Pokemon Research Union headquarters, Bug Type Pokemon branch meeting room.

At the end of the day’s meeting, every speaker received warm applause.

And after they talked about the presentation of their paper, there will be up to one hour of discussion and guest comments.

During the discussion, they can also help them improve their research results, and at the same time inspire the inspiration of other Pokemon Researchers.

From the current topic of discussion, Zhu Lin scholar's "On the Methods of Learning Sound Wave Move and Bug Buzz Move and Bug Type Pokemon" by Zhu Lin scholar has the most heated discussion.

The guests also gave a very high evaluation. This research paper provides more probability for Bug Type Pokemon to learn Sonic Move.

By using the combination of Bug Type energy and sound waves, Bug Type Screech, Tweeter or Sonic Boom may even appear in the near future.

For this point mentioned in the paper, Su Xiaobai could not help but think of various skin type Characteristic Trait, such as Aerilate, Pixilate, etc., it is indeed possible to turn the sound wave type of Normal Type into the corresponding Attribute. , If the principle can be cracked, the various sonic Moves that appear in the Bug Type are indeed not impossible.

And this paper is almost the paper that the audience believes must be nominated for the Insec Prize, and may even win the Insec Prize.

After that is a simple First Stage speech after lunch. What can be arranged for discussion here is undoubtedly an extremely important paper for the seminar.

"The paper to be discussed next is the "Bug Force" paper by Chen Jianyong scholar."

"Now there is a speech inviting our Chen Jianyong scholar to come to the stage for discussion. "

As the host's voice in the seminar fell, the scholars in the field quieted down, and then immediately burst into applause.

Chen Jianyong got up from his seat, bowed slightly to the scholars next to him, and then walked towards the main stage.

At this time, his heart was naturally extremely excited, so much so that his hand holding the paper trembled slightly. This was not nervousness but excitement!

Being able to be scheduled to be on stage at this time undoubtedly shows the attitude of Scholar Union. Scholars who have been on stage here in the past will be nominated for the Insec Prize!

Only the last step is to go on stage, and then finish the speech this time.

Chen Jianyong scholar, who walked slowly onto the main stage, projected his thesis on the big screen and began to share his research results: the learning method of Bug Force Move, sufficient Bug Type energy and external dangers Stimulus.

This discovery is crucial to the study of Bug Force Move. The reproducibility and verifiability of the Move learning method is the cornerstone of a Move. From then on, Bug Force Move can be officially classified as Move. It's not just discovery and guessing.

In the subsequent paper speeches, all the scholars became interested in Bug Force and listened very carefully. Even the guests who are Top Rank Pokemon Researchers are frequently nodded.

The discovery of Bug Force Move is too significant for Bug Type Pokemon, even more significant than Bug Buzz Move.

At this time, Zhu Lin scholar's face was solemn, but it seemed to be sighed in relief. Looking at the young scholar on the stage, he seemed to see himself a few years ago.

At that time, when he published the learning method of Bug Buzz Move, he was also the focal point of ten thousands. He believed that the other party's paper could also be nominated for the Insec Prize.

But just like the problem he encountered at the beginning, the learning method of Bug Force Move is too harsh, there are many uncertainties, and Move is not perfect, which will also become the opponent to win the Insec Prize The biggest obstacle.

However, he believes that in a few years, the other party will definitely step on this stage again like himself, and then fight for the Insec Prize again!

Chen Jianyong scholar ended his speech, and then had an in-depth discussion with the scholars who asked questions. When he left the podium, warm applause sounded without exception. The meaning of Bug Force Move, Has been recognized by all scholars in the field.

The applause subsided slowly, Chen Jianyong scholar bowed again, and then his gaze swept towards Su Xiaobai in the corner of the field, with complacency on his face.

At this moment, Host also announced the list of the next speaker, Su Xiaobai.

Chen Jianyong, who was walking down the stage, was taken aback for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth turned up and he shook his head slightly.

Now he is in the limelight, and Su Xiaobai's speech is just behind him, which is very stressful for the latter.

After all, after a heated discussion has just ended, it is difficult for the scholars in the field to calm down and listen to a new speech.

