I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 98 Xiaohong Is Sucked Dry For The Second Time!

"Yan'er, don't be impulsive!"

Dao Wang persuaded, holding her arm tightly.

"It wasn't your brother who died, of course you are not impulsive!"

After glaring at the sword king fiercely, Su Yan'er roared angrily.

"Yan'er, the third brother is not a short-lived ghost, maybe there is another chance!"

Sword God persuaded.


"elder brother……"

The voice is hoarse, and when people's hearts are dead, the sky is full of desolation.

On the side, Leng Cangyue was lying on the ground, her slender waist was tightly entwined by the gray dragon, dragging her back desperately.

"Interesting, it's my turn."

"Four Yin spirits and one spirit beast can be regarded as gaining a lot."

Xue Yushu's complexion was rosy, and his face was full of sneers, a smug look flashed in his eyes, as if he saw the most beautiful fat sheep.

"The yin spirit is refined, and the original power of the soul has been refined. The spirit beast will give Xue Qiye a generous reward. This is a win-win situation."

The more Xue Yushu thought about it, the more excited he became.

Just as the Blood Jade Tree appeared, a bright brilliance suddenly bloomed above the void.

"It's a gathering order!"

"The space-time bridge has been built?"

Xue Yushu was stunned for a moment, feeling a little unhappy.

The Blood Demons have a strict legal system. Once the assembly order is found, no matter what they are doing, they must show up at the Disha Pavilion immediately without hesitation.

If it is too late, you have to accept the wrath of the Demon God.

"damn it!"

"Yin Ling, you have escaped for the time being!"

"Sooner or later, you will still be my trophies!"

After glaring at Su Yan'er and the others fiercely, Xue Yushu stepped on the blood mist and walked away regretfully.

At this moment, at the bottom of Huanyang Lake, next to a golden skeleton, Su Chen's soul floated over.

A bright celestial light bloomed from his chest, and a layer of halo enveloped his whole body, blocking the scorching sun energy.

Su Chen lowered his head, and saw a vortex emerging in his chest, the suction suddenly appeared, full of yang, and was ruthlessly absorbed.

"That space has widened again!"

"It's no longer full of yellow sand inside, it seems...it seems to have a little life."


Suddenly, Su Chen sensed a figure, and that familiar aura made Su Chen feel excited.

Sitting cross-legged in front of the golden skeleton, Su Chen tried hard to sense the space in his chest, trying to communicate with that beautiful person.

At that time, Lin Yiyue was burning with the fire of her soul, and almost lost her soul, and was finally collected in that inexplicable space, but Su Chen didn't know about Lin Yiyue's situation.

Now that he sensed it, Su Chen was very excited.

However, no matter how Su Chen called out and how his soul struggled, that beautiful person seemed to never hear him.

At this time, in the space filled with yellow sand, wisps of yang energy gushed out, and the sky was full of vitality.

"what happened?"

"Do I want to witness with my own eyes the creation of the world, the transformation of the stars, and the vicissitudes of life?"

Lin Yiyue chuckled, during this period of time, she swam through every corner of the space, but she didn't find anything.

The only thing that reassures her is that her soul power is no longer disintegrated, her soul body is no longer vain, and Su Chen's aura is everywhere.

Mumbling to himself, there was a glimmer of expectation and longing in his heart.

"Boy, you are so determined!"

"A group of people, looking for death and life, are you still in the mood to sit quietly?"

"My lord, I can't bite you to death!"

Suddenly, a loud shout broke the silent bottom of the lake.

A flood dragon with red body and shining scales flew over.

With five claws clanging, they slapped Su Chen's face fiercely.

"My lord, I can't beat you to death!"

Angrily shouted in Su Chen's ears.

Su Chen, who was sitting cross-legged, slowly opened his eyes, feeling helpless in his heart.

"I wipe, Jiaolong?"

Su Chen froze for a moment, then turned around to avoid Jiaolong's claws.

"Why does big brother have such a relationship with Jiaolong?"

"By the way, are you a female?"

"Big Brother has a rogue dragon by his side, maybe it can talk to you about your life ideals."

Su Chen laughed, the more he looked at the fiery red dragon, the more satisfied he was.

"Damn it, boy, this king is a pure man!"

"Why is this king a hooligan? Can you tell me clearly?"

Xiaohong is convinced.

Bowing his head indifferently, he found that he had changed back to the appearance of Jiaolong, and was no longer that limp panda.

"This is the most handsome appearance of this king!"

The red fire dragon burst out laughing.

"Su Chen, come back with me, they are all crazy!"

"At the very least, you have to let them know that you are alive."

Xiaohong drank loudly.

"Little Red?"

"Is it really you?"

Su Chen was overjoyed, and floated past, giving Xiao Hong a bear hug.


Xiaohong wailed for a while, and wanted to die!

It was as if there was a demon hiding in Su Chen's chest.

Just a face-to-face meeting, the incomparable suction sucked Xiaohong dry again.

The cultivation base that had finally come back collapsed in an instant.

"Boy, I'm not finished with you!"

Xiaohong was convinced, wanting to cry but no tears.

Clanking its claws, it grabbed Su Chen. It wanted to tear Su Chen open to see what monster was hidden in his chest.

Hateful, so hateful.

In this strange land, physical body and cultivation are the capital of survival.

Both are indispensable.

"Xiaohong, you made a mistake, you made a mistake, Brother Huihui will give you a super enhancement pill!"

Su Chen waved his hand and laughed.


"Why am I always the one who's hurt?"

Xiaohong wailed loudly, tears running down her cheeks.

"Go, go ashore first!"

"Hey, by the way, why are you swimming freely here?"

"Why doesn't this hot Yang Qi affect you?"

It was only then that Su Chen discovered the problem.

Xiaohong was speechless, her eyes were blank, and she was not in the mood to talk to Su Chen.

However, Su Chen discovered another problem.

A golden halo enveloped Siye, this space was ruthlessly imprisoned, it was easy for Su Chen to come in and difficult to get out.

He and Xiaohong were bound to the bottom of the lake forcibly, and they could bounce up to three feet high. It was very difficult to get out of the lake.

"This old ghost must be playing tricks!"

"It's not safe to die!"

Xiaohong was furious and disheartened.

Pointing at the golden skeleton, he scolded.

It has to be said that Xiaohong's psychological quality is very strong. She was sucked dry twice, and her cultivation base was no longer restored, but she was still full of energy.

"Immortal Sword!"

Su Chen's eyes lit up instantly, and he was overjoyed.

Fluttering, with an extremely excited mood, he grabbed the bright and brilliant fairy sword.


A layer of ripples spread, soft water waves spread, gently pushing Su Chen and Xiaohong away three feet away.

"Who disturbed this immortal's cultivation?"

With a light hey, there was a burst of coercion, and a solid soul body emerged out of thin air!

The appearance is delicate and bright, with ears hanging down to shoulders and arms reaching knees.

He is eight feet tall and looks like a man, holding a fairy sword in his hand.

Drunk lying on the bottom of the lake, no one asks, a thousand years is but a snap of the fingers.

Known as the Zixiao Xiaoyao King, now the bones and souls of the trapped Yang Lake are declining!

"Who are you?"

Su Chen squinted his eyes, and he felt a little familiarity in the soul body.

"The key to the fairy secret realm?"

The soul body didn't answer the question, staring at Su Chen's chest, eyes sparkling.


As soon as the soul arm was lifted, the suction suddenly appeared, and with a palm, it grabbed Su Chen's chest fiercely.

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