"The president is so domineering!"

Xu Mei responded to Ma Jin's actions and didn't stop flattering him.

"Haha, don't worry...

I can kick her out after I completely eliminate the people arranged by that yellow-faced woman."

Since taking power, Ma Jin has been dealing with the old man left behind by Sun Xiujun in both open and covert ways.

"Really, President... I still want a status. Although I will be satisfied as long as I am with you,

But... forget it, I am still too greedy."

Xu Mei's tone was a little disappointed, Ma Jin immediately comforted her,

"Of course I will satisfy you, the only person I really love is you!"

"I am afraid that my Sun family will cause you trouble."

"Their family has gone abroad, and now they can't touch my status."

"That's great..."

Xu Mei curled her lips when she heard it, and took the initiative to hook Ma Jin's neck...

The night is still long...


"Momo, is this your new assistant?"

Lin Feng asked, looking at the unfamiliar face behind Yang Momo.

I have never seen this girl before.

Yang Momo smiled slyly,

"This is my best friend, the assistant I hired from Li Xun!

Boss, you should also give her a better salary?"

Although Yang Momo was told to pay her own salary, the two sisters discussed and

it was better to let the boss pay.

Lin Feng's eyebrows jumped,

"Didn't you say that you can arrange your assistant's salary yourself?"

Li Yuxin also paid the salary of the assistant he hired himself,

Lin Feng now knew that Yang Momo wanted to take advantage of him when he saw her smile.

"Boss, that's different, I hired her from another big company!"

Lin Feng was not a sucker,

"That won't work, and our new anchors only have a basic salary of 4,000, and your assistant can only make 3,000 at most."

If I had known earlier, many newly graduated accountants would not be hired even if they were paid 3,000.

"You're being too mean!"

Yang Momo was a little angry,

"My salary is obviously very high!"

Lin Feng waved his hand,

"That's different, I hired you myself!

No room for negotiation!"

It was Jiang Huan who spoke first,

"3,000 is 3,000!"

She tugged at Yang Momo's clothes again,

"You'd better give it to me if you don't want it..."

Yang Momo snorted coldly,

"The boss is such a miser! He doesn't give a penny!"

After that, he pulled Jiang Huan back to his workstation. Lin Feng laughed at the two of them leaving.

The studio is getting better and better...

Lin Feng went back to the office to catch up on his sleep, but was awakened by a loud noise outside not long after.

Before he could walk out, Li Yuxin rushed in anxiously, "Boss! Go and persuade them, Momo and a newcomer are fighting!" Lin Feng's heart skipped a beat, and he was worried that Yang Momo would get hurt, so he immediately ran out to see. When he got there, he saw that Yang Momo was beating the newcomer unilaterally. The assistant Yang Momo brought with her was crying with her face covered. "Momo, stop fighting, someone will die!" Lin Feng felt a headache, and seeing that the newcomer was dying, he hurried over to stop the fight. Yang Momo's eyes were red, and when she saw that it was Lin Feng who was stopping the fight, she reluctantly let go of the newcomer. The newcomer was a newly recruited logistics worker, and his workstation was also here. "Boss, you must fire this scumbag!" Yang Momo spoke viciously, wishing she could kick the newcomer again. "Okay, okay, calm down!" Lin Feng comforted Yang Momo, and turned his head to tell the onlookers,

"Help him up!"

Fortunately, the newcomer didn't suffer any serious injuries, just some flesh wounds, which didn't cause any substantial harm.

"Tell me, what happened?"

Yang Momo patted Jiang Huan's back to comfort him while talking about what happened just now.

It turned out that Jiang Huan had just arrived and gave some candies to each colleague. When it came to this newcomer,

because there were more, he simply gave them all to him.

As a result, this newcomer was a common man. Seeing that he had more candies, he thought that Jiang Huan deliberately gave candies for him.

So he ran to her and hugged her directly, and said something,

"If you like me, why don't you say it? If you are sincere, I will consider agreeing to let you pursue me."

Jiang Huan was scared to death and immediately pushed him away to explain.

As a result, she didn't listen at all, thinking that Jiang Huan was playing hard to get, and her behavior became more presumptuous.

Jiang Huan had been brooding over the Ma Jin incident, and now he met someone like this.

He broke down and cried.

Yang Momo came over and kicked him to the ground.After hearing what happened, she became even angrier.

That’s why she unilaterally beat the newcomer.

Lin Feng was originally wondering what the newcomer had done wrong, but when he heard that he was morally corrupt,

“Such a person should indeed be fired. Who recruited him?

Take him out and deal with him.”

When everyone left, Yang Momo followed Lin Feng into the office but said nothing.

“What’s wrong?”

Lin Feng was a little confused. Wasn’t the matter resolved?

Yang Momo hesitated for a long time, but still spoke,

“Boss, this is not the first time Huanhuan has encountered such a thing. Can I take a leave and take her out to relax?”

“It’s not the first time? What happened last time? Can you tell me about it?”

After all, Jiang Huan is now his employee, so Lin Feng is still a little curious.

“Didn’t I say that she was poached from Li Xun? In fact, she resigned on her own.”

Yang Momo actually chose to tell Lin Feng about this matter with a bit of luck in her heart.

If Lin Feng can’t handle it, then she will give up.

She told Lin Feng everything Jiang Huan had told her. Seeing Lin Feng's long silence, she thought he was in trouble.

"Ah... Boss, I'm going out first."

Yang Momo sighed and left on her own initiative.

Lin Feng really didn't expect that Xu Mei was actually Ma Jin's lover.

"No wonder..."

Of course he knew the purpose of Yang Momo telling him these things on purpose, but he was silent just now not because he felt that he couldn't afford to offend Ma Jin,

but because he was shocked that he was getting closer and closer to the truth.

So everything made sense, a person without any background sat in the position of general manager.

Even if Xu Mei was capable, it would be difficult, only Ma Jin took the initiative to promote her.

"If that's the case, then I'll visit Madam Sun another day..."

Although it is now openly Ma Jin who holds the power in Li Xun, Sun Xiujun's former reputation is not boastful. As long as Sun Xiujun is willing, Ma Jin will definitely not be able to gain a foothold.

And Sun Xiujun is sincere to Ma Jin,

So to deal with Xu Mei, just contact Sun Xiujun and it will be solved.

Of course, Lin Feng is not qualified to see Sun Xiujun, but he is a gigolo, so when he encounters problems, he goes to Cheng Sui.

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