I only want to be a Shichibukai when I have Bengyu

Chapter 221 Six Styles·Paper painting and rubber fruit go well together!

How can I run faster?

How can I make my fist more powerful?

How can we defeat that black prince and rescue Nami?

He had been pondering these questions since he left Rogge Town. On the way to Alabasta, he had fought against all kinds of enemies and met many powerful people, including those with Devil Fruit abilities and those with tall bodies. A giant like a mountain, he also met Ace...

Ace was seen using flames as propellers to drive an assault boat at an alarming speed on the sea, and he was even able to briefly fly into the sky using flames as propulsion.


He had a rough idea in his mind.

An idea that can greatly increase his strength, but unfortunately there is no extra time for him to test it. In other words, actual combat is the best testing ground.


The distracted Luffy was punched in the nose by Lucci, and his whole body flew out like a kite with its string cut off.

If a normal person takes such a punch, even if he is lucky enough to survive, his nose will definitely not be saved, but who makes Luffy a rubber man? His unique rubber physique allowed him to withstand extreme beatings, and such an attack might as well have cut him with a knife.

"Is this all you can do?"

Lu Qi stood there without moving, looking at Luffy who had fallen over among the broken bricks and rubble, looking down at Luffy with an extremely relaxed attitude, "If you only have this little ability, you can't bring your companions back, even I can’t even pass this level...it’s better to give up as soon as possible! Otherwise, you will die here..."

"I will never give up."

Luffy's fist smashed the rocks in front of him.

He maintained a rather strange posture, spreading his legs like a zhama stance, but bending very low at the waist. He said loudly: "Nami is waiting for me. I will never give up on my partner." Yes, I will defeat you here today and take Nami away!!"

A powerful declaration!

While talking,

Luffy's body became more and more strange. The muscles in his legs moved up and down in an unscientific way, as if they were turning into air pumps. His skin began to turn red, and in the end, it even turned white. Steam curled up.

"Second gear!!"

Luffy slowly raised his fist on the ground.

"...Is this your trick?"

Lu Qi raised his eyebrows and looked up and down, "It doesn't look very good... so fast!" His eyes changed in an instant, and the fist from the left landed heavily on his face. Qi felt as if he had been shot at close range by a large-caliber rifle. The powerful impact made him feel severe pain.

The muscles on the face are a bit missing after all, and the defensive power of the iron block is far inferior to that of the trunk and limbs.


What's up with this speed and power?

The gap from before is also too big. This movement speed... can beat the big mouth of an owl! He moved to his side in an instant and hit him with the simplest straight punch, leaving half of his face numb.

Speed ​​and strength have changed dramatically.

"I told you, I'm going to knock you out here."

Luffy raised his fists, and without even noticing the movements of his feet, he suddenly disappeared from Lucci's sight, and then a heavy fist struck directly from the right.

"Paper painting!"

A defensive technique similar to an iron block in the Sixth Form.

However, the iron block is carried by the hardened body, while the paper painting makes the body soft, relieves the whole body's strength, and controls the body as easily as painting on paper, surrendering to the air flow generated by the opponent's movements. Changes, all attacks directed at oneself can be avoided at the critical moment!

Lucci's body became like soft mud at this moment, shaking his body gently but extremely quickly, and easily avoiding Luffy's attack.

"This is a move!"

Luffy had seen Owl use it when he fought Owl.

He also learned secretly, but unfortunately he collapsed before fully mastering the owl. But now it seems that he has a chance to continue learning, and his little calculation immediately started. This move seems to be very good in conjunction with his rubber fruit ability. Use it, make up your mind to learn this trick.

Now Luffy is exerting all his strength and doing everything possible to become stronger.

"Rubber Jet Pistol!"

Luffy continued to attack, maintaining an offensive that was strong enough but not too aggressive, forcing Lucci to use paper drawings to dodge.


A cruel smile appeared on Lu Qi's face.