At the same time, Su Xiaobai also walked towards the main stage with a suitcase, the silhouettes of the two walked face to face, and then passed by.

After arriving at the main stage, Su Xiaobai did not immediately turn on the computer, but put the handbag on the table and opened it, and then took out nine Poké Balls.

After seeing this scene, the scholars in the audience all looked at each other, and their faces became serious.

"Has he not only discovered the Particular Capability of Shield Dust, but also mastered the method of activating this Particular Capability?"

After this idea appeared in his heart, the field Sure enough, the attention of the scholars was all attracted to the past. Discovery and mastery are totally two different concepts!

In addition, to a certain extent, the value of Particular Capability for a group is not inferior to the discovery of a kind of Move. Sometimes, Pokemon's Particular Capability is even more powerful than some Moves!

As the Poké Ball opened, three Catterpie, three Wurmple and three Weedle silhouettes appeared in the field.

Seeing the nine silhouettes appearing in the field, the scholars in the field secretly thought that it was true, and nine Pokemon activated this Particular Capability, which shows that the mastery of this Particular Capability has been Very good, this Scholar Su Xiaobai really has the method to activate this Particular Capability in his hands.

"The effect of Shield Dust Characteristic Trait is that it can withstand the additional effects of Move."

After releasing Pokemon, Su Xiaobai did not have a projection paper, but picked up the microphone directly Speaking.

After hearing the effect of Shield Dust Characteristic Trait, most of the scholars in the field cheered up.

If this Particular Capability is really as powerful as this Scholar Su said, then the decision can greatly enhance the strength of Pokemon.

After all, the additional effects are very powerful. If the additional effects can be resisted, the strength of many Moves will be greatly reduced.

After explaining the effects of the Shield Dust Characteristic Trait, Su Xiaobai made everyone's eyes look towards the nine Pokemon in front of him, and conducted experiments on the spot.

In order to ensure the accuracy of the experiment, he chose to let his Catterpie display the Electro Web Move, this move can reduce the speed of Pokemon 100%.

You only need to test the speed of these nine Pokemons to get the conclusion that Shield Dust Characteristic Trait can withstand the side effects of Electro Web Move.

Although Su Xiaobai also described this process through data in the paper, seeing this scene with his own eyes at this time still shocked these scholars!

"It's really possible. This is indeed a good Particular Capability."

After watching the research process, some scholars also talked in a low voice.

"It's really good, but this Particular Capability belongs to these Bug Type Pokemon with Shield Dust."

"Whether it is Catterpie or Weedle or Wurmple, these Pokemon The strength is too weak."

There are also scholars who shook their heads slightly, indicating that the Shield Dust Characteristic Trait has limited effects. After all, no one really breeds this kind of Pokemon.

"Scholar Su, can I learn this kind of Particular Capability in addition to the three Pokemon in the field, can other Pokemon be learned?"

Su Xiaobai finished the speech of Shield Dust Characteristic Trait Immediately afterwards, Pokemon Researcher couldn't wait to ask.

"It stands to reason that Pokemon with Shield Dust can activate this Particular Capability."

"But in fact, among the Pokemon I studied, only Dustox has mastered this. Kind of Particular Capability."

Su Xiaobai's answer made the scholars off the court stunned.

"Wait, can Dustox master this Particular Capability?"

Under the audience, a Pokemon Researcher who studies Dustox hurriedly opened the mouth and said: "That is to say, this Does this kind of Particular Capability have a chance to be inherited?"

When it comes to the word inheritance, other scholars in the field are also expression moved.

If Pokemon such as Butterfree, Beedrill, and Beautifly can also have this Particular Capability, then the meaning is completely different!


"No, no, this cannot be said to be inheritance."

"Because Wurmple evolved into Cascoon, this kind of Particular Capability will first transform into molting, and then when it evolves into Dustox, will it be transformed into Shield Dust again.” Su Xiaobai slowly stated this conclusion.

After hearing this answer, all the scholars in the field were a little confused.

Transformation of Particular Capability?

Can these Particular Capability also be transformed? !

