Alliance training ground.

Su Xiaobai saw the Pokemon egg.

"What Pokemon egg is this?"

Looking up and down at the Pokemon egg in front of you, Su Xiaobai asked.

This Pokemon egg was delivered by Big President Fang himself. It must not be an ordinary Pokemon egg.

"What Pokemon, we actually haven't figured it out."

"This Pokemon egg has been acquired by Alliance for more than ten years, but it has never been able to hatch."


After hearing the words of Big President Fang, Su Xiaobai also ate Pokemon. Pokemon that has not been hatched after more than ten years of incubation?

Is this already suffocated in it?

"Don't worry, there is life fluctuation in it."

"This shows that there is no problem with the Pokemon in the Pokemon egg."

"And, through some Research, the Pokemon in this Pokemon egg is very likely Legendary Pokémon."

It seems that he has seen Su Xiaobai’s thoughts, Big President Fang explained it, and at the same time took out a document to submit To Su Xiaobai.

These materials contain the contents of Alliance's research on this mysterious Pokemon egg for so long.

He now handed over the Pokemon Egg to Su Xiaobai, naturally, he also handed over the next research.

If you want the Pokemon in the Pokemon egg to hatch, even Su Xiaobai must study it for a period of time.

"Legendary Pokémon's Pokemon egg!"

Su Xiaobai was surprised and looked at the Pokemon egg up and down again.

From the pattern on the Pokemon egg, you can’t tell what Pokemon’s Pokemon egg it is. The pattern looks very unusual.

If this Pokemon egg was not handed to him by Big President Fang himself, he thought it would be an ordinary Pokemon egg.

After getting the affirmative answer from Big President Fang again, Su Xiaobai eyes slightly narrowed, and then said: "What does Alliance want from me, right?"

See Su Xiaobai like this Said, Big President Fang did not hide it, and told him about Mega Evolution.

"Orient Alliance wants to enhance the status of the world. The World Alliance Tournament at this time is very important."

"So, Alliance wants to get the information of Mega Evolution from you, Mega Evolution Stone...what is it?"

Speaking of this, Big President Fang couldn't help showing strong curiosity in his eyes. No scholar can resist the attraction in the legendary realm.

"Mega Evolution Stone..."

Su Xiaobai closed his eyes, and information about the Mega Evolution Stone appeared in his mind.

After a while, he opened his eyes and said solemnly: "Mega Evolution Stone...This is a product of life energy condensation!"

Sure enough! Big President Fang’s eyes shined, if this is the case, then their previous guess is valid.

"Life Energy...Amplification Evolution System?" Big President Fang probed.

This time, Su Xiaobai was stunned to ask instead, he had never connected Mega Evolution with the augmented evolution system.

However, following the thinking of Big President Fang, increase the life energy of Pokemon, so as to make the life transition. This is indeed similar to the amplification evolution system.

"Mega Evolution Stone, Magmarizer, Electirizer..."

"so that's how it is, it seems that Alliance did not find the Key Stone and Mega Evolution Stone. I made it myself!"

"Just like making Magmarizer and Electirizer, this time is the life energy booster?"

"I did show a lot before Regarding the research results of life energy, it is not unfounded for them to think so!"

"In other words, it should be correct to think this way. Because of the foundation laid before, they did not feel abrupt, but thought it was As it should be."

Su Xiaobai thought about it a lot at once, but it was a coincidence that it was secretly sighed.

If he does not own the system store, he is also impossible to obtain Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone.

From another perspective, he indeed created these two legendary powers that shouldn't exist!

Directly respond, so that you can explain the origin of the Mega Evolution stone and Key Stone in your hand, and you can also look for opportunities to come up with more Mega Evolution stones.

With a decisive decision, Su Xiaobai made a decision in his mind and directly admitted that he made the Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone through a special method.

"Is it really the Items you made?"

Although I already knew something about it, I heard Su Xiaobai admit that the whole person was excited.

" you have a Mega Evolution stone in your hand now?"

While rubbing his hands in excitement, Big President Fang eagerly said, there is no Pokemon Research Union conference at this time. Long look.

"The production of Mega Evolution stones is very troublesome."

"This kind of Items are made with life energy, so if you want to make Mega Evolution stones, you must have enough Life energy."

"In addition, in order for Pokemon to evolve Mega, in addition to the Mega Evolution stone, it must also be assisted by the Key Stone."

"The Key Stone needs to pass psychic energy is used to make it, so it needs something that contains psychic energy to assist it."

Su Xiaobai groaned that his statement is also very reasonable, otherwise it would be very difficult for him to explain the Mega Evolution stone and The origin of Key Stone.

And through this method, he can continuously collect the resources containing life energy and psychic energy through this method.

With these resources, his Pokemon strength will surely be able to increase as quickly as possible, and it will do multiple tasks in one fell swoop.

In addition, the resources containing life energy and psychic energy are also rare, so he also has an excuse to control the number of Mega Evolution Stones and Key Stones.

Sure enough, Big President Fang didn't have any doubts, but thought it should be. After all, only the Creator can do something to create something from nothing.

"As long as you have the resources containing life energy and psychic energy, you can make Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone?" Big President Fang made the final confirmation.

Su Xiaobai nodded, "Life energy and psychic energy are the most precious among them. Apart from this, each Mega Evolution stone corresponds to a kind of Pokemon, so if you want to make the corresponding Mega Evolution stone, you need to take it. This kind of Pokemon is something that contains its own energy."

"Of course, I am not 100% able to make it. There must be a little failure rate, and I can’t help it. Avoid."

Slowly add details. Su Xiaobai did so naturally to explain the situation that each Mega Evolution stone corresponds to a kind of Pokemon.

In addition, not every Pokemon has an evolutionary form. Those Pokemon that cannot evolve Mega Evolution can only cope with failure.

When the time comes with enough experience, he can slowly announce the list of Pokemon capable of Mega Evolution and further improve the Mega Evolution system!

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