It was really cold in winter. Secretary Wu felt hot just now when the heating was turned on in the box.

Now he felt cold to the bone when he came out.

The wind was blowing, and it sobered me up a lot.

"In this horrible weather, let's take a taxi..."

Secretary Wu shivered and stood on the side of the road, waiting for a taxi, but he didn't know if it was too late or the drivers were not open for business because it was just the New Year.

The whole road was deserted, and no car passed by for a long time.

"This broken street lamp!"

The street lamp above Secretary Wu's head flickered, as if something was wrong.

There was a lot of black snow water from the melted snow on the side of the road, reflecting light in the night.

A car rushed past the sidewalk, splashing the sewage on the ground.

Secretary Wu, who was squatting on the side of the road looking at his phone, felt his eyes go dark, and a smell of mud hit his nose.

"Can you drive?!"

Secretary Wu wiped the dirty water off his face and was so angry that he jumped up and down.

Today was not going well. He didn't have a car to go home, and now he was splashed with water.

"What bad luck!"

Secretary Wu looked at the mud spots on the suit he had saved up for a long time and cursed as he walked.

Since he followed Lin Hai, he has never had a good life.

"It's really a dog-like capitalist. He works overtime every day, accompanies drinking, and the salary is ridiculously low!"

Secretary Wu kicked the iron can on the road fiercely as he walked.

"I saved money for a year to buy a piece of clothing, and you are still being sarcastic to me!"

Secretary Wu was about to continue kicking the tree, but he suddenly received a call.

It turned out to be his wife calling.

Secretary Wu's tone softened immediately.

"Wife, why are you still not sleeping at this time?"

Electric The woman's voice was a little tired.

"I just coaxed Xiaobao to sleep, but Dabao insisted on hearing Dabao say goodnight before he would go to sleep."

"You should come back earlier too, you always drink so late."

Secretary Wu touched his nose,

"I'm back now, I'll buy some gifts for Dabao, Xiaobao and you later!"

The excited voice of a little girl came from the other end of the phone,


"You talk to your dad."

The woman's tone was a little helpless, but more of it was doting on the child.


The little girl's childish voice came from the phone, with a bit of impatience.

Secretary Wu smiled,

"Dabao, you still need daddy to say goodnight before you go to sleep at this age?"

The little girl's tone was soft, and she felt a little wronged when she heard her father say that,

"But I just want to say goodnight to daddy~"

Secretary Wu's mouth corners couldn't help but rise, and the bad mood of the day was swept away,

He walked to the side of the road unconsciously, stepping on the water, lowering his head and talking to the phone,

"Then Dabao, you kiss daddy, and say daddy I love you, and daddy will say goodnight to you."

"I don't want it!"

The little girl snorted, her tone was a little arrogant,

"Dad is so narcissistic, I don't want to say it!"

"Will you say it or not? Don't you love daddy?"

At this time, Secretary Wu was completely immersed in the phone, and didn't notice the car getting closer and closer behind him.


The car suddenly approached the roadside and hit Secretary Wu who was stepping on the water.

"I don't love my dad, you bad dad—"

The phone was thrown far away, and the little girl's soft voice continued,

Secretary Wu still had a smile on his face, and he fell in a pool of blood in a blink of an eye.

He looked at the phone that fell to the ground, the screen was black, and he felt a little anxious,


He wanted to say something, but blood came out in big mouthfuls,

I haven't heard my daughter say she loves me, and I haven't said goodnight to my wife and daughter—

I am a bad dad, and I will miss the appointment tonight.

Secretary Wu's mind flashed with the faces of his gentle and virtuous wife, his lovely and caring eldest daughter, and his youngest son who was still in his cradle, and he felt a little regretful.

But in the end he closed his eyes, and the mud spots on the suit he had saved money for a year were completely covered by blood.

Lin Hai panted, looking at Secretary Wu lying in a pool of blood, which was particularly dazzling under the headlights,

His nerves stimulated by alcohol suddenly sobered up, and a panic surged in his heart.

"What should I do?"

He asked himself, but Secretary Wu is already dead, right?

Lin Hai opened the car door tremblingly, walked around the bloodstains and approached Secretary Wu.

He was completely motionless, and there was no movement on his body.

Lin Hai put his finger to the tip of Secretary Wu's nose,

No breathing!

Lin Hai's heart skipped a beat, he staggered a few steps, and quickly ran back to the car and slammed the door.

"How could this happen?! How could this happen..."

Lin Hai said with a chuckleAll trembling,

He just wanted to scare Secretary Wu, why did he hit him?

"I really didn't mean to, don't blame me..."

Lin Hai stepped on the accelerator and ran away, not daring to stay for a moment,

Leaving Secretary Wu lying in a pool of blood and no longer breathing.

Lin Hai gradually calmed down after driving away, then pulled over and took out his mobile phone to order a designated driver, but when the call came, he directly asked the designated driver to go back and paid him.

Lin Hai looked back at the road he came from, his eyes flickered,

There is no surveillance on that road.

And the night surveillance can't see the person in the driving position clearly, Lin Hai only needs to say that he found a designated driver and it is impossible to hit anyone.


"The morning news reported that a traffic accident occurred on the Fourth Ring East Road last night, causing one death. The driver fled the scene, and no clues have been found so far."

"The deceased is Wu..."

Lin Hai watched the news silently, waiting for the police to come.

"Knock knock knock"

The servant opened the door, and two policemen stood outside.

"Hello, police,"

He took out his police ID,

"We are here to ask Mr. Lin Hai something."

Lin Hai turned off the TV and stood up to greet him.

"Comrade police, come in, I will tell you everything I know."

After pouring a cup of tea for the two policemen, Lin Hai asked with a sad face,

"Did something happen to my secretary? I just saw the news..."

Lin Hai wiped away his tears, looking guilty,

"I took him to meet a client last night, and then he drank too much and let him go first. Who knew this would happen? If I had known earlier, I'll have someone send him back!"

The police didn't expect Lin Hai to be so emotional, and they looked at each other,

"Sir, don't get too excited, I know you blame yourself for your secretary's car accident, but we have to fulfill our obligations and ask you some questions."

Lin Hai nodded heavily,

"Of course, police comrade, we must find the driver and seek justice for my secretary!"

Looking at Lin Hai's sad look, the police remembered the mother and daughter who hurriedly called the police last night,

I heard that there is a little son in the family, what a pity...

This family will not have an easy life in the future, all because of the driver who ran away after the accident.

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