The scholars in the field looked at each other and found that everyone else was the same as themselves, and they did not understand the meaning of Su Xiaobai's words at all.

Xu Hai Committee Member sitting in the guest seat suddenly moved in his heart and thought of the paper "Discussion on the Content of the Characteristic Trait" that Su Xiaobai did not publish.

According to the records in the paper, after Catterpie evolves into Metapod, the Characteristic Trait will be transformed from Shield Dust Characteristic Trait to Shed Skin Characteristic Trait. Will Wurmple also?

It wasn't just Xu Hai Committee Member who thought of this, Cai Wenyue Committee Member's face also changed slightly, and then his eyes suddenly looked towards the nine Pokemon in the field.

next moment, nine alternately lit white lights, slammed into the eyes of this rigorous Committee Member!

"Evolved, all evolved!"

The Pokemon Researchers in the field exclaimed that the evolution of these nine Pokemon was too sudden.

However, why did these nine Pokemon suddenly evolve?

"Wait, he said before that when Wurmple is evolving Cascoon, Particular Capability will transform from Shield Dust to molting, right?"

Suddenly, I don’t know who is in the field. After saying something, it immediately attracted the attention of the scholar present.

If what this Scholar Su said is true, then they seem to be able to verify this idea soon!

"Cascoon, is there any Cascoon?"

The scholars murmured in their mouths, looking towards Wurmple's direction.

Wurmple has two types of branch evolution when it is evolving.

One of them is Silcoon, which has evolved again to be Beautifly.

Another evolutionary form is Cascoon, and its re-evolved form is Dustox.

Not only these scholars, Su Xiaobai is also staring at the Wurmples closely at this time, waiting for the results to appear.

Gradually, the white light of evolution disappeared, and nine Pokemon cocoons appeared in the field.

"It's Cascoon, and there are still two!"

Looking at Pokemon appearing in the field, the scholars sighed in relief inexplicably.

Su Xiaobai smiled when he saw this scene. Silcoon and Cascoon have all. This is undoubtedly the most ideal result.

After that, he continued to pick up the microphone and said: "Everyone should be very interested in the transformation of the so-called Particular Capability in my mouth?"

"Now I can tell you, For the nine Pokemons in the Pokemon, their Particular Capability has been transformed from Shield Dust to Molt!"

"The Particular Capability of Molt can make Pokemon release the Status Condition..."

While speaking, Su Xiaobai released a Butterfree and let it continuously display Sleep Powder against the Pokemon in the field.

Looking at the experiment in the field, the audience suddenly held their breath, even the Top Rank Pokemon Researchers on the guests are the same!

The final result of the experiment is just as they guessed. In the continuous Sleep Powder, the Pokemon in the field quickly fell asleep.

But this process didn't last long, and these Pokemon quickly broke free of sleep, and even Metapod woke up immediately after entering the sleep state.

After Sleep Powder, Su Xiaobai let Butterfree show Stun Spore again. The effect of this time Shed Skin Characteristic Trait is more intuitive than the previous one. There is no Assist any external force at all, Metapod, Cascoon, etc. Pokemon quickly relieved the paralysis effect.

"The Status Condition was really lifted! These Pokemon really got a new Particular Capability!"

After the Poison Powder test, the scholars in the field There was a lot of discussion, and this scene in the field was really incredible!

Pokemon such as Metapod and Cascoon are all familiar with them. They can be sure that these Pokemon certainly do not have this ability under normal circumstances.

Cai Wenyue Committee Member looked at this scene, the whole person seemed to be in a daze.

"Characteristic Trait is a kind of energy..."

The content of the thesis resurfaced in his mind.

If this phenomenon only happens to a single Pokemon, it can be explained by accident, but there are nine Pokemon in the field.

In other words, the Particular Capability of Shield Dust is really successfully transformed into the Particular Capability of molting!

Transformation... This almost only occurs between energy and energy. Is this Particular Capability really a kind of energy?

And, are all Pokemon's Particular Capability converted from the same kind of energy?

"Scholar Su, I don’t know if I can verify it."

At this moment, a scholar in the field opened the mouth and said and looked quite nervous. .

