I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 87 Purple Gold Scorpion Monster

"My generation of sword gods has fallen today!"

"Death, there are many ways. I didn't expect that my sword god would be poisoned by scorpions and become food for scorpions!"

"I don't agree..."

Sword God was disheartened and his heart was heavy, but he couldn't change his fate of being eaten.

The scorpion venom spread all over his body, his whole body twitched, and even his soul was withering, even if he wanted to burn his soul power, he would end up with no bones left and his soul scattered, he couldn't do it.

With his eyes slightly closed and his breath restrained, the sword god resigned to his fate in pain.

Helplessness, despair, and desolation spread in the air!

"King Zijin, keep someone under your word!"

Suddenly, a loud shout, with incomparable urgency and tension, exploded in Zijin Scorpion's ears.

Immediately afterwards, an ant flew over with a vain breath.

"King Zijin, keep people under your mouth, keep people under your mouth!"

The depression in Ant King's heart, just now, Su Chen let go of it, and sternly threatened, "If you can't save that person, you will be wiped out!"

The ant king clearly felt the celestial glow flowing into his mind, as long as Su Chen had a thought, he would open his head and turn into a rotten watermelon.

That golden fairy glow is extremely domineering and invincible, which makes the ant king frightened.

"Ant king?"

"What's your situation? Your cultivation base has fallen, and your face is full of horror?"

"Are you stimulated by something?"

"Don't say you are here to snatch food from me!"

"In this space, our three demons and four monsters each have their own territory. We reached an agreement thousands of years ago, and we will not invade each other. The blood food that falls on whose territory belongs to whose territory!"

"What do you mean now? Come to my site to grab food?"

Zijin Scorpion showed a displeased expression, his aura was stern and murderous, and the sharp tail needle shone brightly with a cold light.

"King Zijin, don't be angry, calm down, calm down!"

"This king has discovered a secret passage leading directly to Tianyu Continent! As long as we work together to break through the barrier, won't the ants there just be trampled by us?"

Ant King's eyeballs turned bleakly, his thoughts changed sharply, and he said.

"Secret passage?"

"Okay, I'll have the strength to dig with you after I have a full meal first. It's been 10 years, and I'm so hungry that my chest is sticking to my back!"

The scorpion was still clamping the sword god, showing no sign of relaxing.

As soon as the words fell, Zijin Scorpion's pliers bent, and it was about to send the Sword God into its mouth.

"King Zijin, don't worry, don't worry, he still has a lot of use, and it's useless if you eat it!"

The ant king was so frightened that he was sweating coldly. Once the Zijin scorpion was bitten off, the sword god would definitely die. At that time, his own life would also be in danger.

"Ant King, what's the use of me talking about a dying person?"

"It's enough to eat."

The Zijin scorpion was depressed, and even wanted to sting the ant king fiercely, but the ant king was chattering, which really disturbed its elegance and its desire to eat.

"Great King Zijin, you don't know something. Use his essence and blood to commemorate the secret passage, and the entrance of the passage will be opened."

"All the blood food on my site has been sacrificed, and now, the ashes are eating ashes, and the spider spirit is also thinking about that passage."

"My lord, if you are reluctant to part with this blood food, then you are really picking up the sesame seeds and losing the watermelon. It will be a big loss!"

The ant king waved his golden wings, patted the purple gold scorpion's back, and then leisurely walked towards the hiding place of Su Chen and others.


With a flick of the pliers, the sword god who was almost dying was thrown onto his back, and the purple gold scorpion carried the sword god on his back and followed in the footsteps of the ant king.

The mysterious passage, the blood food on Tianyu Continent, really made Zijin Scorpion look forward to it.

Always staying in this ghostly place, waiting for other people's charity, Zijin Scorpion has long been very aggrieved.

"Brother Su Chen, that scorpion is so big. As the saying goes, there are seven scorpions in a pack of medicine. I think this one is full of medicinal properties!"

Behind the low hill, Su Chen and the others hid their breath and waited quietly for the arrival of the Zijin Scorpion.

Su Yan'er couldn't bear the shock in her heart, and smiled slowly.

"The Sword God almost became the ration of the scorpion. Wuling Academy really deserves to die."

The sword king was terrified in his heart, and vowed that after he got out alive, he would definitely trample the five sect masters under his feet.

"Men are slaves and women are prostitutes. If Wuling Academy is not destroyed, I, the sword king, will not be human!"

The Knife King's fists creaked and his bones trembled.


Scorpion was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly became vigilant.

One characteristic of scorpions is that their eyes are particularly weak. It is not an exaggeration to call them blind.

But its perception ability is surprisingly strong, every little wind and grass, every slight vibration will be clearly captured.

Just now, the sound of the knife king clanging his fists and trembling bones was clearly caught by the scorpion.

"Who is there?"

"King Zijin, are you suspicious?"

The Ant King felt guilty and sweated profusely.


The purple gold scorpion was surprisingly fast. It swooped and climbed behind the hill.

"A group of ants!"

With an excited shout, the thick pincers waved wildly, pinching towards Leng Cangyue!


The blade pierced through the air, and struck the scorpion's tail straight with a mighty force that defied the sky.

The sword king's face was dignified, the golden light in his hands was shining, his aura was imposing, and he was full of killing intent.

As long as the scorpion's tail is cut off, without the stinging needle, the scorpion will lose its combat power.

However, sparks shot out, the sound of metal joining was deafening, and the bright knife glow seemed to be split on the iron wall of copper and shattered.

With a flick of the thick-armed tail, it was like a soft whip, slamming towards the sword king.

The King of Swords flew forward, and struck out with the dragon-capturing hand. With one move, his body suddenly became bigger, like the unrivaled God of War, and he grabbed the Zijin Scorpion by its tail.

In an instant, the Zijin Scorpion rose to the sky, and its two pincers frantically pinched towards the sword king's arm.

Just like that, Zijin Scorpion's abdomen was fully exposed in front of everyone!

"good chance!"

Su Chen smiled, flicked his fingers, and the sword energy flew.

Murong Xue and Leng Cangyue also stood up, their spiritual power was surging, their sword energy, sword light, and the sound of swishing through the air made the scalp tingle!


The Zijin scorpion was in pain, and its raised body was like a pile-driving machine, and it landed with a bang, causing everyone to disperse and retreat quickly!

The sword king was imposing, his arms were clattering, he grabbed the scorpion's tail, and abruptly flew it into the air!


With a loud noise, the scorpion the size of a millstone was smashed into the hillock.

For a time, the dust was flying, and the dust was long.

"Sword God, are you alright?"

The sword king caught the sword god who was thrown away, his face was full of worry.

"Knife King?"

"We... we were tricked..."

"Five Spirits Academy is a wolf in sheep's clothing!"

The sword god's soul power was full of energy, and his weak voice spread.

On the side, the Ant King swallowed a mouthful of saliva. It wanted to take the opportunity to attack Su Chen, but found that its every move seemed to be under surveillance, and the fairy light in its mind would burst into incomparable power at any time.

"damn it!"

The scorpion went crazy for a while, and went straight into the ground.

"Be careful, everyone."

With the help of the earth's energy, Su Chen sensed the movement of the purple gold scorpion.

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