Lin Jue was so impatient that he didn't even tell Gong Yunfei. He just packed some things secretly and flew directly to Jing City. He specifically asked about Sun Xiujun's schedule. She stayed at home these days. Lin Jue would definitely find her. After getting off the plane, Lin Jue felt excited. "I'm finally going to see my biological mother..." If it were in the past, he would definitely disdain the so-called biological mother. But now it's different. The biological mother is powerful and has been helping him secretly. Who wouldn't love such a biological mother? ! Jing City is much more prosperous than Changhai City. The closer to the villa area, the better the environment. Without high-rise buildings, the air here is fresh. "You don't look like a local, are you here to visit relatives?"

I don't know if he was in a good mood, Lin Jue answered the driver patiently, with a bit of pride in his tone,

"I came here to see my mother!"

The driver often goes here, and he knows the rich people in this area, but he doesn't think Lin Jue is the son of any noble lady.

He looks very unfamiliar!

"I don't know who your mother is?

Why haven't I seen you before?"

Lin Jue pouted,

"Why are you asking so many questions? Do you know my mother's identity if you want to know?

I grew up in Changhai City, and I came here to see my mother!"

This driver is really noisy. After Lin Jue said this, he ignored him.

The driver also knows how to read people's faces. Seeing that Lin Jue is unwilling to pay attention to him, he didn't try to please him anymore, and drove quietly.

The villa area is still a little far from the city, after all, there is not enough land for development in the city center.

"We're here. I can't drive in."

The driver stopped far away from the villa complex. Seeing Lin Jue frowning, he explained helplessly with his hands spread out.

"No outside vehicles are allowed to enter here."

Lin Jue paid the money and had to walk forward by himself. Fortunately, it was not very cold today. Thinking that he had to give his mother a surprise, Lin Jue endured it.

He also brought special products from Changhai City, which were a bit heavy.

In fact, the place where he got off was still far away from the security booth, but the driver stopped far away for fear of causing trouble.

"The security here is very arrogant. Taxis like us can't even get close!"

That's what the driver said.

Lin Jue was tired and kicked a tree on the roadside angrily. He felt annoyed when he thought of this sentence.

"What a bullshit! It's all an excuse. Next time I see this driver, I will smash his car!"

Who knew that when he kicked it, an alarm sounded on the tree immediately, which scared Lin Jue so much that he stood there and didn't dare to move.

Although he also grew up in the villa area of ​​Changhai City, he had never encountered such a thing!

Not long after, a team of security guards rushed over and surrounded Lin Jue.

The leading security captain saw that it was just a young man carrying something, and his frown relaxed.

"Who are you? Why did you come here?"

It turned out that there were often rich second-generations racing on the road in the villa area. Once before, a rich second-generation hit a tree and

fell unconscious on the spot. No one found it for a long time until it was found by the patrol team and sent to the hospital.

Later, the security installed alarms on the trees, and the trees would sound an alarm when they were hit.

"I'm here to find my mother. I came from Changhai today."

Lin Jue was still a little scared when he saw these tall and strong security guards, and answered their questions one by one.

"Didn't your mother send someone to pick you up?"

The security captain was a little confused. He had never seen anyone walking to find relatives.

"I just wanted to give my mother a surprise... Who knew the taxi would drop me off far away and say I couldn't get in."

The security captain nodded and said, "It's true you can't get in. You can't get in without an appointment."

Lin Jue was stunned for a moment,

"Do you need to make an appointment?"

"Yes, no one is allowed in here."

Lin Jue's eyebrows jumped. He actually forgot that he needed to make an appointment to enter the villa area. After all, this is not Changhai City.

"I want to give my mother a surprise. Can you make an exception?"

The security captain rejected him directly and mercilessly, and he was a little suspicious of Lin Jue's identity.

"If anyone says they can get in if they give a surprise, wouldn't it be a mess?"

The captain waved his hand, and the others dispersed and continued to patrol. He leaned against the security booth, looking helpless.

"Little brother, listen to my advice. Don't have any bad intentions. You won't get any benefits even if you sneak into this villa area.

The homes of the rich are harder to get into than outside!"

Lin Jue's face was full of black lines when he heard this. Would the security guard think he was someone who wanted to steal?

Lin JueHe explained: "Brother, I really don't want to sneak in. I'm here to find my mother!"

He had no choice but to take out his mobile phone and send a message to his mother,

[Mom, I'm here to find you. 】

But he didn't get a reply for a long time.

"If you ask me, go back by yourself. We won't make things difficult for you. As for going in, you'd better forget it."

Lin Jue felt very upset when he saw the security guard's arrogant look.

"You, a security guard, dare to step on my head? Do you know who my mother is?!"

The security guard was not convinced either.

"Tell me who your mother is? Let her take you in!"

"Sun Xiujun! My mother is Sun Xiujun!"

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.


The security guard covered his mouth and laughed out loud,

"Who are you talking about? You insist on saying that you are Madam Sun's son. Do you know that her son has passed away?!"

Listening to these lowly security guards daring to laugh at him, Lin Jue's ears turned red with anger,

"You laugh! I won't let you go later! Contact the housekeeper for me, he will definitely contact my mother!"

The security guard was still laughing,

"Okay, if you want to make a fool of yourself, I will fulfill your wish, but I have to say it in advance, Madam Sun is not a person with a good temper!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"


"Madam, the security guard called and said someone is looking for you."

Sun Xiujun was pruning branches in the yard,

Hearing this, he looked up and asked, "Who is it?"

After all, no one has come to see her for a long time, and the sisters in the past have gradually stopped contacting her because she chose Ma Jin.

The housekeeper looked a little strange, and said in a tangled way,

"That... the security guard said your son came to see you..."

It sounded like he was deliberately looking for trouble. After all, everyone knew that Madam Sun's son had passed away,

died at the best age...

The housekeeper was worried that his wife would be angry, but he still said it.

"My son?"

Sun Xiujun was stunned for a moment, and then the smile on the corner of her mouth disappeared without a trace.

She threw the scissors in her hand to the ground, and her slightly heaving chest proved that she was not emotionally stable at the moment.

"Prepare the car, I want to see who dares to make such a joke, not everyone can be my son!"

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