"The combination of Misty Terrain and Outrage."

"Didn't expect, these two Attributes, which are born with each other, can also rub together a different Ember "

After Long Quan figured out everything, he closed his eyes and pondered for a moment.

After that, he came to Su Xiaobai and proactively stretched out his hand, "Next, please advise."

"Ah, let's work hard together next."

Looking at the hands of the two holding hands together, several people in the field are also slightly smiled.

At the same time, they all looked expectantly at the current Elite Four Champion in front of them.

Scholar trainers, the strongest is Pokemon's breeding ability, and now they finally have a chance to enjoy it.


So, time flies quickly.

During this period of time, the voice of Pokemon fighting continued from the Alliance.

At this time, you can see Gardevoir completed Mega Evolution again, and his opponent is Steelix under Trick Room.

“After Mega Evolution, Gardevoir’s strength is too strong.”

“I’m really envious, if my Steelix can also perform Mega Evolution, in conjunction with Trick Room, I will definitely be able to challenge Legendary Pokémon."

Yan Gu smacked his lips enviously, looking constantly back and forth between Su Xiaobai and Gardevoir.

After so long, they have also seen that Mega Evolution seems to be related to the trainer, and there is a mysterious connection among them.

"That special stone should be the reason why Gardevoir can evolve."

"The trainer holds one piece, Pokemon is wearing the other one, and then activates two pieces through a special connection. Stone."

Long Quan also found this point through observation and analysis.

It's not just him, most people in Alliance also discovered this, and started looking for this kind of stone with all their strength.

"It is true."

"Finding the corresponding two stones is the basis for Pokemon to complete the Mega Evolution."

Su Xiaobai smiled and said This is not too much to hide.

He took the initiative to expose this during training, but he actually meant he wanted Alliance to collect it.

It just made him very strange that Key Stone and Mega Evolution Stone did not appear to appear in Pokemon World now, which is a bit strange.

Although in the animation, Key Stone and Mega Evolution Stone are also very rare, but Alliance wants to find it, and it can always find some.

Apart from this, he also has a guess. In the animation, the Key Stone and Mega Evolution Stone seem to be formed by the power of Xerneas.

Isn't the Key Stone and Mega Evolution stone formed yet?

If this is the case, redeeming Key Stone and Mega Evolution Stone from the system store seems to be the only way.

"If this is the case, then it would be difficult to build the Mega Evolution system."

"In the case that only Gardevoir owns the Mega Evolution, this is likely to be Think of it as a special form of Pokemon."

Su Xiaobai frowned slightly. Does he rely on redeeming Mega Evolution stones from the system store to build this new system?

Each Mega Evolution stone requires 100w resource points. Even if he is now, it is impossible to redeem too many Mega Evolution stones at once.

In addition to the Mega Evolution system, the same is true for the Z-Move system. Items such as Z-Crystal are only available in the system store.

"However, in this case, the value of the Mega Evolution stone will be even greater."

Su Xiaobai's eyes narrowed, originally he planned to hide Mega Evolution.

Under this situation, he may be able to make arrangements in advance and use the monopolistic Mega Evolution stone to create greater benefits.


Pokemon Alliance headquarters.

"Have you really not found any Mega Evolution stone?"

The Alliance member who keeps the resources frowned, a little surprised by the result.

With the strength of the Orient Alliance, if this kind of stone exists in the Orient Alliance, they have no reason to find a trace.

In this case, either this Mega Evolution stone is the only one, or it can only be artificially manufactured.

"Man-made Items..."

The congressman closed his eyes and thought for a moment.

He suddenly thought of the two Items, Magmarizer and Electirizer.

Su Xiaobai constructed an augmented evolution system. These two Items were researched by Su Xiaobai.

So, is it possible that Mega Evolution is also an incremental evolution? Amplification evolution accomplished through life energy?

If you think about it according to this idea, the Mega Evolution stone may be Items artificially made by Professor Su, and it doesn't seem to be that impossible anymore.

"If it's really man-made Items, then it's a bit of a hassle."

"This kind of Items can improve Pokemon's Life Level and make it directly into the legendary level."

"According to the classification of Items, this kind of Items can be classified as legendary resources, and may even be more precious than Normal legendary resources."

"I want to obtain this kind of Items. , Then what items should I use to exchange it?"

The congressman also made it difficult for him. After thinking about it for a while, he still plans to report to the Alliance first, and let them have a headache.


It didn't take long.

Alliance also got the news.

Looking at the members’ reports and the possibilities proposed, the other members looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Man-made legendary resources..."

"Is this really possible? People can also step into the realm of legends?"

Members looked at each Other in blank dismay, for the Pokemon Professor Su Xiaobai, they can only secretly sighed a monster.

"Now, we need to discuss how to obtain the Mega Evolution stone."

"From the perspective of equivalent exchange, only legendary resources can be exchanged for legendary resources, but we have There are not too many Items of this level."

After feeling, the congressmen once again had a heated discussion about Mega Evolution.

If a method of making Mega Evolution stones can be obtained, then Orient Alliance is likely to become one of the strongest Alliances in the world.

Think of this, everyone is cheered up, this is the power that changes the destiny of Orient Alliance!

"Perhaps, you can give him the legendary egg."

Suddenly, the Grand Speaker of Alliance, sitting in the main seat, spoke, causing the Everyone fell silent all at once.

The Pokemon egg with legendary power, according to the test, it is possible that other Pokemon of Legendary Grade is brewing in it.

But after Orient Alliance's continuous efforts, there is no way to hatch this Legendary Pokémon egg.

"That Pokemon egg...I think only Professor Su can hatch it."

One member hesitated and expressed his opinion. Other members see Therefore, a sense of identity suddenly appeared in my heart.

Su Xiaobai has created too many miracles along the way. Only this Pokemon Professor can hatch that Poké Ball!

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