Lightning City鈥檚 breed area, which is a breeding area that specializes in selling Electric Type Pokemon.

Looking over from a distance, the entire feeding area is like a power plant, surrounded by dangerous signs.

Whether it is a game or an anime, the power plant is indeed the favorite place for Electric Type Pokemon to gather.

Even in some power plants, Zaptos may stop there. Of course, this is just a legend.

"It really fits the style of the Electric Type Pokemon breeding area."

Su Xiaobai shook his head slightly, with Catterpie on his shoulders, and walked towards the breeding area.

"Come here to buy Pokemon?"

When we came to the iron gate of the breeding area, an uncle in denim was sitting on the motorcycle, pulling down the corner of her sunglasses, looking towards Su Xiaobai.

Su Xiaobai nodded, "I want to buy an Electabuzz."


Uncle looked up and down Su Xiaobai, chuckled: "You have a good vision."

"You should know the rules of our feeding area, right?"

"Pay the money before entering the feeding area. The Pokemon inside are all free-range. After catching Pokemon, the price will be calculated separately."

Su Xiaobai also learned about the rules here before coming to the lightning city breeding area.

In the breeding area, you have to rely on yourself to defeat Pokemon before you can conquer it.

This is the same as the way to subdue Pokemon in the wild, and it is also this point that has attracted a lot of trainers to convince Pokemon here.

In addition, the Pokemon in this breeding area is also famous, almost every one is experienced.

This is also the reason why Su Xiaobai chose to come here to subdue Electabuzz. As long as these Pokemon are subdued, they can be quickly put into research.

Of course, in addition to strength, there is also a little bit of the trainer's mentality.

Since there is no way to travel and conquer Wild Pokemon, then come here to have a Pokemon addiction!

"Good luck, little fellow."

After Su Xiaobai paid the entry fee, Uncle grinned.

After that, he also handed over an insulating suit, which can offset the Electric Type attack to a large extent.

Although the Electric Type Pokemon in the breeding area has been artificially domesticated and will not actively attack humans, it still cannot guarantee absolute safety.

"When the time comes, I have conquered the Pokemon inside, just come here to settle the settlement, right?"

Su Xiaobai looked back and confirmed again, and took Catterpie into the breeding area. Among.

After entering the iron gate, I came to a piece of grass. At this time, a few Mareeps were eating grass on the grass.

After feeling the arrival of Su Xiaobai, the Mareeps ran up immediately and looked at them with vigilant eyes from a distance.

Su Xiaobai also just glanced at Mareep hurriedly, and didn't mean to accept it.

Although Mareep is the most valuable Pokemon that can produce high-quality wool and has high economic value, its price is also very expensive.

In addition, after Mareep evolves, the wool on it will fall off, and when the time comes, it will be of no value.

Su Xiaobai came this time to subdue a powerful Electabuzz to complete the experiment of the energy Electro Web. These Mareeps are too weak.

"Come out, Fletchling."

"Go everywhere and see if Electabuzz exists."

A white light flashed, and the silhouette of Fletchling appeared. Mid-air.

It's nodded, as soon as the wings are fanning around the lightning breeding area, they are still looking for it.

Seeing this, Su Xiaobai also continued to move towards the distant building like a power plant.

I think most of the Pokemon should be inside the power plant, and the outside is just some Pokemon like Mareep.

Soon, Fletchling flew back and stopped on Su Xiaobai's shoulder, saying that no Electabuzz footprint was found around.

"Be careful next, we have entered the power plant."

Su Xiaobai reminded him, and took Fletchling and Catterpie into the power plant.

The entire power plant is like a factory, and many wires can be seen on the walls, leading to the depths of the power plant.

After walking some distance again, he saw some facilities that had been modified to suit Electric Type Pokemon Charge.

Among them, you can see several Magnemite and Lei Electro Balls bathing in electric current and charging them. Seeing Su Xiaobai approaching, they are all alert.

Su Xiaobai just glanced at these Magnemite and Thunder Electro Ball, and then continued to walk towards the inside of the power plant.

The entire power plant is a bit dim. There are many rooms in it, and in some rooms there are Electric Type Pokemon living.

There are no requirements for the life of these Electric Type Pokemon, as long as there is electricity to allow them to charge.

After passing a few rooms again, Su Xiaobai suddenly saw a blue and white rays of light in a room, which looked particularly dazzling in the dim passage.

"Found it."

Looking at the blue and white light, Su Xiaobai eyes shined.

Electabuzz has electric current flowing on the surface of its body, and if the surroundings are dark, the whole body will glow blue and white.

The strength of the blue white radiance is also a measure of the strength of Electabuzz.

Before coming to conquer Electabuzz, Su Xiaobai also did a sufficient strategy. What he wants to conquer is a powerful Electabuzz.

"The intensity of this blue white light is Normal."

Su Xiaobai groaned for a moment, and looked at the room, and there really was an Electabuzz in it.

After checking the intensity of the blue white light, Su Xiaobai did not conquer the Electabuzz, but continued to explore in the power plant.

The lightning feeding area is worthy of being Alliance鈥檚 largest Electric Type Pokemon feeding area. Among them, there are a lot of Electric Type Pokemon.

Not long after, Su Xiaobai found several Electabuzz, but none of them met his expectations.

Until in one of the Charge rooms deep in the power plant, he saw a very bright blue white radiance!

"It's you!"

Su Xiaobai's eyes shined, and he approached the room directly.

In the room, a Pokemon with a Yellow body and a Black electric pattern sits on the Charge device.

Seeing Su Xiaobai approaching, Electabuzz also looked over. There was a scar on the corner of its right eye, which looked very conspicuous.

"This Electabuzz, really strong imposing manner!"

Su Xiaobai did not flinch when he saw this, but took a step forward, which made the other party a little surprised.

"It's you, I want to subdue you!"

After hearing Su Xiaobai's words, Electabuzz also stood up, his face looked very calm.

However, the sparkling Spark in its hand expresses its meaning.

If you want to subdue me, please come up with a little ability!

"Catterpie, ready to play."

Since he was in the room, Su Xiaobai did not send Fletchling, but instead used Catterpie to fight.

Looking at the little silhouette creeping in front of you, Electabuzz frowned, seems to be very dissatisfied with this opponent.

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