I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 86: Ant King Captured, Silkworm Ants Scattered

"nothing is impossible!"

"Yiyue, I have revenge for you!"

Su Chen shouted, with tears welling up in his eyes, and the sea of ​​energy in his chest expanded. The space was three feet square, and it was full of yellow sand, lifeless.

At this time, an illusory to almost transparent soul body floated up, with a hint of excitement in its eyes.

"Su Chen, where are you?"

"The sky is full of your breath, why can't I see your people?"

"What is this place?"

"I can't feel the passage of time, and I can't feel the constraints of the rules of heaven and earth. Everything seems to be eternal."

"My soul power is no longer broken, my spiritual consciousness is no longer dead, but my power is restrained, I am very weak, and I want to sleep."

The soul body muttered to itself, with a look of sadness all over its face.

Upon closer inspection, this soul body turned out to be Lin Yiyue who almost lost her wits.

Su Chen clutched his chest, his heart ached.

He could sense the existence of that space, but he couldn't detect the situation inside, let alone enter it.

"Yiyue, don't worry, one day, I will let you come back!"

"I will open a world, and it will be the home of all spirits!"

"I act as a piece of sea, crossing the reincarnation of all living beings!"

"I draw a bright moon to reflect the thoughts of all the immortals!"


Su Chen's heart was trembling, and the feeling of eagerness to become stronger drove him crazy!

The handprints were repeated, and the sun was shining brightly, sucking the ant king dry abruptly.


The ant king screamed in pain, but no more words came out.


Su Chen was hysterical, and every time he thought of Lin Yiyue's illusory figure, he would go crazy.

The golden light rolls red clouds, and auspicious auspicious lines spray purple mist.

The barrier like an upside-down iron pot, like a late star, expanded wildly, trying to swallow all the six-winged silkworm ants outside the barrier.

"Third brother, you are crazy!"

Feeling the crazy improvement of Su Chen's aura, it seems that he will break through the barrier of Guizhen Realm at any time and step into the Void King Realm. The Sword King roared, full of eagerness.

Every realm, if not carefully polished, will leave flaws. In the future, when crossing the catastrophe and stepping into the realm of immortals, there will be a high probability of failure, and thus will be wiped out, or dissolved, and become a loose immortal.

"I'm not crazy!"

Su Chen looked serious and imposing, looking at the silkworm ants falling outside the barrier, his heart was filled with excitement.


The sound of ants' cry shook the sky, and the six-winged silkworm ants ran away frantically.

The void reverted to whispering, and Wan Lai was silent.

"Su Chen, is it that important that Lin Yiyue is in your heart?"

Leng Cangyue finally asked out the entanglement in her heart.

"This is not nonsense, the piling sound makes people..."


"Boy, why did you step on my tail? It hurts!"

Xiao Hong's face was innocent, but Su Chen's sudden kick made it go crazy, and the heart-piercing wails startled everyone.

Murong Xue's complexion changed wildly, she thought of something, and her heart felt sour.

"Su Chen, you would rather humiliate me mercilessly than reconcile?"

"First Leng Cangyue, then Lin Yiyue!"

"Su Chen, there are too many secrets in your body, what is fused in your chest?"

"Sooner or later, I will dig open your chest and get good luck, so that all your hard work will be in vain as a wedding dress."

Murong Xue muttered in her heart, hatred rose up.

"Su Chen, what do you mean?"

Leng Cangyue panicked.

"Cang Yue, do you also believe what Ni Qian said?"

"Let's go, save the Sword God first, and I'll explain it to you in detail when we leave this strange place safely."

Su Chen wanted to strangle Xiaohong to death.

Can you talk about which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted?

At this juncture, isn't this forcing Leng Cangyue to go berserk and kill someone?

Women are not terrible, what is terrible is that women lose their minds.

"Smelly loach, rogue dragon..."

Leng Cangyue glared at Xiao Hong, full of hostility.

The golden light was restrained and the barrier melted. Su Chen sighed slightly and looked towards the surrounding fields.

The surrounding fields were so vast that it was impossible to tell the direction at all.

"where to?"

Leng Cangyue held Su Chen's arm and asked.

"Hey, you can only try your luck, three monsters and four monsters, it depends on whose bad luck is coming!"

Su Chen looked at the ant in his hand, gently grabbed its antennae, and raised it in front of his eyes.

"If you don't want to be completely out of your wits, just obediently lead the way and lead us to visit the remaining three demons and four monsters one by one!"

"What? You know the Three Monsters and Four Monsters?"

"Who the hell are you?"

The ant king was shocked, and rarely spoke.

The wings buzzed, trying to break free from Su Chen's palm, but the struggling tentacles hurt and almost broke.

"Stop talking nonsense, lead the way!"

Su Chen was very serious, ready to kill, the ant king was terrified.

The Ant King's power was swallowed up, and once his Immortal King Realm's cultivation had returned to before liberation, it made him very aggrieved and helpless.

"Okay, then let's go to the ashes eating place first."

The ant king gritted his teeth in hatred, eating ashes and eating ashes also devoured everything in the world. The gray mist can be assimilated by contamination, it is incomparably sinister and vicious.

"No need, I have already wiped out the ashes, and its gray mist is useless to me."

Su Chen chuckled, directly interrupting the Ant King's thoughts.


"Did you eat ashes?"


Su Chen flicked the Ant King's buttocks, and the crisp sound shook the sky.

"Go to the territory of the octopus spider spirit."

"He's dead too. His spider web isn't good enough, and he hasn't practiced the hypnotism technique well enough." Su Chen's words stunned the ant king, who was shocked.

"Then who is not dead? Tell me."

"The multi-faced monster is not dead, the multi-eyed monster, the tentacle monster, and the purple-gold scorpion monster are not dead."

Su Chen reported the number directly, let the ant king lead the way, and visited them one by one.

"Okay, then go to the nearest place, the site of the purple gold scorpion monster!"

The shock in Ant King's heart was so frightening.

At this time, a scorpion the size of a millstone bowed up like a purple hillock.

With a slight flick of the two big purple pincers, a top-quality spirit sword was smashed into pieces.

"You are nothing more than that!"

"Because of my scorpion poison, let's see how long you can last!"

Scorpion chuckled, lying on the spot like that, quietly waiting for the sword god to be poisoned and die.

At this time, the sword god's back was bloated, as if he was born with a hunchback.

Bursts of black mist sprayed from the Sword God's back, filling the air with a corrosive aura.

"Damn, what is this place?"

The Sword God gritted his teeth, struggled in pain, and his spiritual power was surging, but he couldn't stop the spread of the venom.

His whole body was sore and convulsed gradually. The sword in his hand could no longer be held firmly, and it fell to the ground with a bang, stirring up layers of dust.

"I thought you were such a tough guy, that's all!"

"It's time for the king to make his grand debut!"

"After 10 years, it's time to eat again."

"What a delicious taste of blood essence."

Scorpion laughed, showing nostalgia and longing!

With a shake of the two large pincers, they ruthlessly grabbed the Sword God.

The khaki mouth squirmed, biting towards the sword god's chest.

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