This is an opportunity to cultivate immortals, something that Qin Shi Huang can't ask for, let himself give up? Not so easy!

But what should I do next?

While thinking about this, Xu Shi next to him said a little carefully: "Husband, are you not feeling well?" Will you still be in court tomorrow? "

"What is the previous dynasty doing, the father emperor reprimanded me at every turn."

Zhu Di said distraughtly.

When he is old, he should go to the domain, but what about Zhu Xiongying in the capital, let himself go to the domain?

How can it be!

Only by guarding Zhu Xiongying can he get the moon first near the water platform.

It's just that the father and the emperor reprimanded himself at every turn because of the matter of the domain.

"But the father emperor is in a bad mood for the sake of slandering Xiong Ying for the sake of hundreds of officials, if you don't go again, the father emperor is afraid that he will be angry..."

Xu Shi said with some concern.

"If you are angry, you will be angry, and it is better to take my fief in one anger... Well, wait? What did you say? "

Zhu Di was suddenly stunned and looked at Xu Shi and said.

"Huh? I said that Father was in a bad mood..." Xu reminded carefully.

"No no, the previous sentence."

"I said that the father emperor is angry about the slander of Xiongying by hundreds of officials."

"Damn, yes, why didn't Lao Tzu think of it!"

Zhu Di suddenly slapped his thigh excitedly and said: "Tomorrow in the upper dynasty, I can just scare those Wang Baeggs, and give Xiongying a blow!" "

Now if anyone has provoked Zhu Xiongying, it must be this group of civil officials.

Zhu Xiongying must have a grudge against them now.

That's easy.

Tomorrow, I will go to Zhu Xiongying to give a good lesson to the civil officials.

This can always satisfy Zhu Xiongying, right?

After all, he is a king, or his own uncle, he has given him a leading role, and Zhu Xiongying can't turn himself away anymore...

That's right, that's it!

"Haha, Lao Tzu really married a good daughter-in-law! If you have a wife like this, why worry that your family will not prosper! "

Zhu Di was excited, and hugged Xu Shi and kissed him.

Xu Shi's face suddenly turned shy, and he pushed him away and said: "It's all old husband and wife, why are you here?" "

"You can do a great job today, I will go to your room tonight."

Zhu Di smiled, and was in a good mood.

Xu Shi rolled his eyes, but said a little embarrassed: "I still have good ginseng and deer antler velvet, and I will let the next person make you a bowl of ginseng antler and goji berry soup later." "

"Why, don't you believe in your husband's strength? I still need that herb to... Well, medicinal herbs? "

Zhu Di was smiling, but suddenly slammed his brain, and suddenly realized: "By the way, why did I forget this, Xiongying still needs medicinal materials!" "

"Look at how many good medicinal herbs there are at home, take them out, I will give them to Xiong Ying!"

"No, there are not enough in the house, you take out our family's silver, gold, and treasure banknotes, go to the market to buy medicinal materials, and buy the best rare medicinal materials!"

"Haha, Laozi is really right to marry you, with these medicinal herbs, Xiong Ying will definitely change my opinion a lot!"

Saying that, Zhu Di directly hugged Xu Shi tightly.

Xu Shi was in his arms, but he kept hammering his fist on his chest and said, "You can't do it? The money in the house is to buy medicinal herbs for Xiongying? What else do we eat! "

"Woman's view! As long as you can have a good relationship with Xiongying, a little money is nothing! "

Zhu Di pinched her face with a smile, and then said in undoubted words:

"Tomorrow, we will leave enough money for meals in the house, and the rest will go to the market to collect medicinal herbs!"

"Are you crazy?!" Xu Shi was shocked and angry!

I just feel that Zhu Di has a brain problem, and he doesn't take such care for his nephew, and the days can't pass.

"You know a fart, and you will know your husband's wisdom in the future!"

"But... Hey, what are you doing! "

Xu Shi still wanted to say something, but he was picked up by the strong Zhu Di, and in Zhu Di's loud laughter, he walked to the back room...

The next day, it was just dawn.

Zhu Di rubbed his waist, yawned, walked out of the door, and under the service of the red-faced Xu family, got on the sedan and headed towards the palace.

At this time, it was the time of the early dynasty.

The officials, either on horseback or in a sedan car, gathered in front of the palace, and then were searched by the guards and walked away.

It's just that in this crowd, there are a few people who are very conspicuous....

Several people came not on a palanquin, but on a stretcher, after they got off the stretcher.

Also on crutches, he was supported by several young officials around him, and went towards the Fengtian Temple with difficulty.

These are the officials who advised.

Although they have experienced a parade, they have not revoked their official positions for the time being, and after experiencing a parade in the streets, they still want to go to the dynasty.

Zhu Di glanced at them a few times, but sneered!

He arrived at the Fengtian Hall and stood in his place, secretly preparing the lines to be said later.

Soon, with three net whips, it sounded.

I only saw Zhu Yuanzhang come to the top of the hall, and after he sat down, he swept towards the group of ministers, and his face was really not very good-looking.

Zhu Di immediately rubbed his hands.

Sure enough, the father was still angry with these ministers.

According to the past practice, he would look at anything unpleasant when he was angry, and even reprimand him for why he was not in the domain.

But this time it's different.

He stood up this time and directly stood out for Zhu Xiongying, and his father and emperor would definitely be overjoyed.

At that time, he will not only be able to please Zhu Xiongying, but also his father's impression of himself will be very good.

At least in the near future, he will not urge himself to become a clan anymore, and he can continue to stay in the capital and wait for Zhu Xiongying to give him the opportunity to cultivate immortals.

It's killing two birds with one stone!

This time, he must taunt those civil servants well, and the more ruthless he will scold, the better!

Zhu Di was preparing there, and the eunuch next to him stood up and shouted: "Something starts, nothing retreats!" "

Zhu Di immediately did not hesitate to stand up and speak.


"Father Emperor Qi, the sons and daughters have something to do!"

At this time, among the courtiers, a young man wearing a python robe stood up.

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