"With so many dynasties since ancient times, how could there have ever been such a favored imperial heir as Taisun..."

"This is actually the Tai Shi? He was punished like this because he offended his grandson? This is insulting to Sven, it's too much! "

When everyone was pampering Zhu Xiongying's experience, some readers said with a displeased face.

As a result, as soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted a shout.

"What do you say as a rotten man, I heard that the sweet potatoes and potatoes were all sacrificed by the grandson, if it were not for the grandson, my whole family would have starved to death, what credit do these officials have comparable to the grandson?"

"Not bad, but the grandson is a living person, much more meritorious than these officials, how can you speak to these officials?"

"Taisun is a great good person, he is simply a living bodhisattva, these officials slander Taisun, then he must be a bad person!"

There was a lot of talk on the spot!

The people's heart fell to Zhu Xiongying, and the scholar's face turned red when he was said, and he quickly covered his face and fled.

The ideas of the people are simple and simple.

Whoever feeds them is a good person and will be supported by them!

And Zhu Xiongying, who took out the sweet potatoes, is undoubtedly the number one living bodhisattva in the world, and these officials who slander the grandson are simply damned!

Even smashing them with rotten eggs, they don't deserve it!

At the moment, swill, spit, stones all greeted these officials.

And that's just the beginning.

According to Zhu Biao's orders, the prison car circled around the capital, and suddenly the scene became bigger and bigger, and more and more people knew about it.

And Zhu Di was also standing at his door, listening to the shouts of those eunuchs, and looked at Li Shanchang in the prison car with a shocked face:

"Li Shanchang was paraded through the streets? What's going on here? "

That's Li Shanchang!

He became a heavy minister of the dynasty, one of the six founding dukes of the country, and the head of the Huaixi Lord.

But now he is actually being escorted in a prison car and displayed in public along the street?

And the reason... Just because they impeached Zhu Xiongying for squandering medicinal materials in the treasury?

That's not going to happen....

Although the father and the emperor pampered Xiongying, he understood better the truth that habitual sons are like killing sons.

If Xiongying really did something domineering, the father and the emperor would definitely reprimand, and he couldn't let Zhu Xiongying grow into a squidge.

Moreover, even if he feels sorry for his eldest grandson and does not punish him, he will not beat up the person who advises.

Not to mention, it also pulls people out to parade the streets.

Who does not know that these civil officials care most about a face, let them parade the streets, it is simply more uncomfortable than death.

In the long run, who dares to advise?

Do you still want to govern the country?

"Something is wrong, there must be another reason for this..."

Zhu Di frowned and muttered there.

This must be extremely important for this reason.

Important enough to change Zhu Yuanzhang's style!

No, you'll have to find out yourself.

Go to the father to inquire?

Thinking of this, Zhu Di subconsciously swallowed his spit.

Zhu Yuanzhang's kindness used to be given to Zhu Biao, but now it is basically only given to his eldest grandson, and for the rest of the princes and grandchildren, that meeting is a lesson in addition to lessons.

Really! It's better to go to Zhu Xiongying to inquire.

After all, it was because of him.

Thinking of this, he said directly: "Go and prepare the car, I want to go to the Taisun Mansion!" "


The next people move quickly.

After a while, the carriage was prepared, and by the way, it was also filled with gifts for a carriage, which was basically the standard for Zhu Di to go to the Taisun Mansion.

Zhu Di went to Taisun Mansion to go around when he had nothing to do, and he never went there with empty hands every time.

And just when Zhu Di set off....

In Zhu Xiongying's yard.

"Your Highness, slow down, my first time, a little nervous..."

"Don't be afraid, everything has a first time, take your time."

"Your Highness, is my posture right?"

"Well, yes, the movements are a little softer, hey, yes, yes, that's it..."

At this time, I only saw that in the small courtyard, a Dan furnace was burning.

And next to him, Yue Mercy Star was there, looking nervously and putting the ginseng into the alchemy furnace.

And Zhu Xiongying was next to him, while guiding, his face showed a look of satisfaction, and he nodded secretly in his heart.

It seems that you don't have to wait for Yueyue Mercy Star to officially step into the Immortal Dao, you can help yourself.

To refine elixirs, we must first refine the medicinal properties of medicinal materials.

When refining low-end medicinal materials such as ginseng, spiritual power and high-end alchemy techniques are not needed at all.

It is a waste of energy to come in person, anyway, with this alchemy furnace, mortals can also refine medicinal properties if they master the skills.

It's better to directly teach a teacher to invite the moon mercy star.

Anyway, it's just some low-end skills, although they haven't cultivated immortals yet, but as immortal cultivation geniuses, it's still easy to master this skill.

"Keep refining! I'll see it later. After Zhu Xiongying finished speaking, he turned around and returned to the quiet room, wanting to return to Dongtian to continue cultivating.

And Zhuoyue Mercy Star hurriedly sent it off, looking at Zhu Xiongying's departing back, their faces showed great excitement and awe.

That kind of gaze is exactly the same as looking at an immortal.

Excitement, admiration, awe, worship...

This is an immortal alchemy!

They felt that as mortals, being able to serve immortals like Zhu Xiongying was already a blessing for the cultivation of three lives.

And when Zhu Xiongying personally said that he wanted them to help refine the pill, they were so excited that they almost fainted.

This is the art of alchemy, even the so-called Taoist saints of Chen Lu and Yuan Tiangang will not be such an alchemy technique.

And now His Highness actually wants to teach himself?

This is a blessing!

It can be said that... If anyone dared to say that Zhu Xiongying was comparable to some saint, they could tear that person's mouth apart.

Can a saint refine elixirs? Can a saint fight fire empty-handed?

The so-called Taoist saints will not have the art of alchemy, but now His Highness has casually rewarded his subordinates!

Compared with His Highness, what is a saint!

After Zhu Xiongying left, in the courtyard, only the two of them were left to invite Yue Mercy Xing, refining nervously there.

On the other side, Zhu Di had already entered the Taisun Mansion.

On weekdays, he comes to Taisun Mansion to take a spin around when he has nothing to do, and brushes his favorability in front of Zhu Xiongying.

This time, he was even more familiar with the road, and he didn't need to report, and he went to Zhu Xiongying's small courtyard along the way, and he was still muttering there in his mouth....

"Big nephew, I came here for nothing else, just to see you, no, it's too deliberate to say this."

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