Chongchen was a little surprised when he saw him stand up and speak.

Even Zhu Di looked inexplicable.

Because this person is the fifth son of the emperor, Zhu Yu!

Zhu Wei is low-key, silent all day, not good at writing and martial arts, so he likes to study medical books.

In Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes, this is simply not a business.

So he gave him a king of Wu early, sent him out to the domain, don't get in the way of his eyes, but this Zhu Yu didn't know why, but he didn't move...

And when Zhu Di was reprimanded for his affair, he often had Zhu Wei accompany him to be disciplined...

Zhu Di was naturally very familiar with his difficult brother and brother.

It's just that Zhu Wei used to be like a little transparent in the DPRK, and he may not be able to book once in three years, what is wrong today?

These doubts flashed in Zhu Di's heart, but he didn't think much about it.

It doesn't matter what he wants to say, when he finishes speaking, he will say it himself....

Even Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Yu with some surprise and said, "Old Fifth, are you in trouble?" Although it is said. "

"Children, I want to impeach some ministers!"

Between words, Zhu Yu said resolutely.

"Oh? Say it and listen. "

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang and the ministers were even more surprised, usually Zhu Yuanzhang was very soft, no one could be guilty, and now he actually came up to impeach the minister?

Even Zhu Di pricked up his ears, he had been paying attention to Zhu Xiongying recently, and he had not paid attention to the imperial government at all.

So, he ate melon like a melon and prepared to listen to it casually....

And yet....

"Father Emperor! The children who want to impeach are Taishi, Han Gong, Li Shanchang, Hube Shangshuru Taisu, Gong Gong of Work, Yushi Jinmin and other twenty-four people! "

"They were punished by His Majesty for slandering the crown prince, but in the eyes of the children, they were not convinced at all!"

"While parading the streets... They actually had anger on their faces, which was obviously a grudge against Taisun! "

"The sons and daughters thought that these people had not repented at all, and they were even more prejudiced against their grandson."

"The punishment of the father emperor for these people is too light, and the children request that the father emperor can increase the punishment for them!"

When these words fell, the government and the public were in an uproar.

Everyone looked at Zhu Yu with incredible eyes.

You know, this five princes have always been low-key, almost transparent in the dynasty, there are very few letters, and this is the first time to impeach people.

As a result, for the first time, he actually made such a big deal and directly impeached Li Shanchang and other important ministers?

Did Zhu Wei take the wrong medicine?

Everyone felt strange, this really didn't fit Zhu Yu's personality!

This really didn't seem like Zhu Wei could do it.

Not to mention them, even Zhu Yuanzhang was surprised for a while, looked at his own son and said:

"Old Fifth, you this... Who asked you to write impeachment? "

He couldn't believe that this was his son's handwriting, and subconsciously felt who was pushing behind it....

However, Zhu Yu said with a resolute face

"Father, the fact that the children did not speak in the past does not mean that the children did not understand things in their hearts!"

"In the past, the sons and daughters did not speak because the father was wise and decisive and handled all state affairs in an orderly manner, and the sons and daughters had nothing to say."

"But this time! The son dared to say that the father and the emperor dealt with Li Shanchang and the others too lightly! "

"Xiongying is my grandson of the Daming Emperor! He has also made countless contributions to my Daming, and his merit alone can be worth all the ministers! "

"It can be said that my hopes for the future are pinned on him, but these ministers actually slandered Xiongying so much!"

"What they want to destroy is not Xiongying, but the future of my Daming!"

"The sons and daughters hope that the father emperor can put Li Shanchang and the others to death for the crime of rebellion!"

When these words fell, the audience fell silent.

Everyone opened their mouths and looked at this fifth prince almost dumbfounded.

This Zhu Yu, either does not speak, or this speech, will scare the person to death.

It is too much for Zhu Yuanzhang to beat Li Shanchang and the others to death.

As a result, you directly want to dunk a hat of rebellion for others?

What the, what a grudge!

They all didn't understand, this five kings... Is it water in the brain?

As for that!

Just when everyone was puzzled.

Zhu Di looked at Zhu Wei, who was standing there with a stunned expression, with a solemn expression.

He seemed to smell a familiar smell.

It's a strand....

Trying to please Zhu Xiongying's taste!

Just now, what Zhu Wei said are all the lines I want to say!

Before the last dynasty, in order to curry favor with Zhu Xiongying, Zhu Di could be said to have painstakingly fabricated charges against Li Shanchang and others.

In the end, the most serious crime that can be thought of is nothing more than a crime of treason.

He went to court today in the hope that he would use these charges to beat Li Shanchang and others forever and give Zhu Xiongying a good blow.

As a result, his own script was actually performed first?

Most importantly....

Zhu Di was extremely shocked to find out.

In addition to him, Zhu Xiongying actually has a second Wang Ye licking dog?

Zhu Di was suddenly angry and panicked.

When Zhu Xiongying's licking dog, this should be his own patent.

Why are you still jumping out of your peers now?

What a situation!

Grab business, right?

He looked at Zhu Yu with some surprise, this guy has always been low-key, and today he actually stood up for Zhu Xiongying.

Could it be....

He also discovered the magic of Zhu Xiongying?

At the moment, he can't manage so much, and he can easily find a way to please Zhu Xiongying.

No matter what, you can't let Zhu Wei steal his limelight!

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