"Regarding this set of data, I don’t think I need to explain too much, right?"

"Bug Force is not a kind of Move, but a kind of The Particular Capability of a specific Pokemon!"

Although I already had the answer in my mind, when Su Xiaobai personally said this sentence, there was a burst of exclamation in the audience!

As the discoverer of Bug Force Move, Chen Jianyong scholar closed his eyes in pain.

"So... now everyone is thinking about why the experimental data of Swarm Characteristic Trait can be substituted into the energy formula?"

Looking at the cheering crowd below, The corners of Su Xiaobai's mouth were cocked, and the voice spread through the microphone throughout the hall.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the audience was stagnant. The scholars were thinking about this issue in their minds, and the smiles on their faces slowly solidified.

Yes, why can the experimental data of Characteristic Trait be substituted into the energy formula?

For this, they have verified many times when studying Bug Force Move, and they are sure that all the data are accurate!

"Scholars, let's continue to do another experiment next."

Looking at the scholars who fell silent in the audience, Su Xiaobai laughed and made the three Butterfree flew in front of him.

After seeing Butterfree, these scholars suddenly reacted.

Since the evolution of Beedrill, Dustox and Beautifly, the Shed Skin Characteristic Trait has been transformed into a new Characteristic Trait.

So, what about Butterfree?

Did Butterfree also get Shield Dust or Swarm Characteristic Trait?

"Compound Eye Characteristic Trait."

The Cai Wenyue Committee Member on the guest seat muttered to himself.

At this time, Su Xiaobai's paper on Compound Eye Characteristic Trait suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Yes, it is Compound Eye Characteristic Trait."

Su Xiaobai slightly smiled, and then displayed his paper on Compound Eye Characteristic Trait on the big screen.

Although there are very few scholars who have read his papers, most of the scholars in the field must have never read them!

After reading the data in the paper, some scholars suddenly gave a whisper. The data about the compound eye Characteristic Trait was completely integrated into the accuracy formula!

Then the paper on the "Effect of Compound Eye Characteristic Trait on Storm Move" displayed on the big screen made the audience breathless.

All the Pokemon Researchers in the field have faintly guessed what will happen in a while. They closed their eyes and recalled the data in the paper, making them substitute a parameter into the data formula of Storm Move .

After a short calculation, they surprisingly got a set of data. The parameter of Compound Eye Characteristic Trait turned out to be 1.3. In other words, Compound Eye Characteristic Trait can increase the accuracy of Storm Move by 1.3 times!

At this time, the time has come to the evening, and the winter wind is hanging outside the window, like a normal storm, sweeping through everyone's heart.

The data of Compound Eye Characteristic Trait is actually substituted into the energy formula of Storm Move!

Like the Swarm Characteristic Trait before, the Compound Eye Characteristic Trait can also apply the energy formula!

What does this mean? How could these Pokemon Researchers who are qualified to participate in the seminar in the field think of it!

Characteristic Trait is a kind of energy, and can be substituted into the energy formula, just like the normal energy contained in the Move!

Looking at the silent meeting place, Su Xiaobai continued:

"Characteristic Trait is a kind of energy, it needs all of us to verify."

"After all, the Characteristic Trait has just been discovered. Even the discoverer of me cannot accurately describe his existence."

"The Characteristic Trait may or may not be a kind of energy. Pokemon’s Characteristic Trait is diverse, and this needs to be verified by the scholars sitting here!"

Confident and calm, after hearing Su Xiaobai’s words, the depressed atmosphere of the audience suddenly relaxed. The faces of some scholars were eager to try.

They thought of the Pokemon in their hands. If they can find a characteristic trait, this is undoubtedly a very good research topic.

Characteristic Trait is like a treasure that has only been revealed with the tip of the iceberg but has not been mined. Each of them has the hope of getting a share of it!

Just as they were thinking about the information in their minds and wanting to determine one or two possible Characteristic Traits, Su Xiaobai continued:

"Even if we are concerned about the Characteristic Trait I don’t know enough, but the scholars sitting here, can you deny the existence of Characteristic Trait?"

From thinking, came back to his senses, the scholars in the field glanced at the formula on the blackboard , I also looked at a few Pokemon in the field, they were all nodded.

