"Is this helping me?"

"Che, really an arrogant man!"

Lizao's heart is coldly snorted , In that case, she accepted this power!

Not only are the three Psychic Type Pokemon in the field, she herself can also feel the increase and evolution of her spirit!

Thus, Psychic Terrain's help to her is absolutely greater. From a hostile point of view, Su Xiaobai's move is unwise.

After all, no one knows how to use Psychic to fight better than this Psychic Attribute Elite!

"Alakazam, Psychic!"

"Gardevoir, Psychic!"

With a move in Lizao's heart, Alakazam suddenly opened his eyes, and the blue light on his body gathered in On the two Confusion spoons in his hands.

Cross the Confusion spoon in front of you while holding the Confusion spoon with both hands, the horrible Confusion wave turns into a divine light beam and shoots out!

On the other side, Mega Gardevoir also used Psychic, lifted it with one hand, and the terrifying divine light beam blasted out, which looked much calmer than Alakazam.


Two Psychics collide in the field.

The terrifying Confusion is entangled, and the space is directly torn apart!

The final result turned out to be evenly matched, which also surprised the audience.

In the previous battle, Mega Gardevoir almost won the victory with absolute suppression, and the situation of being tied has never happened.

"It's worthy of being a humanoid Pokemon."

"Mega Gardevoir is one enemy four!"

Su Xiaobai's eyes shone slightly, The Psychic passed by Li Zao Family is even more greedy.

Well, I don’t know if Alakazam’s Mega Evolution stone will be exchanged, but the other party will be willing or not.

bang bang bang!

While Su Xiaobai was thinking about it, Mega Gardevoir and Alakazam met.

Although it's three hits, the other two Pokemons on both sides didn't look like they were doing it at all.

On Lizao's side, the power of the three Pokemons merged into one, which is actually equivalent to the first starter.

On Su Xiaobai's side, Butterfree and Bellossom are watching a movie while using Move to strengthen their own strength.

In the battle at this level in the field, the two Pokemon really couldn't get in the hands. They can only strengthen while waiting for the opportunity.

"The stalemate is held."

"Who do you think can win this battle?"

In the guest seats, the trainer representatives finally There is a chance to speak.

Before Mega Evolution, the limelight was robbed by the scholars, and now it is finally their turn to give pointers.

"Not good said."

"It's still up to who can't hold it in this battle."

"Mega Evolution has a time limit , I just don’t know where the limit is."

"And Lizao Champion’s spiritual secret technique also consumes a lot of Mental Force."

Another trainer representative said, Obviously, I have some knowledge of Kanto Psychic family secret technique.

"No, the winner will be determined soon."

"They will definitely use their full strength before they feel that they can't support it."

Representatives of other trainers all spoke at this time, explaining the battle in the field from a professional perspective.

"Here, Lizao Champion can't hold it anymore."

At this moment, a representative of the trainer suddenly spoke.

In the field, Lizao Champion has stood at the forefront of the podium, and the blue light in his eyes bloomed to the extreme!

At the same time, the three Pokemons in the field also emitted soaring rays of light, all of which urged their Mental Force to the extreme!

"Oh, is the last trick?"

"In that case...Butterfree, Bellossom, use Baton Pass!"

Su Xiaobai's mouth curled up , Then look at the strongest blow, who is stronger!

Bellossom and Butterfree are nodded together, use Baton Pass Move to hit Mega Gardevoir with all the boosting effects on their body.

In the eyes of the audience, Butterfree and Bellossom are also integrated with Gardevoir at this time!

"It's Baton Pass Move!"

"So, can Baton Pass still be used like this? Or is it another development method?"

Scholars eyes shined, looking at the instrument intently, capturing the law of energy changes.

It has been some time since Su Xiaobai published the Baton Pass Move paper last time. The increase effect transmitted through Baton Pass has formed a set of very strong battle strength tactics developed by the trainers!

"Alakazam, Psyshock!"

On the other side, Lizao is ready to command Alakazam to deliver the strongest blow.

Mental Force is completely condensed into substance, turned into a divine light beam and blasted out, the entire space trembles fiercely.

"Gardevoir, Stored Power!"

Su Xiaobai also made Gardevoir launch an attack.

Looking at Su Xiaobai, there is not much movement, the opposite Lizao is really sighed in relief.

What she worries most is that Su Xiaobai will use that move Z-Move, and Mega Gardevoir will use that move, formidable power, she can't even think about it!

"It's not Z-Move."

"Is it because I want to keep the hole cards, or Mega Evolution and Z-Move can't be used at the same time?"

" From the perspective of energy sources, both Moves have a certain connection with the trainer."

The Elite Champion of Carlos Alliance, at this time, also took this opportunity to collect all useful information.

Three days later, they will be fighting with the Orient Alliance. Judging from the battle strength displayed by the Orient Alliance, their pressure is really great!


After Mega Gardevoir use Stored Power, instantly turn all the boosting energy into energy!

Only when Mega Gardevoir and Alakazam were fighting, Butterfree and Bellossom both continued to use the incremental Move.

At this time, this power of augmentation turned into Stored Power, and the degree of augmentation was indeed amazing. After the terrifying divine light beam was shot, the entire world lost the rays of light for a moment.


The two attacks collided in mid-air.

Alakazam's Psyshock was destroyed almost instantly.

Stored Power swept past, and then hit the Barrier arranged by the sucker puppet, and it was smashed in a blink of an eye!

In the sound of the huge explosion, the defensive Formation around the venue was instantly shattered, and the entire venue trembled violently!

"What a horrible blow."

"It's worthy of the Move with the Move formidable power reaching 960, and the boost from the Baton Pass."

"It is also the ultimate blow. How do I feel that this move is not any weaker than Z-Move?"

Scholars looked at the series of zeros displayed on the formidable power test, and slowly shook their heads. Scholar's research has been turned into battle strength, and Professor Su really did it to the extreme.

The final result was naturally without the slightest accident. Alakazam, Sucker Magic Puppet and Xatu were directly killed by Mega Gardevoir's blow, without any suspense!

After Su Xiaobai scored another point for Orient Alliance, Orient Alliance’s Integral Points has reached 4 points, and he won the game ahead of schedule and advanced to the final!

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