I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 94 Bury The Past And Reborn From Now On

Viper shook his head vigorously, as if in some pain, the voice was familiar to him, but he couldn't remember who it was.

"Grey Dragon, what you said is the same as what you didn't say."

Su Yan'er made a face at Viper.

"At that time, my demon spirit vibrated and almost left my body. I could only sleep in hibernation."

"Vaguely, I heard someone calling Cang Yue's name, and saying something about the number one beauty in Cloud Piercer City..."

Viper shook his head, trying to think back, but he only said so much.

"Murong Xue!"

"Murong Xue..."

Su Chen and Leng Cangyue looked at each other and said in unison, their eyes were full of disbelief.

"Brother Su Chen, sister Cang Yue, how is this possible?"

"We've been through thick and thin together, how could Xue'er do such a thing?"

Su Yan'er's face was filled with disbelief, and she defended Murong Xue.

"Yan'er, people's hearts are separated by belly, don't forget that Murong Xue is a villain who forgets his roots when he sees money."

Su Chen smiled wryly, he understood that it was possible that Murong Xue did everything.

After all, except for Murong Xue, everyone's souls were separated and swallowed by the five-faced monster.

"But, I..."

"Yan'er, don't think about it, paper can't wrap fire, whether it's Murong Xue, we'll talk about it another day!"

"Let's do it, everyone bury their bodies, bury them in the past, and we will be reborn from now on!"

Su Chen smiled wryly, and waved his hands to dig up the dark gray ground.

"Bury the past and regenerate from now on!"

Sword God shouted, at this moment, his state of mind seemed to have changed.

A layer of dense rays of light lingered on the surface of the soul body, which was the condensation of the original power of heaven and earth.

Leng Cangyue's face was pale, she was silent, she didn't know what she was thinking.

After a long time, five yurt-like mounds stood up in the dark space, and the desolate atmosphere spread in all directions with the breeze.

There are only four corpses in the five graves, because the body of the sword god is unknown.

"It's possible that the multi-eyed monster has caught it, and it wants to devour my blood." The sword god smiled wryly, and when he thought of the appearance of the golden centipede, he felt terrified.

"Brother, let's keep a low profile first, and wait until our souls and bodies are condensed and our cultivation has greatly increased, before we come back to move the grave. This is just a place to stay, and our bodies must be buried in our hometown!"

Su Chen patted Sword God on the shoulder.

The next moment, five soul bodies, one spirit beast, flitted across the void, heading towards a certain direction.

Without a body, their energy is no longer gushing, and their blood is no longer lingering.

As for the Viper, after using the hibernation technique, its entire body hung around Su Chen's neck like a necklace.

Along the way, no danger was encountered, and no monsters came to block them.

All the way, surprisingly smooth!

"Look, it's a city!"

Su Yan'er exclaimed, pointing to the distant horizon, excited.

"Where there is a city, there are people. Maybe we can get a rare medicine, and we will be reborn with flesh and blood."

Su Yan'er looked forward to it.

"It's so hot!"

"Why is it so hot here?" The sword king was full of soul power, gathered a cattail fan, and fanned it vigorously.

Wisps of black smoke evaporated from the soul body, and everyone felt extraordinarily weird.

"Look, it's Murong Xue!"

Leng Cangyue pointed forward, narrowing her eyes slightly, even with a hint of killing intent.

"If I'm not wrong, the front should be the territory of the Blood Demons. If you enter rashly, there will be bad luck!"

"Everyone rest here, I'm going to explore the way!"

Su Chen smiled wryly, with that mysterious token, he was confident that he would be able to escape unscathed in case of danger.

"Su Chen, be careful!"

Leng Cangyue exhorted.

"Everyone hide behind that mound, where the terrain is high, and the surrounding fields can be seen at a glance. If there is a situation, you can escape at any time!"

Su Chen looked at Si Yedao.

The next moment, Su Chen floated, like a ghost, heading towards the city in front of him with a scorching breath.

The blood-red city reveals a mighty power that makes one bow down.

Murong Xue, who was walking ahead, suddenly trembled, cracks appeared on her arms, and the dark red blood flowed down uncontrollably, before landing, it became dry and lifeless.


Murong Xue took a deep breath, the air was so hot that there was no feeling of coolness.

After retreating ten feet quickly, the hot feeling disappeared, and the injury on his arm slowly recovered.

Su Chen hid his figure and saw everything in his eyes. He didn't move rashly.

Suddenly, there was a sound of galloping horseshoes. In the distance, gray mist billowed and dust covered the sky.

After the ten-breath time, a group of cavalry, wearing brilliant armor and riding on horses and horses, is invincible!

"Princess, you are finally here!"

The leader chuckled, showing great respect, and even got off his horse, knelt down on one knee, and bowed down.

"who are you?"

Murong Xue was dazed, she didn't recognize the person in front of her at all.

"I am a general under the command of the Lord of Blood Seven Nights!"

"You can call me Blood Jade Tree!"

The leader Xue Yushu was extremely respectful, with a hint of complacency in his eyes.

Just now when he was patrolling the city wall, he suddenly sensed a strong original aura, which is the purest blood aura of the blood demon clan.

At this moment, Xue Yushu was shocked when he saw the person in front of him!

"It is definitely the daughter of the city lord who disappeared 13 years ago, and the princess of my clan!"

"The portrait of the princess hangs in the city every day, I absolutely did not admit my mistake!"

Xue Yushu was extremely excited.

"Blood jade tree?"

"do not know you!"

"Can you tell me what kind of place this is?"

Murong Xue was dazed and at a loss.

"Blood Spirit Secret Realm, princess, have you lost your memory?"

"Go, come back with me, the city lord will give you the best panacea."

Blood Yushu was a little anxious.

"Why is it so hot here?"

Beads of sweat rolled down Murong Xue's forehead.

It was hot, it was so hot, Murong Xue felt like she was going to be dehydrated.

"Princess, this area belongs to the realm of the underworld. You have lived here for 13 years. The yin qi has entered your body and penetrated into your soul. If you return again, you will naturally be burned by the hot yang qi."

As Xue Yushu said, he waved his hand lightly, and a silver silk dress fell into Murong Xue's hands.

"This is a suncloak specially made by our family, princess, put it on and come back with me."

Murong Xue was dubious, and put the silver silk dress on her body, sure enough, the hot feeling disappeared, and the blood in her body no longer boiled.

"Princess, please!"

The next moment, Murong Xue was surrounded by a group of cavalry, and they headed towards the city in a mighty manner.

A crisp leaf fell, exuding a green auspicious light, fluttering, and fell to Su Chen's feet with the wind.


As soon as Su Chen touched the green leaf, there was a sharp pain from his fingertips, black smoke curled up, and the soul finger seemed to be ruthlessly weakened.

"What is this?"

Feeling extremely shocked, his soul force surged up a gust of wind, blowing the green leaves onto the mound.

"Brother Su Chen, why was Sister Xue'er taken away?"

"How do we save her?"

Su Yan'er was a little anxious.

"We seem to have really become yin spirits. The yang is surging ahead, let's go, find a way to return the yang."

Su Chen patted Su Yan'er on the shoulder, answered irrelevantly, and said.

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