Even the Cai Wenyue Committee Member who had raised objections to the existence of the Characteristic Trait in the guest seat, at this time, slowly returned to the chair.

Although he still has a lot of puzzles about the existence of Characteristic Trait, his question of'the same Pokemon will also have different Particular Capability' was not answered.

But as long as he recalled the previous experiments and the shock from the bottom of his heart, he could not deny the existence of the Characteristic Trait.

The "Bug Force" that they thought was mysterious, turned out to be a kind of Particular Capability, and it can also be transformed by a special Shield Dust!

Thinking of this, Cai Wenyue Committee Member took a deep breath, and then applauded first, making it hard to imagine that this would be the big scholar who is known for his rigor.

"I admit that Characteristic Trait is a magical power that exists in Pokemon. This may be a new direction for the development of Pokemon in the future!"

Cai Wenyue Committee Member Short, but it also represents the attitude of the overwhelming majority in the field, making the scholars in the field applaud.

Amidst the warm applause, Su Xiaobai walked off the stage, and then his gaze surrounded him, as if Chen Jianyong saw him at the beginning.

But what made Su Xiaobai a little astonished was that Chen Jianyong scholar, who stood at the front of the hall before, had disappeared at this time.

The so-called higher the station, the more miserable you will fall. The paper that was nominated for the Insec Prize was directly shattered by a frontal blow. This face is really shattered.

At this time, Chen Jianyong scholar obviously didn't want to stay here for a moment. The compliments originally given to him have now become the biggest irony.

"Brother Su, you are really my idol."

Lin Le from the stage quickly greeted him. As Su Xiaobai’s research assistant, he was at the waist. They are a lot straighter.

He can feel the envy of other scholars!

"Brother Su, you didn't see Chen Jianyong's expression."

"At the beginning, this Old Guy dared to discuss some of his Bug Forces at the seminar. Now think about it. It's really interesting."

"He certainly would not have thought that one day his so-called Bug Force Move would" become a joke, right? "

When he came to the corner of the hall, Lin Le couldn't wait to express his excitement.

"This is just the beginning. "

Su Xiaobai's mouth was raised. He could believe that after the Characteristic Trait was proposed, the scholars looked crazy.

But as he said, proposed The existence of the Characteristic Trait is just the beginning.

Next, in addition to discovering more Characteristic Traits, he also needs to prove that the same Pokemon has many different Characteristic Traits and the existence of Implicit Characteristic.

In addition, it proves that Characteristic Trait is a kind of energy, and the discovery that Role Play Move and Characteristic Trait exchange Move, these all are necessary to establish a new system.

Wait for all this At the moment it is proved, he can also get the highest honor belonging to Pokemon Researcher?!

"Congratulations, Scholar Su. "

The surrounding scholars all expressed their sincere congratulations to Su Xiaobai.

When they looked at this young scholar, they couldn’t help but feel moved.

They can be sure that this young scholar is about to be nominated for the Insec Prize.

No matter who the final Insec Prize belongs to, this achievement at such an age is enough to be recorded in history.


"Scholar Su, your speech is very wonderful. "

"I haven't experienced that tense and shocking feeling for a long time. "

Bug Type Union Branch President Gong Yulin also walked down from the guest table to meet this young scholar specifically.

He believes that it is not just Bug Type Pokemon, Characteristic Trait It will cause a storm in the entire Pokemon Researcher world!

Su Xiaobai said to the Branch President nodded, said with a slight smile: "Thank you for the praise of the President. I am just taking this new path. It's just a small step insignificant. "

Branch President was very satisfied with Su Xiaobai’s attitude, and exchanged a few more words, and put forward an invitation for Su Xiaobai to join the Bug Type Pokemon Researcher branch.

"I It is a scholar belonging to Rui City. "

In this regard, Su Xiaobai slightly smiled and looked towards Chairman Li Lan behind Branch President.

After hearing Su Xiaobai’s words, Branch President couldn’t help but glance behind him. Chairman Li Lan.

Although Su Xiaobai did not directly agree, since he said that he is a Pokemon Researcher of Rui City, plus the plan of the Rui City Bug Type Pokemon circle, he was looking thoughtful.

The Chairman Li Lan at this time is undoubtedly very complicated. It turns out that because of Chen Jianyong, he is still confident about this time seminar.