Without having to think too hard, he understood what Luffy was planning. Was he targeting paper painting? How dare you think about it! However... Recalling His Highness's order, he wanted to see if Luffy could really learn paper painting.

Instead of using iron blocks at all, he used paper drawings to the extreme, swaying like catkins dancing in the wind. Luffy's attacks always missed by a hair.

On the contrary, he used finger guns and lanji to counterattack from time to time, causing Luffy to lose again.

Fortunately, the injury was not serious and he had long physical strength. Luffy, who was as tireless as a perpetual motion machine, didn't care about the minor injury at all. He put all his energy into fighting and studying. While trying his best to suppress Lucci, he also I am constantly trying to figure out the secrets of paper painting.

"I see!!!"


Luffy let out a loud cry of excitement.

It happened that Lucci chose to fight back at this time, and stabbed Luffy's chest and abdomen with his finger gun. However, this blow that was sure to hit failed, and Luffy's body showed some unimaginable softness. It collapsed inward incredibly, freeing up the attack path of the finger gun.

That's something even Lu Qi can't do.

The secret of paper painting is to move randomly, allowing the soft body to avoid the opponent's attack one step ahead, instead of twisting and changing one's body. Even the paper painting derivative skill 'Ooze' mastered by Owl seems to make the body become like clay. Free to deform, the only thing that changed was the excess fat on his body, and the bones could not deform anyway.

Even the special skill that Lu Qi mastered could only make the body as small and compact as possible, but could not change the size of his own frame.

But Luffy is different;

The Rubber Man himself can perform many movements beyond the limits of the human body. The bones in his body have the characteristics of rubber, which is unimaginable softness.

Coupled with paper painting, this feature is brought to the extreme.

Except that it cannot be elementalized, it is almost like a natural devil fruit.

"Finger gun·Huang Lian!"


The battlefield reversed in an instant. Luffy, who was originally the attacker, slowed down his attack like a storm, but Lucci, who had been dancing with paper paintings, instead attacked fiercely. He did not use the basic skills of the six forms, but He directly used the derivative skills he had developed himself.


No matter what kind of attack it was, it was avoided.

Luffy's paper drawings are incredibly powerful, and Lucci, as his enemy, feels this most deeply.

"It's awesome! This move is so awesome!" Luffy shouted excitedly. It was very interesting for him to avoid Lucci's attacks continuously. Because his body was too strong to bear the blows, in the past, he had to face the enemy unless he had Sharp blades or high or low temperatures, otherwise you wouldn't bother to avoid them, just hit them head on, it won't hurt anyway.

But now, he has somewhat experienced the pleasure of dodging the opponent's attacks.

It’s really interesting!

However, Luffy has not forgotten the purpose of his appearance here today. Saving Nami is the most important thing. Now that he has learned this trick, what he should do next is to go all out to defeat the man in front of him.

"Rubber Jet Beast's Gun."

"Rubber Jet Whip."

"Rubber...Jet rocket launcher."

Luffy's all-out attack was like a tsunami and landslide, reaching its extreme ferocity, breaking Lucci's paper drawing with a devastating momentum.


The bloody spit hit the yellow sand.

Lu Qi struggled to get up and touched his face. It was a little swollen. Many muscles ached all over his body. The bones... there should be a few cracked bones, but it was considered a good thing that they were not directly broken or dislocated. good news.

"Has His Highness already foreseen this outcome?"

He licked his lips.

Recalling what Elus had said, he was only allowed to use the power of the Devil Fruit when he thought he would lose. At first, he didn't think that he would really need to use the power of the Devil Fruit. He never thought that this straw hat boy was a A freak who cannot be fathomed by common sense.


His eyesight is not as good as His Highness.

"I was careless!"

Lu Qi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and his expression became very serious.

He couldn't afford to be beaten down like this. He had just said those words before, and then was beaten down in the blink of an eye. This was really a bit... Let's go all out to continue the next step. To be honest, he is really interested now.

This is the first time I have encountered such an interesting opponent!

