I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 97 Su Chen Saves Cang Yue And Falls Into Huanyang Lake

In an instant, Su Chen was like a flame man.

The yang energy is billowing, reflecting the sky for three hundred miles.

Momo black smoke, spread nine secluded eight thousand zhang.

The sound of sizzling and gurgling black mist made one's scalp tingle.

"elder brother……"

Su Yan'er shouted, and rushed towards Su Chen, she wanted to share part of Su Chen's pain with her own soul and body.

Leng Cangyue's complexion was solemn, her soul power was steaming, and when she saw the right opportunity, her sword energy flew across and stabbed at Murong's back.

Sword God and Sword King were taken aback for a moment, and also shot at Murong Xue.


The gray dragon roared angrily, mixed with the sky-shattering dragon chant, its thick bucket tail flicked like a steel whip, and it was drawn towards Murong Xue.

"This chick is really ruthless."

On Murong Xue's chest, Xiao Hong leisurely let out a mouthful of turbid air, felt the warm temperature, and stretched out her paws comfortably.

"My king..."

"Forget it, I'll just reap the benefits of being a fisherman."

Xiaohong smiled lightly, leisurely, yawned, and looked at everyone fighting for hegemony.

"Brother, are you okay!"

Su Yan'er grabbed Su Chen's shoulder.

"do not come."

Su Chen was sweating profusely, his chest, arms, and legs were dripping with soul blood, his whole body seemed to be rotten, and no part of his skin was intact.

"Haha, a group of ghosts, what can you do to me?"

Murong Xue laughed out loud, with killing intent in her heart.

Only by killing Su Chen and the others can his identity not be exposed in Tianyu Continent, and his reputation as a goddess and fairy can be preserved.

The overwhelming soul power came to him, but there was no splash, and all of them were blocked by the sunclothes.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling tangled and speechless for a while.

Especially the Sword God and the Sword King, they are genuine fairy kings, losing their physical bodies, their soul bodies are no match for a cultivator in the Realm of Return, which is simply a shame for them.

"Su Chen, if you kill yourself, I will let them go!"

"Otherwise, I'll let you watch them disappear one by one in front of you."

Murong Xue laughed out loud, her voice was eerie and agile, and her spirit sword clanged straight to Su Chen's chest.

"I see!"

"Murong Xue, are you jealous that my brother is in love with Sister Cang Yue?"

"Did you hate out of love?"

"Haha, Murong Xue, you are so pitiful!"

Suddenly, Su Yan'er laughed, and looked at Murong Xue, full of sympathy.

"To shut up!"

Murong Xue shouted loudly, hysterical.

"Haha, you've been poked where it hurts!"

Su Yan'er laughed, without giving in at all.

"Go to hell!"

Murong Xue went crazy, with a blushing shyness on her face, arrogantly, she raised her sword and slashed, high-spirited, and flew forward.

Su Yan'er backed away quickly, but she didn't know that a stone tripped her feet, staggered, and plunged straight towards the Huanyang Lake.


Su Chen was shocked, if he plunged headfirst into Huanyang Lake, wouldn't the scalding Yang Qi burn Su Yan'er into ashes?

With a swoop, it flew across the void, and grabbed Su Yan'er's ankle. With a fierce force, it threw Su Yan'er to the shore abruptly.

However, Su Chen didn't have a point of leverage, he flew three feet away in the void, and plunged into the scalding lake water with a plop.

Gulp, gulp...

Bubbles the size of human heads billowed, and clusters of black mist rose.

"elder brother……"

"Su Chen..."

"Third brother..."

For a moment, a group of people exclaimed, watching Su Chen's soul fade and sink to the bottom of the lake.

Murong Xue blinked her eyes lightly, and swallowed back the words that came to her mouth.

She also did not expect that things would take such a turn.

She really hated Su Chen, hated that Su Chen didn't treat her because of her remorse at the beginning.

However, watching Su Chen sink to the bottom of the lake, she felt extremely guilty again.

"Murong Xue, are you satisfied now?"

"Give back my big brother's life!"

Su Yan'er cried loudly, tears of soul drifting down, filling the sky with desolation.

Su Yan'er went straight forward, without hesitation, with spirit power surging, she rushed towards Murong Xue.

"Murong Xue, you are so vicious!"

Leng Cangyue also went crazy, her soul power surged, and Sen Bai's soul fire ignited, she wanted to use the temperature of the soul fire to resist the scorching Yang Qi, so as to give Murong Xue a fatal blow.

Sword God and Sword King looked at each other, and the two also joined the battle, vowing to kill Murong Xue.


The Viper roared, its tail clattered, and it yanked down fiercely.


"You guys are crazy..."

Murong Xue was briefly absent-minded, and her mind short-circuited for a while.

In an instant, with unparalleled soul power, Murong Xue vomited blood and flew backwards.

The sun-clothes were soaring, resisting part of the attack, but the violent impact caused Murong Xue to suffer internal injuries, her five internal organs were displaced, and her meridians were broken.

"Go to hell and be buried with my big brother!"

Su Yan'er charged towards Murong Xue with momentum like a rainbow.

In the distance, there was a smile on the corner of Xue Yushu's mouth.

"These ghosts are quite bloody. Are you going to do your best?"

"Princess, you deserved to die. This is the fate of pretending in front of me."

"However, it's a pity that the person who fell into Huanyang Lake died. I always feel that there is a treasure on him."

Xue Yushu chuckled, watching the crowd fight with great interest.

"Want to kill me?"

"What confidence do you have?"

Murong Xue was full of energy, revived her majestic style, her spirit sword was full of energy, and her sword energy was raging.

However, Murong Xue only feinted, and then a space scroll exploded in front of her chest, and the whole person flew away through the void.

"Murong Xue, I am at odds with you."

Su Yan'er shouted, frantic all the time.

"Su Chen, I'll accompany you!"

"On the road to Huangquan, you are not alone!"

Leng Cangyue shouted, with momentum like a rainbow, and plunged headlong towards Huanyang Lake.

"Sister Cang Yue, don't..."

However, Su Yan'er caught the air and could only watch Leng Cangyue fall towards the lake.

"Aiya, I still have to take action!"

Suddenly, a milky voice spread in the air, a flash of red light flew across, and then, a claw stretched three feet long, grabbing back Leng Cangyue who was about to fall into the lake.

"Little Red..."

"when did you come?"

Su Yan'er exclaimed, with tears in her eyes.

"This king has always been there, and this king has witnessed what makes people's hearts go from belly to belly."

Xiao Hong sighed, he was on Murong Xue's chest all the time, he wanted to watch a good show and make a profit, but in the end, the development of the matter was too unexpected.

In this space, the yang energy is billowing, but Xiaohong feels warm and comfortable, without the slightest feeling of burns, especially the Huanyang Lake, which makes it invigorated, as if there is some treasure that attracts its mind.

"Su Chen..."

Leng Cangyue cried bitterly, looking at Huanyang Lake, her face was full of despair.

"Don't worry, let me go to the lake to find out."

"Little Red..."

Su Yan'er grabbed Xiaohong's paw, full of desolation and helplessness.

"My king will go too!"

With a loud shout, the red light soared into the sky, and Xiao Hong plunged headlong into the scalding Huanyang Lake.

"Little Red..."

Su Yan'er was hysterical, and he wanted to jump into the lake, but was forcibly held back by the sword king and the sword god.

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