As long as Chen Jianyong scholar’s ​​Bug Force Move can get Nomination of the Insec Prize, Rui City can use this to make his own title of Bug Type Pokemon City.

But who knows that in the clash between Chen Jianyong scholar and Su Xiaobai, the former will lose so simply , It can be said to be ruined!

Obviously, it is no longer possible to rely on Chen Jianyong scholar, and then it seems that I can only hug this Scholar Su’s thigh.

Although the other party moved the Laboratory to Qinglian Town, it is also part of Rui City.

In addition, the Pokemon studied by Su Xiaobai is not a Bug Type. Anyway, this Insec Prize nomination is completely sufficient.

Thinking of this, Chairman Li Lan also smiled at Su Xiaobai, planning to have a good chat with each other after the meeting.

"We met again, Scholar Su. "

Xu Hai Committee Member also came over and smiled at this time.

"Hello, Xu Hai Committee Member. "

Su Xiaobai slightly smiled, for this scholar who highly praised his Characteristic Trait paper, he also has a great impression.

"I will apply for the previous paper Re-review, and then give you the Integral Points, contributions, glory and praise you deserve! "

Behind Xu Hai Committee Member, Cai Wenyue Committee Member also opened the mouth and said at this time. Although he is rigid, right is right and wrong is wrong.

Su Xiaobai was also very surprised by the Cai Wenyue Committee Member's words.

He previously criticized his papers "Butterfree's Compound Eyes" and "Discussion on Pokemon Characteristic Trait".

In addition, this time directly denied his "Swarm Characteristic Trait" paper. The other party obviously does not recognize the existence of the Characteristic Trait.

Now, the other party has said this sentence in public. Acknowledging his previous mistakes, this also disappeared the trace of dissatisfaction in Su Xiaobai's heart. The other party seemed to be just that kind of rigorous scholar, but deliberately made things difficult.


On the second day of the day, a large number of scholars gathered in the conference hall.

After all the scholars have delivered their speeches, the next three days will be time for free discussion.

Although most of the scholars have dark circles on their faces because of the early days, the enthusiasm for discussion is not diminished at all.

Zhu Lin scholar's mood is not good at this time.


After coming to the venue, he found that most of the scholars here were discussing Characteristic Trait.

Even if he came to the venue, except for a few scholars who studied sound waves gathered After coming over, other scholars are still having their own discussions.

Obviously, his Bug Buzz Move and Bug Type Pokemon method of learning sound waves, there is no Characteristic Trait to attract them at all.

After all, the research field of Characteristic Trait is completely blank, and it is easier for them to gain something on this brand new road!

After seeing this scene, Zhu Lin scholar's fist clenched tightly Come up.

"Zhu Lin scholar, this Insec Prize seems to belong to the Scholar Su Xiaobai is here. "

"Shield Dust Characteristic Trait, Shed Skin Characteristic Trait, Compound Eye Characteristic Trait, and Swarm Characteristic Trait. Each Characteristic Trait has extraordinary significance for Bug Type Pokemon. "

"I heard that Scholar Su Xiaobai will continue to give a lecture on the activation method of Shield Dust Characteristic Trait. I think you know what this means for Bug Type Pokemon. "

At this moment, Zhu Lin scholar suddenly heard a voice in his ear, which made his face suddenly change.

He turned his head and found that the person came It's the Chen Jianyong scholar.

"Heh, who do I think it is! "

"It turned out to be you, the loser. "

Zhu Lin scholar said with a sneer, compared to the opponent, he was at least nominated for the Insec Prize.

"The loser? "

"Do you think that I am a loser?" "

"Although I mistakenly believed the Swarm Characteristic Trait to be a Bug Force Move, and was robbed of the glory of the Bug Force Move. "

"But the results of my research on Bug Force Move are tangible. I only need to reverse the wrong idea, which has turned out to be my advantage! "

"When they were just studying the Characteristic Trait, I had already stepped out of this step, and it was far farther than you thought. "

"It's like the Swarm Characteristic Trait, I actually discovered the learning method of this Characteristic Trait, and I also submitted the paper immediately! "

Chen Jianyong shrugged and seemed indifferent. The reason why he left so quickly yesterday was naturally to submit a new paper.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Lin scholar unexpectedly I saw strong self-confidence in the other person, as if yesterday did not happen at all!

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