"Okay, Mr. Lin, you went to Chimelong Hotel with the deceased at 9:20 last night, right?"

Because of Lin Hai's special identity, the police chose to take notes at his home, but none of the necessary steps would be missed.

Lin Hai nodded when he heard this, but he was a little nervous.

"I went to discuss the contract with the partner with Secretary Wu yesterday."

The police nodded.

"Okay, according to the hotel's surveillance, it seems that your partner left first, but then came back.

What's going on?"

Lin Hai answered truthfully on this point, with a little apology on his face.

"I drank too much yesterday, and the partner suddenly left for something, and didn't mean to sign the contract. Then I was a little excited and tore up the contract... But I really didn't expect the partner to come back again."

"Then the partner may think that I was drunk and a little dissatisfied, so he wanted to leave, so I tried to keep him."

The two police looked at each other and nodded.

This is indeed consistent with the records in the surveillance.

But because the hotel's surveillance cameras don't pick up audio, they don't know what was said specifically.

"Why did the deceased leave first?"

Lin Hai sighed,

"Because I felt a little uncomfortable in my head at the time, and I had drunk alcohol, so I called a designated driver.

Because Secretary Wu said he wanted to go back by himself, I didn't ask him to stay, and I waited for the designated driver to come alone in the box."

Speaking of this, Lin Hai was a little nervous,

because the time he called the designated driver was obviously different from the time he left.

The police continued to ask,

"Did you call a designated driver? But according to the surveillance, you drove the car alone when you left, and there was no designated driver."

Lin Hai's heart sank when he heard this,

"Well, because I drank alcohol, and gave the designated driver a wrong location, and then I drove to the location by myself, but because the location was different, I placed a new order.

I have a record on my phone."

Lin Hai took out his phone, and there was indeed a record of a designated driver.

The two policemen nodded, put away the notes and prepared to leave.

"We are really sorry to bother you."

Lin Hai was a little surprised. He smiled and sent them away before returning to the sofa with lingering fear.

He thought the police would take him to the police station, and this question was too hasty, right?

If they asked a little more, Lin Hai would be exposed.

"Why did we leave?"

A policeman asked in the car,

The older policeman patted the young policeman on the shoulder, and said something earnest,

"When we came, the deputy director specifically said that he knew Lin Hai, and is it necessary for a rich man like Lin Hai to kill his secretary?

Asking too much is not only embarrassing for others, but also a waste of time. It is better to sell a favor. Maybe Lin Hai will say a few good words for us in front of the deputy director!"

The young policeman was a little entangled, always feeling that this was not right,

"But there is no surveillance on the road where the deceased was killed. Lin Hai is very suspicious..."

The older policeman waved his hand and didn't want to listen more,

"Xiao Zhang, this is why you are still a chores after working for so long. You are always so suspicious that you don't even know that you have offended a noble person!"

At this time, the deputy director didn't know that his casual words were misunderstood like this.

"Hmm? Lao Wang, you are back. Where is the suspect Lin Hai? Aren't you supposed to bring him in for a statement?"

The captain of the detachment in charge of this case frowned and asked the two people who came back.

The other suspects have been brought in for a statement. Why didn't these two bring anyone back?

"Captain Cai, it's not that we don't bring anyone back, but because the deputy director specifically ordered us to do so, so we went to the door to do the statement."

Captain Cai's eyebrows were twisted into a ball.

"Did the deputy director say hello?"

He had just finished taking the statement and asked the partner about what happened in the box.

The partner said that he left for something and came back to see Lin Hai getting angry at the deceased.

And after the partner entered the box, he repeatedly accused and ordered the deceased, with a very bad attitude.

What happened next was that the partner left.

It seems that Lin Hai is indeed a suspect.

Although it may be an accident, there were only a few cars passing through the road section without surveillance at that time.

Among them was Lin Hai's, and other vehicles were also chasing.

Captain Cai was obviously dissatisfied,

"Let me see the transcript."

Xiao Zhang was a little nervous and hesitated to speak several times, but Lao Li looked very calm and handed over the transcript indifferently.

"We asked all the questions we should ask, and the process is the same as here."

Although it is relatively simple and there are few questions, it is after all someone who has been greeted by the deputy director.

"You only recorded this little? ThisNo, you must bring him to the police station. "

Captain Cai's face was not very good,

"Hey, Captain Cai, if you bump into someone, don't let it affect your impression with the deputy director."

Old Wang advised earnestly,

"Lin Hai called a designated driver, how could he bump into someone!"

Xiao Zhang still stood up and looked at Captain Cai and said,

"Captain, I also think that Lin Hai should be brought to the police station, he is very suspicious.

And I think Brother Wang's idea is wrong, we can't take special care of Lin Hai just because the deputy director said hello."

Old Wang's face suddenly changed, and his tone became cold,

"Xiao Zhang, what do you mean? I kindly reminded you, but you jumped out to blame me?"

"But you were wrong in the first place!"

Captain Cai was so upset when he heard the two people quarreling that he stood up to persuade them to stop quarreling,

"Okay, okay, stop quarreling! "

He pulled the two apart and shook his head helplessly,

"Old Wang, although you are the oldest in our team, I won't say much about you because you were transferred from another place.

Anyway, the rules of our bureau are to strictly follow the rules!

Even if the deputy director ordered it, you can't bend the law for personal gain!"

Old Wang frowned, but finally nodded reluctantly,

"Forget it, it's up to you, anyway, I don't think Lin Hai needs to kill people."

"Do you think it's feasible to handle the case?"

Captain Cai was a little helpless,

"Xiao Zhang, take another person to bring Lin Hai to the police station, and be quick."


When Xiao Zhang heard that someone was coming to arrest someone, he was very passionate, which formed a sharp contrast with Lao Wang's bitter face.

"I won't hold you responsible this time, but because of your ideological problems, you will be suspended for a week and go back to reflect. "

Captain Cai sighed,

"You may feel dissatisfied, but your handling of the case in this way is irresponsible to the deceased and the deceased's family."

Old Wang curled his lips and left directly.

Fortunately, he saved Lin Hai's phone number, so he reminded him and made a good impression on Lin Hai.

"Boss Lin, I'm so sorry, our captain wants to ask you to come to the police station to take a statement, I advised you..."

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