"No problem."

After Su Xiaobai nodded, such a scholar came to the stage and sent Galvantula.

After that, he directly commanded Galvantula to use Thunder Wave to paralyze the Pokemon in the field.

But this paralyzed state did not last long, and was lifted one after another, which once again proved the existence of Shed Skin Characteristic Trait.

"It's really amazing."

"Particular Capability can also evolve and transform."

When this scholar stepped down, he was also sincere. He exclaimed, as if he knew Particular Capability Normal again.

But...why can Particular Capability be transformed into each other?

Is Particular Capability also a kind of energy, can it be transformed into each other?

Scholars in the field really started from the discussion of Shed Skin Characteristic Trait and Shield Dust Characteristic Trait itself to the transformation of Particular Capability.

After the hypothesis that Particular Capability is a kind of energy was put forward, it caused a new wave of discussion.

Cai Wenyue Committee Member closed his eyes in pain, and sure enough, everyone thought of it.

"It's not wrong, Particular Capability is a kind of energy!"

At this moment, Su Xiaobai on the stage suddenly opened the mouth and said loudly, turning everyone's Attention is drawn to the past.

The slight changes in their faces are somewhat unimaginable, but the transformation of Particular Capability that actually occurs in the field illustrates this again.

"I don't think Particular Capability is a kind of energy!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, and everyone looked over and found that it was Chen Jianyong who was speaking. scholar.

"We all know that compared to the saying that Particular Capability is a kind of energy, I think it is Pokemon that activates a certain gene of its own."

"It's like Like those Shiny Pokemon, as they evolve, their own special colors will also be inherited, which is very similar to this situation!"

Chen Jianyong scholar is very confident, he is studying bugs Before Force, he was studying the scholar of the doorworm, and he was naturally very familiar with this type of Pokemon.

"In addition, I remember that Scholar Su, you published a paper on Catterpie's odor ability, right?"

"If you said Particular Capability is a kind of energy, you can If it transforms with evolution, then why is Catterpie’s stinking ability not inherited or transformed?"

"Don’t deny, according to the record in your paper, I also breed a few Catterpies, but After they evolved, this Particular Capability disappeared."

" Therefore, my final conclusion is an accident. Catterpie with Shield Dust Particular Capability just activates a certain type of body. Gene, and with Catterpie's abnormal development similar to ordinary insects, after Metapod after evolution, this gene just appeared in the Particular Capability of molting."

I heard a series of Chen Jianyong scholar After the explanation of overbearing, the audience fell into silence for a while. After careful analysis, it was found that Chen Jianyong scholar's explanation was very reasonable.

And the existence of Shiny Pokemon supports Chen Jianyong scholar's explanation of genes to a large extent, and all this is just an accident!


Even Cai Wenyue Committee Member couldn't help but applaud at this time.

Compared with Particular Capability, which is a kind of energy, all Particular Capability is transformed from a kind of energy. He believes Chen Jianyong scholar's teachings even more!

"Gene theory?"

"Then, let's continue with the next experiment."

"I will prove to you that Particular Capability is indeed It's a kind of energy."

Su Xiaobai's answer was unexpectedly calm, which made Chen Jianyong scholar who was originally proud to frown.

Continue with the next experiment?

Just when he was full of doubts, he suddenly saw rays of light shining from Metapod in the field.

Followed by Silcoon, then Cascoon and Kakuna, the evolved rays of light also emerged!

"It has evolved again!"

"It turned out to be a continuous evolution, and the accumulation of these Pokemon is too sufficient!"

"What is he planning to do? Wait... If according to his statement, after these Pokemon evolve, will Particular Capability transform again?"

The scholars in the field whispered to each other again, faintly guessed. Something that might happen.

"Successful, second evolution."

After seeing this scene, Su Xiaobai also laughed.

When he was training Pokemon before, he discovered that as long as Catterpie and Wurmple Pokemon are given enough energy, they can evolve continuously.

After having Pokéblock, he also completed related experiments.

Catterpie, Wurmple, and Weedle only need to eat enough Pokéblock before evolution, so that they can accumulate the ability to directly evolve to the final evolutionary form.

