I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 93 Return Of The Soul And The Appearance Of The Ghost

Hearing what the five-faced monster said, Su Chen's heart skipped a beat.

"In Tianyu Continent, immortals are respected. In this age without immortal emperors, if the blood demons descend, it must be a catastrophe."

"What good did the Blood Demons do to you bastards of the Five Spirits Academy? Is it worth you to bow your knees and mutilate your descendants?"

Su Chen's fists were clanging, and a wordless anger rose in his heart.

"Boy, do you understand, kid?"

"You came here because of the high-ranking experts in your eyes."

"You respect them, but they trade your lives for illusory, non-existent promises."

"It's really sad and ridiculous."

"This is the difference between an ant and a blue dragon. A lowly slave can never change the lowliness in his bones."

"Ha ha……"

The five-faced monster laughed, seemingly very happy.

"Boy, since you're here, just accept your fate. No matter whose territory you fall into, you will die. It's just that the way of death is different."

"Now, you can go on the road. Remember, in the next life, you will be reincarnated and reincarnated into my blood demon family. At that time, your life will be noble!"

The five-faced monster's smile became even stronger. It opened its mouth with strong suction, and a gray chain swept across, trying to drag Su Chen into its mouth.

At this critical moment, Su Chen jumped violently, moved across the void abruptly, and landed on the top of the five-faced monster with a swish!

A crescent-shaped token suddenly appeared, and with a bang, like a sharp sickle, it forcibly pierced into the five-faced demon's Tianling Cap.

In an instant, the golden light exploded, the celestial glow transpired, and the incomparable power poured in from the sky cap of the five-faced demon, and pierced out from the bottom of the stone statue, tightly absorbing the soul of the five-faced demon.

"I wipe..."

"Boy, you... you're bullying me..."

The five-faced monster screamed, all this was too sudden, he was not prepared at all.

As a result, the cooked duck turned over and bit the man, and the five-faced demon was enraged on the spot.

This is his inner world, without strong physical protection, the five-faced monster has no power to resist at all.

"To deal with demons, we rely on yin. What about yin? You have the ability to bite me!"

Su Chen stepped on the five-faced monster's head, stepping heavily on the dark token with the sole of his foot, for fear that the token would be bounced off and the five-faced monster would return to freedom.

As time passed, the five-faced demon's soul power was dissipating, and it was constantly being absorbed by the token.

"Do not!"

The five-faced demon roared in pain, the five faces were distorted, and the soul power was shattered.

After a long time, the five-faced demon fell apart, and as the last trace of soul power was absorbed by the token, the whole space suddenly trembled.

"Su Chen, did you win?"

Leng Cangyue squeezed a cold sweat in her heart.

"The soul is gone."

"Just forgot to ask why he left?"

Su Chen smiled wryly, feeling neither happy nor worried.


Ripples scattered like water, and the entire dark space was shattered inch by inch.

A ray of bright light pierced through the mist, piercing everyone's eyes, a crack emerged in the void, and the long-lost breath made everyone excited.


Su Yan'er shouted, tears streaming down her soul.

Looking back calmly, a crack appeared on the rustic and surging face of the petrified five-faced demon, and gray blood rolled down, making one's heart tremble.

"Can we return to the flesh?"

The King of Swords smiled wryly. He is not a soul cultivator. Without a physical body, he has no surging spiritual power and no means to defend himself.

"It will be wiped out completely!"

Su Chen was worried, the token flew up, used it as a brick, and smashed the stone statue three times, smashing it to pieces.

"Go, try. Maybe we'll return the sun."

Su Chen's face was serious, and there was a trace of worry in his heart. If they couldn't return their souls to their bodies, they would completely become ghosts.

Everyone was in a daze, echoing in the air, looking for the previous battlefield.

"Brother Su Chen, don't say that we are ghosts from now on?"

"That's true, how will we meet people in the future?"

Su Yan'er's face was full of worry, and she even burst into tears again.

"Over there, that's the Viper!"

With sharp eyes, the sword king pointed at the viper coiled up like a hill in the distance, and shouted.

The souls fluttered across the void and landed in front of Viper.

"Brother Su Chen, can we fly?"

Su Yan'er cheered up and smiled.


"How is this going?"

Leng Cangyue screamed, and the ear-piercing sound waves suddenly exploded in the silent air, frightening everyone's souls and bodies to tremble, and their souls almost flew away.

"Su Chen..."

"I...my face..."

Leng Cangyue exclaimed, pointing to the beautiful figure lying on the ground, it was her own body.

At this time, on that graceful figure, the skin was forcibly peeled off, and the face was covered with blood, which was shocking, and one glance made the scalp numb and the soul tremble.

"Brother Su Chen, look..."

Su Yan'er blushed and motioned Su Chen to look behind her.

"I wipe, who is so cruel?"

Su Chen felt trembling all over, dripping with cold sweat from shock.

Su Chen's body was even worse, completely naked. His lower abdomen was pierced ruthlessly, his chest was punctured abruptly, and all the internal organs in his chest were mercilessly exposed.

One glance is shocking, and the bitter water in the stomach is about to be spit out.

"Brother Su Chen, we..."

Su Yan'er took a look at her body. Although it was intact, she also felt sick for a while, and she didn't want to return to her body.

"My body is fine. I'll try to see if I can fuse."

Dao Wang was careless and lay down directly on his body.

However, when he got up slightly, his soul body floated out again, without any right to control his physical body at all.

"I wipe..."

"So we turned into ghosts?"

The king of swords was convinced, and they were extremely terrified. When they encountered danger at this time, they had no power to fight back.

"Who did it? It's too vicious."

Su Yan'er was a little speechless.

"Su Chen, what should I do?"

Leng Cangyue sighed, now, only the broken token in Su Chen's hand can protect everyone's safety.

"This seems to be the periphery of the Blood Spirit Secret Realm, and in the depths are the sleeping remnants of the Blood Demons. Since they can build a space-time bridge and descend to Tianyu Continent, there must be a way to get out."

"Let's go, let's go straight in. We must return to Tianyu Continent before the Blood Demons."

Su Chen was very serious. He didn't worry about the destruction of his body. At this moment, he had to pick it up and put it down.

"Brother Su Chen, the space treasure on your body is gone!"

Su Yan'er smiled wryly, "There are a large amount of pills in that space treasure, and if they explode one by one, they can keep everyone safe for a while."

"Hey, lost it."

Su Chen shook his head.

"Why is there no sister Xue's body?"

Su Yan'er asked.


At this moment, Viper raised his head to the sky and screamed, and woke up leisurely.

With a flash of light, the viper turned into the size of a loach and landed on Su Chen's shoulder.

"Are you all soul bodies?"

A surprised voice sounded.

"Grey Dragon, do you know who destroyed our bodies?"

Leng Cangyue asked seriously.

"I know, I vaguely heard a voice!"

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