"What is accuracy, does the relationship between triple powder and compound eye Characteristic Trait really exist?"

In Wen City University’s research institute, there is also a place here Pokemon Researcher online platform operation room.

Student Lin Yuanyuan sat in the operating room typing on the keyboard, and then entered the three words accuracy.

Immediately, in the system search, several papers related to accuracy were displayed. Lin Yuanyuan took a look and clicked on one of the papers.

This paper puts forward the concept of accuracy. At the time, it obtained 100 Pokemon Researcher Integral Points and 5000 union contribution points.

But in comparison, this paper only needs 1 point of union contribution points to view, even Lin Yuanyuan can pay.

"accuracy: Excluding external influences, the probability of a Pokemon hitting a stationary target when using Move."

Lin Yuanyuan said in a low voice. As for the definition of accuracy at the beginning of the paper, I couldn't help but focus on the words being still.

Obviously, if the opponent is moving, the concept of Move accuracy is obviously not applicable. In addition, the faster the Pokemon, the lower the accuracy.

And this external influence is also very important, just like in windy weather, many Moves will be affected by wind, thereby reducing accuracy.

After reading the description of accuracy, Lin Yuanyuan saw the calculation method of accuracy and the statistical method of experimental data.

"The factors that affect accuracy are: Pokemon's own body structure, attack method, Move strength and movement trajectory..."

Lin Yuanyuan continues to read and describes accuracy I saw a description of triple powder accuracy in my experiment.

The accuracy of the three Moves, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, and Sleep Powder, is not just simply letting the powder touch each other.

The hit of the change type Move can only be regarded as a hit when the effect appears.

If you attack Move, you can only hit the opponent if it damages the target.

Move's accuracy is not measured by the so-called hit and miss of naked eye. After all, the data observed by the eye is often inaccurate.


Pokemon is on the battlefield.

"It turned out to be this idea."

Seeing that the other party replaced the Pokemon selection, Chen Hanhan was slightly nodded.

Tactical arrangement and Pokemon replacement before the battle is a compulsory course for trainers.

Now their freshmen are only playing a 1V1 game. In the high Second Rank segment, the game is already 2V2.

As for the official large-scale competitions, the competition is in the form of 6V6. That is really a test for the trainer!

"Now, it's time for the second task given by Teacher Su."

Chen Hanhan's mouth slowly outlines an arc, and now the battle that truly belongs to Butterfree has just begun!

"Butterfree, the real battle has begun!"

As Chen Hanhan's voice fell, Butterfree's eyes shined, revealing the look of be eager to have a try.

"Weepinbell, use Razor Leaf!"

After the battle began, Zhou Song directly ordered.

After not worrying about the threat of triple powder, Weepinbell attacked quite unscrupulously.

In the face of Razor Leaf's attack, Butterfree did not evade, but suddenly fluttered its wings.

next moment, I saw a cyclone suddenly rise from the ground, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a Twister horizontally in front of Butterfree.

bang bang bang!

Razor Leaf hit Twister and was torn to pieces in an instant!

"Really strong Twister, this is Gust Move?"

Seeing this scene, the students looked at it. Butterfree does have Flying Attribute, but there is not much surprise.

Just, Butterfree is this in Stockpile?

If it's just a simple Gust Move, shouldn't Stockpile be used for so long?

huhuhu ~

Amidst the students’ doubts, the Twister in front of Butterfree expanded rapidly, and even the gravel on the ground could not be restrained from being involved!

"What is this?"

"No, this is definitely not Gust Move. Gust Move cannot achieve this formidable power!"

Look With Twister exuding horrible energy fluctuations in the scene, some teachers changed their faces one after another.

Even if they don’t use the instrument to measure, they can see that the formidable power of this Move is probably over a hundred!

"Huhuhu, finally caught up."

Lin Yuanyuan stood at the entrance of the auditorium and took a couple of breaths.

I was fascinated by the research papers in the research institute before, and she almost forgot about Chen Hanhan's game.

"Hey, this is...storm in the field?!"

Lin Yuanyuan quickly looked towards the field, when he saw the Twister hovering in front of Butterfree , She suddenly jumped in her heart.

Storm, she just saw this Move in the paper.

According to the statistics of accuracy, the accuracy of this Move is about 70%, and the main reason that affects the accuracy of Storm's Move is the instability of energy!

Of course, this accuracy is just an average value. Pokemon like Pidgeot has stronger strength control on Flying Attribute energy, so the accuracy will be higher.

And Pokemon such as Butterfree, the strength control of Flying Attribute energy is delicate, and the accuracy of Storm Move must not reach 70%.

"But...if the effect of Compound Eye Characteristic Trait really improves the accuracy of Move..."

Lin Yuanyuan murmured, looking towards the scene with some expectation Butterfree, what kind of reaction will there be?

"Storm, this is Storm Move!"

At the same time, students and teachers in the field recognized this move and couldn't help exclaiming.

Storm Move can be said to be Flying Attribute's Mega big move. Even with training methods, Normal Pokemon is difficult to learn.

They didn't expect that the first time they saw Storm Move, they would actually be on a Butterfree, and also a Butterfree who was a freshman at the Academy!

"But, can this Butterfree ride the storm?"

"The Flying Attribute energy condensed by the Storm Move is extremely unstable, even the elite bird Pokemon It’s hard to control."

"No, not to mention the elite bird Pokemon, I’m afraid even gym trainers can’t guarantee that they can hit the opponent through the storm!"

Just off the court While the students of Teachers were discussing, Zhou Song on the stage also knew that the situation was wrong, and he was a little confused.

Storm? What a joke! Is Butterfree really able to master this period?

As long as it is hit, it is estimated that no Pokemon of the same level can hold it, let alone the Weepinbell restrained by Attribute.

"Weepinbell, calm down."

"The accuracy of this move is not high. Be careful to avoid it. As long as we don't get hit, we will win."

Hearing what his trainer said, Weepinbell was dumb and nodded, with a little sweat rolling down his forehead.

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