The opponents I have encountered before are either too weak, or real monsters as strong as His Highness that make you feel powerless to resist. Opponents like Luffy who are neither strong nor weak... This is really the first time I have encountered them. , this is a good training opportunity.

Thinking of this, a burst of enlightenment suddenly arose in my heart.

The Straw Hats secretly learned Owl's abilities and some of his techniques, but they can also learn combat experience from Luffy.

This is also a good opportunity for him to hone himself.


Animal system·Cat fruit·Leopard form——

Lu Qi's body expanded, and his original moderate black suit turned into a tight tights. He chose the human-animal form that he was best at. Compared with the pure animal form, the human-animal form can maximize his combat capabilities. force.

"Straw Hat Boy, I admit that you are a good opponent, so... let us continue! Continue this battle!"

"Flying finger gun, draw!!"

With a flick of his finger, extremely sharp air bullets flew out as fast as lightning. Even though Luffy used paper drawings to dodge, the right side of his face was still scratched, and silk slowly oozed from the new wound. A trace of blood and a faint sting reminded Luffy that the enemy's methods had changed again.

"Rubber Jetmon's strict gun!"

Luffy rushed forward fearlessly.

No matter how the enemies change, what he has to do remains the same from beginning to end, defeating all enemies blocking his path, and then saving Nami, that's all.


That's all.



Looking at Luffy who was beaten and vomiting blood, Nami burst into tears, tears streaming down her face.

"Lucci has been forced to use the power of the Devil Fruit... He is extremely talented and has a solid foundation... He is indeed a boy favored by fate." Elus also said He came to the window and looked at Luffy and Lucci who were fighting.

With the power of staring at the fruit, there is no difference between standing by the window or sitting on the sofa. There is no significant change in the scenery in my eyes.


The feeling is different.

Standing by the window makes you feel more like watching the excitement.

"... A thousand times of torture is not as good as one fight against a stronger enemy than himself. Lucci still lacks the experience to fight against enemies who are above him." Elus watched the excitement at the same time. Don’t forget to leave a review.

"Your Highness, can Straw Hat defeat Lucci?"

Farug also came over and asked with admiration.

"Lucci will lose with a high probability. He shouldn't have let Luffy learn paper painting before. Paper painting and rubber fruit... I didn't even expect this combination to have such an interesting effect. This is different from the conscious awareness of seeing, hearing and coloring." Perception is different, Zhi Hui relies more on the instinct of the body to dodge... If he masters the Haki of Wisdom and Information, it will be impossible to perfectly simulate the elementalization of the natural system, but this move does have the same effect as elementalization. Comparable to potential.”

Elus touched his chin and said slowly.

He was not deliberately praising the Son of Destiny.

In fact, the compatibility between paper paintings and rubber fruits is too good. Luffy obviously hasn't really blended the two together yet, but just now, he can evade more than 80% of Lucci's attacks with the smallest movements. If things go on like this. If it goes on, Lu Qi, who is physically exhausted faster, will obviously fall into a more unfavorable situation.

Even though Lu Qi is an animal-type ability user, he has always been good at physical strength and recovery power.

But the problem is that Luffy was trained using the Hell Difficulty method by his monster grandfather since he was a child. In terms of physical strength, even those with animal abilities may not be stronger than him. If he hadn't eaten the rubber fruit, Luffy would probably have lost his ability in the future. Will be another Cap.

The blood of this family is ridiculously strong.

"However, even if Luffy can win, it won't be easy. Lucci... has great potential, but it has just been neglected for a while, and to be honest, CP9 is not a place to train people. No matter how many assassinations are made, weak people will be defeated. There won’t be much improvement, fighting with real swords and guns like this is the fastest way to become stronger.”

Elus continued: "Even if we lose this time, it may not be a bad thing for Lucci. Failure is a success. Lucci was too smooth in the past, and the only mistakes he made were because of his overwhelming strength. in front of his opponents.”

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