In the rays of light, three Butterfrees, three Beedrills, two Dustox and a Beautifly appeared on the main stage, gently flying in the air.

"Then, let's continue to experiment."

Su Xiaobai put his gaze on Chen Jianyong scholar, his mouth cocked.

Inexplicably, Chen Jianyong scholar feels cold all over, why does Su Xiaobai’s smile look so strange?

"Let’s start with Dustox first."

"I said before that Dustox still has a special shield dust."

Speaking, Su Xiaobai The previous experiment was repeated again, making these scholars stare slightly.

Sure enough, Dustox also has the special Shield Dust that can withstand additional effects.

After that, Su Xiaobai gave Butterfree the Sleep Powder on Dustox again, which made Dustox quickly fall into a sleep state.

This shows that Dustox has lost the Shed Skin Characteristic Trait and converted it back into the Shield Dust Characteristic Trait.

"What can this prove?"

"Perhaps you want to say that these special shield dusts are made of special energy?"

Chen Jianyong Scholar took the opportunity to open the mouth and said, and at the same time he felt that he had felt wrong before.

As for the transformation of Particular Capability, the other party still cannot verify their own guesses.

"Don't worry, I will prove it to you next."

Su Xiaobai's face once again showed the kind of smile that made Chen Jianyong scholar very uncomfortable.

After that, I saw Su Xiaobai let Beedrill fly in front of him: "Chen Jianyong scholar, I remember that there are experiments on Beedrill in your paper, right?"

After hearing Su Xiaobai's words, Chen Jianyong frowned, not knowing what Su Xiaobai meant.

"Next, I want to verify that Kakuna acquired Particular Capability after evolving into Beedrill. I call it Swarm Characteristic Trait."

" By the way, the Characteristic Trait is me As for the name of Particular Capability, you can just think of it as Particular Capability."

Scholars have also reacted to this. It seems that Beedrill has also acquired a new Particular Capability just like Dustox.

They looked at the three Beedrills and saw that Su Xiaobai was testing the Move formidable power of the three Beedrills through the formidable power tester.

What surprised them a bit is that these three Beedrills have just completed their evolution, and they have learned the Pin Missile Move of Bug Type!

Chen Jianyong scholar frowned, Pin Missile, the Move, is also the test Move he used when studying Bug Force Move.

Now Su Xiaobai even let Beedrill perform the Pin Missile Move, which seems to be provocative.

"Well, the formidable power is good, and it's not futile. I used 250 resource points to redeem."

Record the formidable power of Beedrill's Pin Missile Move, Su Xiaobai quite Nodded for satisfaction.

After recording the Move formidable power of Pin Missile many times, the three Beedrills started to attack each other under the command of Su Xiaobai.

After seeing this scene, Chen Jianyong scholar's face suddenly changed slightly. Why is the process of this experiment the same as when he studied Bug Force Move?

Could it be that this so-called Swarm Characteristic Trait also requires Pokemon to be able to use it when physically weak?

"It has become stronger, and the formidable power of those Pin Missile has become stronger!"

At this moment, I don't know who shouted in a low voice.

Chen Jianyong scholar quickly ended the thoughts in his heart, his eyes also looked over.

Even if they did not pass the formidable power test, they can see that the formidable power of the Pin Missile has become stronger!

This should be the so-called Swarm Characteristic Trait, right?

Suddenly, Chen Jianyong scholar's heart jumped. Why does this Particular Capability look so similar to the effect of Bug Force Move?

The other scholars were also a little confused after reacting, but Su Xiaobai's experiment was not over yet, so they quietly watched his on-site experiment.

At this moment, Su Xiaobai has started to record the Pin Missile data after becoming stronger, and write it out one after another on the huge blackboard on the main stage.

Huang Ruyue, Xu Hai, Lin Yuxi, and Cai Wenyue four review committee members' faces suddenly became solemn, and closed their eyes slightly to recall the data before and after the experiment.

"This is impossible!"

"How is this possible? A coincidence, this must be a coincidence, this must be a coincidence!"

