"Come on, storm!"

Chen Hanhan clenched a fist and gave instructions.


Butterfree whispered a few words, fanning the wings and pushing Twister out.

huhuhu ~

Twister swept across the ground, swept away straight towards Weepinbell!

"It's over!"

Looking at the path that the storm swept through, Zhou Songxin sank inside.

Weepinbell in the field, watching the storm that swept through, instinctively wanted to avoid it.

But the traction brought by the storm blocked its movement, and it just jumped a step to the right and was swept into it by Twister!


After seeing this scene, both the Teacher and the students shook the head.

Storm's formidable power is extremely terrifying, and its shortcoming lies in its accuracy. Now that Weepinbell has been hit head-on, there must be no way to hold it.

"Sure enough... the storm hit."

On the sidelines, Lin Yuanyuan looked at the whistling Twister in the field and suddenly took a deep breath.

Although she had already expected it, she still felt a little unbelievable when the storm really hit.

The compound eye Characteristic Trait is in effect, but I don’t know how the compound eye Characteristic Trait has an effect on the storm.

The reason why the storm is difficult to hit is because the energy of the storm Move is unstable, so you cannot control the storm attack freely.

By the way, if the energy contained in the Storm Move can be stabilized, can the Storm Move also improve the accuracy?

This is like some Pokemon with strong control of Flying Attribute energy, the accuracy of Storm Move will be improved accordingly, and for Pokemon with poor control of Flying Attribute energy, the accuracy of Storm Move will be weakened.

"The compound eye Characteristic Trait is used to stabilize the energy of the Storm Move. How is this done?"

"Is the compound eye Characteristic Trait also a kind of energy, Is it possible to stabilize the energy of the storm Move?"

"There is also the accuracy of triple powder Move. Is it also because Butterfree incorporates this energy into the powder?"

Lin Yuanyuan couldn't help thinking of the description in the paper "Butterfree's Compound Eyes", suddenly took a deep breath and became excited.

If she can successfully solve this question, she feels that she might be able to become an Official Pokemon Researcher!

Chen Hanhan in the field also slowly relaxed when he saw the battle ended.

Although I've seen Butterfree's tempest Move more than once, the scene of killing Weeinbell at this time still shocked him a bit.

Storm Move, he is still a little confused about how his Butterfree learned this move.

At that time, when Teacher Su learned that he was going to participate in the year-end competition, he just said, let me help you train Butterfree.

Then, he gave Butterfree to Teacher Su, and let him follow Fletchling to start the training of flying ability.

When I saw Butterfree again, it was already half a month. In addition to the improvement of Flying ability, he found that his Butterfree had actually learned Storm Move!

Storm Move, this is Flying Attribute’s Mega big move. His Butterfree can be mastered only half a month, and it can be used freely!

Now, in Chen Hanhan's eyes, his Teacher Su must be a powerful trainer for Mega!

After all, it is not only Butterfree's Storm Move, but also Fletchling's Tailwind and Gloom's Grassy Terrain. These Moves are rarer and more powerful than Storm's Move!


Qinglian Town, Sky Research Laboratory.

Su Xiaobai is conducting Weedle and Wurmple’s Electro Web stimulating Shield Dust Characteristic Trait experiment.

After acquiring two Shield Dust Characteristic Trait Catterpies last time, he has successively acquired three Shield Dust Characteristic Trait Catterpies.

However, Weedle and Wurmple have not been able to withstand such a strong Electro Web Move stimulus due to their new experiments.

Now he is solving the problem of shortening the experimental process, and wants to get Weedle and Wurmple with Shield Dust Characteristic Trait as soon as possible.

"Brother Su, look at this, the live broadcast of the Wen City University year-end game."

At this moment, Lin Le from a distance trot over with a mobile phone in his hand.

"Year-end competition?"

Su Xiaobai's heart moved and thought of the two tasks he gave Chen Hanhan.

When he got his mobile phone, it was the match of Chen Hanhan.

Soon, after the start of the game, Butterfree directly displayed the Storm Move.

"It's Storm Move!"

Lin Le blew a whistle, and he is no stranger to this Flying Attribute's big trick.

Of course, he also knows that the biggest flaw of Storm Move is accuracy. I hope Chen Hanhan will not be so unlucky.

If Butterfree’s storm fails, then Butterfree may not have enough energy to fight.

"Don't worry, the storm has more than 90% probability hits."

Su Xiaobai's face was relaxed, and he smiled expectantly.

This move Storm Move is exactly what he exchanged through the system store, so Butterfree completely mastered this move under the power of TM.

Excellent control, by itself, can improve the accuracy of Move. Coupled with the blessing of Compound Eye Characteristic Trait, the accuracy of Storm Move is more than 90%, close to 100% of the hits.

Sure enough, everything that happened in the next moment field proved his words. Storm Move was very stable under the Compound Eye Characteristic Trait. Butterfree's relaxed commander storm swept towards Weepinbell, no exception. Killed it directly in seconds.

"Oh, Storm Move hits."

"It's a compound eye Characteristic Trait, it works for Storm Move."

Seeing Weepinbell Was killed in a second, Lin Le exhales one breath saying, and then he was a little expectant: "I don't know if the Cai Wenyue Committee Member has seen it, this time the other party It shouldn't be blind again, right?"

"Don't worry, he will see it."

"I think soon, he will be able to see my paper "The Effect of Compound Eye Characteristic Trait on Storm Move" ."

"Through this paper, with the actual effect as a reference, he will definitely be able to conclude that compound eye Characteristic Trait is a kind of energy."

Su Xiaobai touched it. Touching his chin and smiling, I feel that participating in several competitions to show the research results while publishing a paper is a good choice.

"Ai, Brother Su, have you published a new paper again?"

Chen Hanhan lightly exclaimed, I feel that the speed of his paper published by Brother Su is really too fast .

"That's natural, I don't want to waste a little Pokemon Researcher Integral Points." Su Xiaobai smiled, and added a system resource point in his heart.

Tweet tweeted.

While the two of them were watching the live broadcast, Fletchling also flew over from a distance.

Naturally stopping on Su Xiaobai's shoulder, Fletchling turned his head to look like I didn't want to care about you.

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