"Perhaps...Is it really Electro Ball Move?"

After seeing this scene, Su Xiaobai was a little uncertain.

But anyway, this is definitely a good thing for Catterpie.


After Catterpie successfully used an Electro Ball, it did the same, and an Electro Ball shot out.

However, this time Electro Ball Move didn't hit the big tree straight ahead, but suddenly split in midair and turned into an Electro Web!

There is nothing wrong, it is an Electro Web condensed with electric current, just like what Su Xiaobai taught Joltik to do before.

It's just that the Joltiks are just training, but they are completed in the hands of Catterpie!

"No way, is this successful?"

Su Xiaobai's heart suddenly showed an inexplicable emotion.

How do you say this feeling?

It's like his trainer is completely superfluous.

Catterpie can complete the Move training well by relying on himself.


Catterpie was also a little surprised, and then released an Electro Web condensed by electric current.

After successfully releasing the advanced version of Electro Web, Catterpie happily overtook Su Xiaobai's shoulders.

Seems to see the depression on Su Xiaobai's face at this time, Catterpie patted the latter's shoulder with tentacles to comfort him.

In the future, you can do your research well, and leave the training to me!

"No matter what, Electro Web Move is finally complete!"

Su Xiaobai stood up and took a deep breath.

With Electro Web Move of Catterpie use, it is possible to verify the feasibility of his method!

The next thing he has to do is to subdue some Electric Type Pokemon that can use Electro Ball, and then let the latter learn Electro Web Move by splitting the Electro Ball Move.

"Brother Su, do you want to subdue some Electric Type Pokemon?"

After hearing Su Xiaobai's words, Lin Le thought about opening the mouth and said.

Compared to Bug Type and Grass Type Pokemon, the price of Electric Type Pokemon is much higher.

In addition, most of the food in Electric Type Pokemon is high-intensity current, which is definitely a big expense for the laboratory.

If you buy some more Electric Type Pokemon, the laboratory may not run smoothly.

"Here... Bring me the price list of Electric Type Pokemon."

Su Xiaobai scratched his head, although he has published a lot of papers, There is a large amount of extra income. Why is the Laboratory so poor?

This is still the case where Lin Meng Gym Leader is in charge of Flechling's training resources, otherwise the Laboratory should go bankrupt directly.

Lin Le is also nodded here, and soon called out the price list of Electric Type Pokemon in Rui City Breeding Base.

"Hey, is the price of Pichu so low?"

Looking at the price of Pichu on the price list, Su Xiaobai lightly exclaimed.

Pichu’s evolutionary form is Pikachu, and the final evolutionary form is Raichu. This is a very promising Pokemon.

However, after a short silence, Su Xiaobai reacted again.

The evolution of Pichu requires intimacy, which makes the evolution of Pichu very difficult.

Before the concept of intimacy was not clear, the trainers thought that the evolution of Pichu was very difficult, and maybe hundreds of them might not be able to evolve one.

Compared with Pichu, the price of Pikachu is much higher. After all, things are rare and expensive, and there are not many Pikachu that can evolve in nature.

"Intimate Degree Evolution...This seems to be a good research topic."

Su Xiaobai groaned, but soon after it was shook the head again.

The last time he asked Lin Le to buy Joltik, he also ignored a problem.

That is Joltik's strength is too weak, just want to learn Electro Ball Move and Electro Web Move, they both took a lot of effort, not to mention the follow-up Electro Web Move learning Up.

In contrast, Catterpie only learned the further use of Electro Web Move in a very short period of time, which also shows the importance of Aptitude.

Therefore, Su Xiaobai intends to take the elite route this time and directly select a powerful Electric Type Pokemon, so the research will be much smoother.

In the end, Su Xiaobai set his sights on Raichu, Ampharos and Electabuzz.

These three Pokemon can all learn Electro Ball and Electro Web Move.

In contrast, because Raichu needs Thunder Stone when evolving, the price is much higher, and Su Xiaobai also chose to give up.

Finally, Su Xiaobai set his sights on Electabuzz.

The reason is also very simple, because Electabuzz also has an evolved form of Electivire!

Electabuzz wants to evolve into Electivire, it must have an evolving Items power amplifier.

The power amplifier is a man-made item, which has not been invented by researchers at this stage.

But in his system store, there is this Item.

When the time comes, he only needs to redeem the power booster, and maybe Electabuzz can evolve into Electivire.

In addition, by studying the exchanged power amplifiers, he may be able to unlock the secrets of the power amplifiers, and thus create such Items.

In this way, inventing an evolutionary Items and discovering the evolutionary method of Electivire, these two papers are enough for him to gain a large number of system resources.

And if you can sell the Items of the Power Amplifier, the money you get is definitely not comparable to the Electro Web Awakening Potion!

"Brother Su, you want to buy an Electabuzz?"

After hearing Su Xiaobai's words, Lin Le's entire face was suffering.

The price of an Electabuzz has reached several millions, plus the electricity that Electabuzz needs every day...

"Don’t worry, as long as my research project is completed, it will be soon I can earn it back."

Looking at Lin Le's appearance, Su Xiaobai was quickly comfortable.

Now, what he is studying is the Electro Web Move of the complete volume, and the scholar Integral Points and union contribution points he has obtained will certainly not be less!

"I see."

"However, if you buy Electabuzz, then Catterpie's Buzz Gem will definitely not be available this month."

Lin Le thought about opening the mouth and said, now Catterpie can be said to be a big money swallower in Laboratory.

The value of a Buzz Gem is hundreds of thousands. This fee can be said to be the biggest expense of the Laboratory.

"Buzz Gem can't be saved."

"Well, within this month, I will find a way to complete the Electro Web Move research."

"When the time comes, the union contribution points obtained can fill the laboratory vacancies."

Su Xiaobai thought about opening the mouth and said, and he estimated the union contribution obtained when the time comes. If points are exchanged for money, it should be around one million!

In addition, after the publication of this paper, he is likely to be promoted to the Primary Rank Pokemon Researcher, when the time comes, the discount for purchasing goods in the Union store will be lower.

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