"You don't have it, but I do!" Zhu Biao suddenly said angrily: "I remember... Father asked you to go on a street tour, right? You don't seem to have gone yet, do you? "

"Your Highness, we are injured..." Li Shanchang's face suddenly changed.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang let everyone tour the streets, everyone was beaten too badly, and he used this old face to intercede, so that the people of the pro-military capital mansion could open up and parade the streets in the future.

I originally planned to find a way to intercede in the future and avoid this punishment, but now it seems wrong!

And Zhu Biao sneered: "What's wrong with the injury?" I see that several people can come out and move around, and it should not be a problem to travel the streets, come people! "

"The minions are here!"

Suddenly, several eunuchs came in and knelt down.

"Arrange it, take these adults to the streets, this is the order of the father and the emperor himself, and also, give me more care, every street in the capital must be walked!"

"The slave takes orders!" The eunuchs immediately responded, followed by a cold face and said to Li Shanchang and the others: "Please, my lord." "

"Your Highness, Your Highness, please look at the past and open the net."

Li Shanchang's face turned white all of a sudden, and he couldn't say it bitterly.

What I found was obviously the best of both worlds.

But Zhu Biao, who has always been benevolent, actually defended Zhu Xiongying so much, and even insisted on dragging himself and others to the streets!

What's wrong with yourself? I just want to condense my prestige.

How did things come to this point?

He had the feeling that he had just come out of the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den.

And the rest of the ministers also looked at Zhu Biao at this time, feeling extremely strange.

How did that benevolent and sensible Zhu Biao feel as if he had changed his personality?

How can it involve Zhu Xiongying, he has also become the same protective calf as Zhu Yuanzhang!

This Zhu Yuanzhang father and son, the favor of Zhu Xiongying, really reached such an unreasonable point?

At this time, Zhu Biao did not have the slightest intention of tolerance, but said lightly:

"Also, after swimming the street, I will let the division search your home, if there is any corruption and violation of the law, then deal with it according to the law."

As soon as these words come out!

Many people at the scene suddenly turned pale and broke out in cold sweat.

You know, Zhu Yuanzhang hated corrupt officials and was extremely strict in enacting legislation on corruption.

Sixty taels of embezzlement will be stripped of real grass.

It's just that compared with previous dynasties, Beijing officials and servants are the lowest, and as high-level officials, the cost is very high, and it is unrealistic to be completely incorruptible.

Therefore, even Zhu Yuanzhang turned a blind eye to some of their not too excessive small actions.

But now.

Zhu Biao actually broke this unspoken rule and compared with them!

This made them suddenly shocked, only fear remained, if you really check according to this standard, few people present are clean.

At this time, in everyone's hearts, they all began to scold their mother for Li Shanchang's plea for mercy just now.

Let you wander the streets, hurry up and go to the streets, and ask for mercy!

Now the royal family has made it clear that when Zhu Xiongying is the meat of his heart, your face in front of him is simply not as good as a paper to wipe his ass.

Isn't this a drag on everyone?

"Your Highness spare your life, Your Highness spare your life, I'll wait for this to go to the street!"

Everyone hurriedly begged for mercy, lest Zhu Biao say other punishment measures, so they followed the eunuchs out to the streets.

The eunuchs moved very sharply, and soon got a prison car from the pro-military capital lieutenant's mansion.

Under their supervision, even the officials who were not beaten in the court were all locked in prison cars by the eunuchs, and their hands and feet were chained, like prisoners!

Although these officials were somewhat innocent, they were afraid to provoke Zhu Biao again and did not dare to defend themselves.

He could only have his hands tied in chains, and his expression was extremely humiliated.

And Li Shanchang and a few other people who were punished could only tremble, standing in the prison car, their faces were swollen like pigs' heads, and they no longer had the majesty of being high-ranking officials in the past.

But there is also a benefit....

That is, they were beaten beyond recognition, and unless they were seen by acquaintances, they would not recognize them....

Under the supervision of the eunuchs, a long prison car slowly set off.

They desperately kept their faces down, lest they be seen.

But this scene still attracted a wave of onlookers from the people in the capital.

"Who are these people?" What happened? "

"It's not small... What's the big deal lately? "

"Eh, you look at that person, it seems to be an imperial history!"

"Something is wrong, I heard, isn't it that the imperial historian will not be punished?"

In this burst of surprised discussions...

The eunuch who was in charge said with a proud face: "Everyone listen, these people slandered my family's grandson His Royal Highness, causing His Majesty to be furious, and His Majesty let them parade through the streets to show the public, so as to set an example!" "

"Those who want to slander their grandson, look at them, they are the end!"

"Do you see this, this is the former right prime minister! The current Han Gong, Taishi, Zuo Zhuguo! If anyone has this official, then go and try! "

They are afraid that others will not know how high the status of these street wanderers is.

So while talking, he also ruffled Li Shanchang's hair there, so that everyone could see his swollen and red old face.

That's no mercy.

Of course not merciful!

Originally, they were all a group of disabled people, and no one looked down on them!

But the exercises passed down by Zhu Xiongying made them feel that they had a place to use!

Even if you don't get off in the future, you can make meritorious achievements in the army!

That simply changed their fate!

In the hearts of the eunuchs and all the subordinates, Zhu Xiongying was simply a divine existence.

But these officials actually dared to slander Zhu Xiongying!

This is simply unforgivable!

And coupled with the prince's order, of course, they want to take advantage of this opportunity to declare personal vendetta.

"This is an order personally given by His Majesty and the Crown Prince, don't be polite, if there are rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves, throw them away, if you don't, our family will take money to buy them for you!"

The eunuch's angry shout immediately made the nearby people hear it clearly.

"This is the Imperial Master, O Duke of the Kingdom! His Majesty actually pampered his grandson so much, even if such a heavy minister as the imperial master offended his grandson, he would be pulled out to parade through the streets to show the public. "

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