I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 99 Meeting An Old Friend At The Bottom Of Huanyang Lake, The Soul Of Obsession Will Never Di

With unrivaled strength and unrivaled power, Su Chen's soul and body have no power to resist at all!

Mo Da's soul palm was shaking, and he pressed heavily on Su Chen's chest, trying to take out the broken token.

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

A stronger suction force struck in the opposite direction, firmly sticking to the palm of the soul body. In an instant, the suction force spread up along the soul arm, penetrating directly into the Niwan Palace of the soul body, intending to destroy his thousand years of penance. , absorb as many as possible.

The soul body was very decisive, and at the very moment, a soul knife condensed, cut off an arm with a swipe, and sprinkled a piece of soul blood.

"You... you actually refined that key?"

"how can that be?"

The soul body muttered to itself, its face full of horror, and it no longer had the calmness and calmness it had at the beginning.

Su Chen raised his head slightly, the tremendous coercion made him tremble.

The vortex in the chest was shaking, and the suction sucked in and out, and the soul arm disappeared invisible, turning into pure power and blending into that space.

"Ha ha……"

Su Chen laughed at himself, what exactly that broken token was, Su Chen didn't know, and as for refining it, it was even nonsense.

It's just that five fragments were gathered together with Su Chen's hand.

"If you want to kill me, you have to pay the price. This time, you cut off your own arm and escaped to heaven. Next time, you may not be so lucky."

Su Chen waved his hand lightly and patted the dust off his chest.

"Who are you?"

"Since there is such a good fortune, how could it be possible to stray into the Blood Spirit Secret Realm?"

The soul body was puzzled. Back then, in order to be the first to step into the fairyland, he also participated in the competition for the key.

As a result, the key was broken, and it seemed that one was divided into 10, and it fell to every corner of Tianyu Continent.

It is rumored that the key is divided into nine pieces, and the nine broken token fragments gather together, and the fairyland will reappear in the world, but the soul body remembers ten streamers flying, and falls into the wild.

It was obvious that Su Chen already had enough fragments on his body, otherwise it would not be possible to have such power.

"How did you come in, I will come in! Is there any other entrance to this space?"

Su Chen looked at the soul body, but found that his expression did not change at all, as if the severed arm had no effect on him.

"Five Spirits Academy?"

"You mean you also came in through Wuling Academy?"

The soul body trembled, and finally revealed extremely resentful eyes, the monstrous hatred soared to the sky, and the hot lake water churned for a while, as if it was catering to the soul body's emotions.

"Yes, Wuling Academy is the highest institution on Tianyu Continent. As everyone knows, it is full of lackeys, traitors and slaves. The so-called list of immortals is just a cover."

"I don't know who the senior is?"

Su Chen asked with a wry smile.

"People are called Taoist Zixia. Back then, I traveled all over the world and was at ease, but I stumbled in the Wuling Academy and was trapped here. I died, and finally left only an indelible obsession, lingering on my last breath. "

"Boy, if you can get out, destroy the Wuling Academy and avenge me!"

Taoist Zixiao showed a look of great longing and anticipation.

"Can you go out, tell me!"

"We are called yin spirits, and there are hot air waves everywhere, which are called yang qi. Senior Zixiao, can you tell me what kind of place this is?"

Su Chen let go of the grievances in his heart, and asked slowly.

He knew that it was impossible for such a senior expert to make the same mistake twice.

"I didn't know until I came here that all things are divided into yin and yang, life is yang, death is yin, and yin and yang hug each other is reincarnation."

"Space is also divided into Yin and Yang. The Tianyu Continent we are in is the Yin Realm, and the space where the Blood Demons live is the Yang Realm."

"Why is this place called Huanyang Lake? It's just a name I justified myself."

Taoist Zixiao smiled wryly. Back then in this desolate space, he knew three monsters and fought four monsters, and he also showed his brilliant achievements.

However, when he was exhausted and hungry and thirsty, he discovered this lake.

Plunging headlong into the lake, he realized that he was wrong, and wanted to turn around, but it was too late, and he could only watch helplessly as his flesh and blood disintegrated, and his mind and soul disintegrated, leaving only a golden skeleton and the indestructible obsession in the end. spirit.

"So we are really ghosts?"

Su Chen opened his mouth wide.

"Not necessarily, the environment is different, and the results are naturally different."

"If you want to leave this space, there is only one place, and that is the Disha Pavilion in the center of the city."

"There seems to be a connection with the wilderness demons."

Taoist Zixiao sighed lightly.

Hearing Taoist Zixiao's words, Su Chen's expression turned ferocious.

"Demon Race!"

The soul was full of energy, and it seemed that there was endless anger burning in Su Chen's body.

"Taoist Zixiao, do you want to see the sun again and return to your hometown?"

Suddenly, Su Chen had a bold idea.

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm just a remnant spirit condensed with obsession."

"It is a great fate to be able to meet people from my hometown. Returning to my hometown?"

"Oh, leaving Huanyang Lake, this skeleton will turn into fly ash in an instant, and my obsession will disappear in the blink of an eye."

"Unless you get the rare medicine - the fountain of life. Soak in the fountain of life for thousands of years, maybe ten thousand years, maybe the true spirit will reappear, and the flesh and blood will be reborn."

Taoist Zixiao sighed, with a desolate look on his face.

"What if I had a way to take you out?"

Su Chen showed a trace of seriousness, without the slightest hint of joking.

"Oh? How?"

Taoist Zixiao's eyes flashed brightly, and he was very excited.

Even if he could go back to his hometown and take a look at the Zixiaomen he founded, he would die without regrets in this life.

"Senior Zixiao, I need you to give up resistance and let me decide everything."

Su Chen is very serious. Whether he can take Taoist Zixiao away depends on whether Zixiao trusts him.

"Okay, the old bones are gone, let's toss as you please."

After the words fell, Zi Xiao restrained her powerful soul power, and her whole person became flat, like a ghost in a daze.

The golden light in the sky dissipated, the lake boiled, and the scalding yang energy struck, which was resisted by the celestial glow all over Su Chen's body!

"Suck it!"

Su Chen shouted loudly, the vortex in his chest moved with his thoughts, and unparalleled power bloomed, tightly bound Taoist Zixiao's soul and body.

With a flash of light, Taoist Zixiao disappeared out of thin air.

Su Chen clearly felt that Zixiao's soul body also entered that space.

"Come out!"

Su Chen shouted with a hint of longing.

However, as far as the mind can see, the space is extremely calm, floating, and there is no floating cloud.

"It's easy to get in and hard to get out!"

"Yiyue, with the company of Taoist Zixiao, you are not alone!"

Su Chen's face was full of sadness.

"Boy, you are so cruel. It is said that women are the most poisonous, and you are more poisonous than women!"

Xiaohong's face was bewildered, she thought that Taoist Zixiao would die like this, completely falling down.

"Speak clearly, or Big Brother won't spare you!"

The anger in Su Chen's heart.


Xiaohong shuttled through the scalding lake water, and accidentally touched the golden bones with her claws.

With a click, the ribs broke, and a golden droplet rolled down!

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