The battle between Orient Alliance and Kanto Alliance is over.

But in the scholar circle, due to the appearance of the one after another Mega Evolution, it has already been crazy.

Outside the headquarters of Orient Alliance, representatives from other Alliances gathered here to learn more about Mega Evolution.

Even the Committee Members of the World Scholar Conference Organizing Committee came to the Alliance headquarters at this time and wanted Su Xiaobai to confirm their participation.

Nowadays, Su Xiaobai has not reported that they will use Mega Evolution to participate in the World Scholar Conference, which makes them crazy.

As long as Su Xiaobai can compete with Mega Evolution, they can pack a ticket to confirm this championship you can take it directly!

Faced with the madness of the scholar world, Orient Alliance did not express too much attitude.

However, Su Xiaobai published a paper introducing the Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone.

Each type of Pokemon corresponds to a Mega Evolution stone, which also verifies the previous guesses of these scholars!

After learning about the Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone, countless Alliances went crazy.

They directly passed the news back to their respective Alliances, letting them do their best to start looking for the Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone in their Alliance!

However, some sensitive scholars are aware of it.

Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone, is this really a kind of Pokemon Items that exist in nature?

If they really exist, why hasn’t anyone seen these two special items for so long?

If they have seen it and ignored it, they will not believe it at all. After all, the appearance of these two stones is really strange, and they will not forget it at a glance.

So, Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone, is it possible that they are artificially manufactured?

Thinking of this possibility, their breathing became hurried. If the Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone were man-made, the meaning would be scarier than they thought!

This is an artificial step into the realm of legend, the real man!

With this conjecture, they consulted all the research results of Su Xiaobai, and finally fixed on the energy augmentation evolution system.

In this research paper, the two Items that allowed Magmar and Electabuzz to evolve, Magmarizer and Electirizer, are all artificial!

Mega Evolution is equal to life energy booster?

Naturally, this thought came to everyone's mind, making people breathe slowly.

Apart from this, they also looked at Su Xiaobai's other research results.

Life Energy, Intimate Degree Evolution, Energy Amplification Evolution, Characteristic Trait Energy...

If all the research results of Professor Su are connected together, they suddenly discovered that all this seems to be Mega Evolution related!

It turns out that Professor Su has been studying Mega Evolution since a long time ago, but how did he know about Mega Evolution?

This problem was possibly restored in the mouth of a Fengyuan Alliance scholar. He mentioned Gulardo and Guy Orm, as well as Primal Reversion.

If Professor Su is a Mega Evolution developed according to this legend, then everything seems to be a matter of course, I have to say that this is really a beautiful misunderstanding.

With the spread of the man-made Mega Evolution stone, the entire scholar world and even the entire world have been confused for a moment.

Professor Su personally made the Mega Evolution stone? This news is really shocking. In this case, don't you have to rely on Professor Su to complete Mega Evolution?

In an instant, Su Xiaobai's status in the world has been elevated to a new level, and some people have even called him Pokemon Researcher Master!

Pokemon Sect Master and Pokemon Researcher Master, until now are the highest titles of trainers and scholars, and very few people have won them since the beginning.

Just when the whole world is crazy for Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone, Elite and Champion of Orient Alliance are still preparing for the finals.

"Professor Su, don't you respond?"

"Pokemon Researcher Master, this is the title of countless scholar yearn for something even in dreams."

On the training ground, Yan Gu Elite whispered to Su Xiaobai, with admiration in his tone. There is absolutely no jealousy. After all, he is also a beneficiary of Mega Evolution.

"Call me Su Xiaobai Champion."

"Compared to the title of Pokemon Researcher Master, I actually want to get the title of Pokemon Sect Master."

Su Xiaobai said very seriously, leaving everyone silent for a while, but couldn't pick out any problems.

They know that Su Xiaobai said this very seriously. As he always said, he studied Pokemon only to improve his strength.

And the facts are the same. Researching and studying, Su Xiaobai, the Pokemon Professor, is about to reach the first place in the world.

Especially the research results of Mega Evolution, even their strength has risen sharply.

They can imagine that if Mega Evolution becomes popular throughout the world, it will greatly improve the entire world trainers!

Mega Evolution has greatly shortened the pace of trainers becoming Peak Level trainers, allowing Peak Level trainers to go one step further and ushering in a new era of trainers!

"Pokemon Sect Master, this is just a pure strength level."

"It is evaluated based on the contribution to the trainer. If Mega Evolution can be popularized, it will still It is really possible to become a Pokemon Sect Master by this."

Long Quan thought about opening the mouth and said, but Su Xiaobai was taken aback, and then his eyes slowly lit up.

Indeed, Mega Evolution is also a training method, not just pure research!

Thinking about this, Su Xiaobai suddenly felt full of motivation, thinking about establishing the Mega Evolution system as soon as possible after the game is over!


So, time flies quickly.

The World Alliance Tournament this time has attracted the attention of the whole world.

Countless scholars and trainer bees from all over the world come here, all for a glimpse of Mega Evolution.

At the same time, after searching for this period of time, no one Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone were found in all World Strength.

And this further strengthened their conjectures, Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone, it is really possible that this genius Professor made it!

Now, all Alliance representatives are already thinking about how to connect with Su Xiaobai to obtain Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone.

They can imagine that in the future competition of various Alliances, they master the Alliance of Mega Evolution, and their strength will surpass other Alliances by a lot.

Take an unsuitable example. Mega Evolution is like a nuclear bomb. Once you have mastered Mega Evolution, you have mastered the foundation for becoming a powerful nation!

In this case, the position of Orient Alliance is also as the tide rises, the boat floats. If you want to get Mega Evolution from Su Xiaobai, you will definitely not be able to get around the Orient Alliance!

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