"en? Shield Dust Characteristic Trait and Shed Skin Characteristic Trait."

" These two papers discuss the Particular Capability of Bug Type Pokemon, but there are discussions The value of this."

The rigorous Cai Wenyue Committee Member thought about it for a while and handed these two papers to other Committee Members for confirmation.

"Shield Dust and moulting?"

Xu Hai Committee Member was moved. After taking a look at the paper, he saw Su Xiaobai's name as expected.

I read the paper again. In addition to Catterpie, the research goals of this time include Weedle and Wurmple Pokemon.

"I think these two papers are very valuable for discussion."

"However, the Characteristic Trait mentioned in this paper, I think I still use Particular Capability to go The description is better."

"In addition, the two papers are studying the same type of Pokemon, so just discuss the two papers together."

Huang Ruyue Committee Member is also He expressed his opinion, and after everyone had no opinion, it was also recorded in the notebook.

In this way, a group of Committee Members quickly reviewed the papers and selected papers with discussion value.

Because these papers will be discussed at the seminar, they did not directly give the review results, but will add the review results after the seminar, which will be more accurate.

"The last qualified theory In Literature there are eight."

"There are really many papers at this time. In the past, one qualified paper would be good."

After Lin Yuxi sorted out the paper, sighed slightly in relief.

"This is a good thing, and it shows that the Bug Type Pokemon Researcher circle is growing."

Huang Ruyue Committee Member sorted out the paper materials, with a smile on his face.

Bug Type Pokemon has always been the weaker among the major Attributes. He is also sincerely happy to see the current situation.

"Get ready, the seminar will start at ten o'clock."

"The discussion time for a topic is one hour, which takes eight hours. We The task of Cai Wenyue is still very tight."

Cai Wenyue Committee Member stood up, tidyed up his clothes, and put all the papers remaining on the table in the safe and locked it.

Other Committee Members are also ready, and the entire group walks in the direction of the conference hall.


In the conference hall.

After submitting the paper, Su Xiaobai took Lin Le into the conference hall.

At this time in the lobby, a small group of scholars have gathered together to start a topic discussion.

The whole hall is very large, but the number of people is not too much. There are about a hundred people. These are the best batch of Bug Type Pokemon Researchers in Alliance.

"It's the Scholar Su Xiaobai, he really came."

"hmph, all the scholars who specialize and Bug Type Pokemon are present, he is a researcher What is the scholar of Electric Type Pokemon doing here?"

"Hey, I heard that he is the director of the Bird Pokemon Laboratory. He should study bird Pokemon, right?"

"In any case, the seminar does not welcome him to study other Pokemon scholars."

Some scholars in the lobby discussed in a low voice, all of them involuntarily far away from Su Xiaobai. .

They are ready, even if the seminar starts, they will not find this Scholar Su for discussion.

In the corner of the hall, Chen Jianyong scholar is now surrounded by a group of scholars.

Since he discovered Bug Force Move, he also directly brought up a brand-new research topic.

Even the outstanding Bug Type Pokemon Researchers in the field have shown a strong interest in Bug Force Move.

When Su Xiaobai entered the conference hall, Chen Jianyong's mouth showed a sneer.

After seeing everyone choosing to stay away from Su Xiaobai, he turned his head and stopped looking at each other, but he became more proud in his heart.

"Brother Su, these people don't seem to want to see us very much."

Lin Le looked around for a moment, looking at those who voluntarily retreated, frowned.

Even if you don’t know them, you can just ignore them. This is obviously showing your attitude.

"It doesn't matter."

"I don't know them anyway."

Su Xiaobai shrugged, then turned his gaze to the refreshment placed aside.

These refreshments are placed there for the scholars to taste when they are resting. After all, after the seminar starts, there is no intermission.

Now, Su Xiaobai didn't plan to discuss anything with the scholars in the field, so everyone who was minding their own business came to the rest area and began to enjoy refreshments leisurely.

"Here, the review committee members are coming."

"There is also the Branch President of our Bug Type Pokemon Research Union. The people next to him are the region presidents in other places. "

At this moment, the crowd became commotion, and the scholars who were standing in the hall discussing stepped aside, allowing the audit committee members and the presidents to step onto the main stage.

"Brother Su, that is Chairman Li Lan."

After hearing Lin Le's words, Su Xiaobai nodded.

Rui City is currently building a Bug Type Pokemon circle, and it is not surprising that Chairman Li Lan came to participate in the Bug Type Pokemon seminar this time.

With the arrival of the Branch President of the Bug Type Pokemon Research Union and the reviewing Committee Members, all the invited Pokemon Researchers have also arrived one after another.

Apart from this, there are also several Top Rank Pokemon Researchers from Pokemon Research Union who will be the guests of this time seminar.

After a brief opening speech by a branch president with the appearance of an ordinary gray-haired old man, the annual Bug Type Pokemon seminar officially began.

It was Zhu Lin scholar who had a high reputation in the field of Bug Type Pokemon Researcher who gave the thesis speech first.

This Zhu Lin scholar looked very young, but everyone in the field showed respect and did not dare to despise each other because of his age.

After all, this is a genius close to Top Rank Pokemon Researcher, and may even win the Insec Prize, which represents the highest honor.

"Bug Buzz Move?"

"Starting with the vibration of the sound, I developed the training method of Bug Buzz Move. This is indeed a talented scholar."

Su Xiaobai couldn't help but exclaimed after listening to Zhu Lin scholar's speech.

Bug Buzz Move uses vibration to emit sound waves to attack, sometimes reducing the opponent's special defense.

After listening to the paper, there is no need to verify it at all. He knew that this method is definitely feasible!

After Zhu Lin scholar finished his speech, the audience burst into enthusiastic applause, and then the discussion session of the topic started.

For Bug Buzz Move, even Branch President showed great interest, and the atmosphere in the field was elevated to a peak for a while.

Even Su Xiaobai, who already knew the effects and principles of Bug Buzz Move, couldn't help listening with keen interest pleasure, and was immersed in the ocean of knowledge.

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