At this moment, together The unbelievable voice was remembered in the field, and the tone was hysterical!

Hearing this voice, everyone looked towards the Chen Jianyong scholar who made the noise.

"Wait, this Swarm Characteristic Trait shouldn't be..."

Scholars who reacted more quickly reacted fiercely, and their eyes widened fiercely.

"Bug Force Move, it is Bug Force Move!"

"The three Beedrills in the field are performing Bug Force Move!"

In the guest seat Above, Cai Wenyue Committee Member suddenly stood up from his position and looked towards the blackboard with an unbelievable expression.

The sound he shouted also caused the atmosphere of the audience to stagnate, followed by an uproar!

The three Beedrills in the field will also Bug Force Move?

"What's going on?"

"These three Beedrills understand Bug Force Move?"

A scholar research assistant was quite puzzled, he Yanran hadn't realized anything yet.


"Do you really think this is a coincidence?"

"If it is one, it is possible, but three Beedrills comprehend at the same time Bug Force Move, do you think it is possible?"

The scholar glanced at his assistant, then looked towards the big blackboard again.

"Could it be..."

The assistant sucked in a cold breath.

Scholar Seeing this is also taking a deep breath.

"Swarm Characteristic Trait is Bug Force Move!"

Xu Hai Committee Member spoke at this time, and his voice was trembling and excited at the same time.

When he saw Su Xiaobai's paper, he gave a very high evaluation.

Now that he sees a scene in the paper being verified, he is also excited, so...the other speculations are also true?

At the same time, Su Xiaobai's calculations have come to an end, and he slowly wrote down the conclusion, parameter 1.5.

The parameter 1.5 means that the formidable power of Bug Type Move has increased by a little 1.5 times, which is exactly the same as the conclusion of Bug Force Move!

So far, Swarm Characteristic Trait and Bug Force Move belong to the same force, and they have also been accurately verified.

Then the question is, is this a kind of Particular Capability or a kind of Move?

When this idea came to mind, they couldn't help but think of the experiment that Su Xiaobai conducted before.

After Wurmple evolves into Cascoon, Shield Dust Characteristic Trait is transformed into Shed Skin Characteristic Trait, and then into Dustox, Shed Skin Characteristic Trait is transformed into Shield Dust Characteristic Trait again!

Then Weedle, after evolving into Kakuna, Shield Dust Characteristic Trait transformed into Shed Skin Characteristic Trait, and now Kakuna evolved into Beedrill, then Shed Skin Characteristic Trait...

At this time, everyone was stuck together, and the answer was ready to come. Shed Skin Characteristic Trait was transformed into Swarm Characteristic Trait!

In other words, it is not a Bug Force Move at all, but a Particular Capability of Beedrill, that is, Swarm Characteristic Trait!

"This is impossible!"

"Even if Beedrill has similar capabilities, how do you explain that Scyther also has this ability!"

Chen Jianyong scholar at this time His face was extremely hideous, he looked at Su Xiaobai's opened the mouth and said every word, it seemed to eat people Normal!

"That's naturally the Swarm Characteristic Trait!"

"I didn't say that this is Particular Capability exclusively for Beedrill!"

"More than Scyther and Beautifly also have the Swarm Characteristic Trait."

After hearing Su Xiaobai's words, everyone involuntarily looked towards Beautifly in the field.

After that, they saw Su Xiaobai repeating Normal’s previous experiment, but this time Beautifly was performing Bug Buzz Move!

At that sound wave attack, which was performed by Beautifly's rapid incitement of wings to vibrate, the audience was taken aback.

Zhu Lin's gaze was also condensed at this time, and his face was already very ugly at this time.

Although I don't know why this Beautifly will use Bug Buzz, but the provocative taste is too strong.

This young scholar wants to compete with me for the Insec Prize!

This thought came to Zhu Lin's mind, and his face gradually became gloomy.

The next step is the familiar experimental process. When Beautifly's Bug Buzz Move formidable power suddenly improved, the audience of scholars boiled over.

According to no calculations, they all know that this Beautifly also has the Particular Capability to improve the Bug Type Move!

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