn it, I read it right, right? That's...that's the six-winged silkworm ant!"

At this time, Xiaohong led the crowd and finally arrived.

The dense, black mass of silkworm ants makes one's scalp tingle.

"Then...that little girl's soul power was transpiring, her soul was lingering in flames, and she set herself on fire?"

Xiaohong pointed at the slowly burning white flame, full of speechlessness and eagerness!


Su Chen only felt a buzzing in his mind, a burst of confusion.

Shrinking the ground into an inch, he passed through the black silkworm ant colony in an instant, and hugged the person who was about to die in his arms.

The soul power surged, forcibly suppressing the fire of the soul.

"Yiyue, Yiyue..."

Calling loudly, but can't wake up the sleeping person!


Lin Yiyue's body turned into ashes, and a nearly transparent soul emerged from Su Chen's arms.


Su Chen cried out in pain.

"Su Chen... Su... Dust... Are you here..."

"If there is... reincarnation..."

Before Lin Yiyue could finish her words, that transparent soul body was about to dissipate between heaven and earth.

"Do not……"

"Yiyue, you can't die..."

"Yiyue, come back to me..."

Su Chen went crazy, clutching the nearly dissipated soul body tightly, his hysterical voice shook the sky.


A layer of brilliant brilliance rose, and a gate of time and space appeared in Su Chen's chest, and the incomparable suction suddenly appeared, absorbing Lin Yiyue's remnant soul.

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