I only want to be a Shichibukai when I have Bengyu

Chapter 222 Six Types of Secrets·Six Kings Spear

"I heard that your best skill is the three-sword style?"

"That's right."

"That's such a pity! I didn't get to experience the secrets of Santo-ryu. I would have returned that sword to you before I did it. It's such a pity!!!"

"That way you will only lose faster!"

"It doesn't sound like a bad thing. Losing is not a big deal. It's not the first time I've lost. On the contrary, not being able to see the three-sword style... This is heartbreaking! I said, it can make me Do you want to see it? Three-sword style?"

Kaku leaned against the broken wall, trying his best to maintain this half-sitting, half-lying position.

"No, my swordsmanship is not for show."

Zoro held his beloved Wado Yimon and examined it carefully inside and outside, up and down. This knife was snatched back from Kaku after he defeated him. To be more precise, he took it back from Kaku. Before Kaku came out to fight Sauron, he found a place to hide the box with the knife.

After he lost, he guided Sauron to retrieve Hedao Yimonji.

"Don't worry! No one has used your treasure. Your Highness doesn't allow us to touch it casually." Looking at Zoro's posture where he wished he could see through his beloved knife, Kaku chuckled, and in the end, he pulled the knife on his body. The wound began to bleed again.

His current appearance can be described as miserable.

There are almost over 100 wounds all over the body. The swordsmen's battle is so cruel. Unlike the fist-to-flesh battle, it is very easy to leave wounds on the opponent in a real sword duel. The loser is not named, but the winner is It is overwhelmingly powerful, and a lot of blood must be shed to be responsible.

There are even rumors that 30% of the swordsmen on the sea died of excessive blood loss.

As the winner, Zoro has also become a bloody man. Fortunately, compared to Kaku who is lying on the ground and cannot move, Zoro can still walk and move. After bandaging his wounds, he can even run and jump. Kaku looks at it. His eyes almost popped out of his head.

It is true that people cannot be generalized.

Where does this monster come from? His physical fitness is better than that of himself who trained in the CP organization since he was a child? Of course he didn't know that the master who taught Zoro, Koushiro, was a fierce man who could talk to the leaders of the Revolutionary Army. He was a great swordsman who had reached the highest level of swordsmanship. Zoro himself didn't even know that.

It's like Luffy didn't know how powerful his grandfather was, how strong his father was, and how hopeless he would be in the future...

"Hey, long nose, thank you."

Zoro put his beloved sword back on his waist. The familiar heavy weight of the three swords hanging on his waist made his whole body feel happy, and he even looked at Kaku, his enemy, with pleasure.

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up and save your companions! But don't think that everything will be fine after you defeat me. There are people stronger than me behind."

"Whoever he is, just chop it down and that's it."

Zoro said loudly, and then——

He ran out in the opposite direction to where Kaku was pointing.

"Hey, wait, you're running in the wrong direction!!!" Kaku was so angry that he vomited a mouthful of blood. This is a road fool, this is a lost god! You can run in the wrong direction with just your fingers and mouth...



Eleus laughed.

Sauron's road madness is definitely at the level of natural disaster, which cannot be restored by human power.


He really didn't expect to make Kaku so angry that he vomited blood.

"Farug, prepare bandages and hemostatic medicine, there are more wounded to deal with." Elus ignored the confused looks of his subordinates, raised his hand and opened an air door, and the chain flew into it. Within two seconds, When the time came, Kaku, who had turned into a blood gourd, was pulled out.


Farug opened his mouth, wanting to explain that he was not a doctor or a nurse, but a combatant.

However, he didn't dare. He commanded the owl that had regained some mobility to help drag Kaku aside. Then he came forward with a medical kit and skillfully treated Kaku's wounds.

"Someone lost again, Knife...Did Zoro win?"

Nami looked at Kaku lying on the ground with the corner of her eye, and her smart brain quickly analyzed the actual situation based on the information collected.

"Farooq, move quickly, it's a broken bone this time."

A new air door opened, and Gabra, who looked more like a dead dog than a wolf, was dragged out of the door by chains. He suffered multiple fractures all over his body. The destructive power of Sanji's kicking skills was quite amazing, and he could use it as an animal-type ability. The player's Gabra kicked like this, and Sanji's strength also improved greatly.

Elus looked around everywhere,

It seems that his efforts as the villain boss were not in vain. Under the pressure he brought, the Straw Hats became stronger at a faster speed, even Usopp and Chopper, mainly Usopp, and Chopper had only been on the ship not long ago. , Usopp also came up with a lot of interesting ammunition, and drank two blue balls together, defeating Nuri without going berserk.

And Khalifa,

how to say!

Robin, who had been with the Revolutionary Army for a period of time, had a different mentality. He sailed to Alabasta with Luffy and the others, and had completely integrated into the team... Furthermore, Kalifa had also left. With CP and no sense of psychological fear, Robin went all out and successfully won the victory after going through a not-so-hard battle.

The Straw Hats are gathering here.


Hearing His Highness's call, Farug shuddered.

The air doors opened one after another, and the wounded were dragged out of the doors by chains. Farug looked at the wounded in front of him and wanted to cry without tears. He was obviously a combatant! What he is good at is wringing the enemy's neck, not helping people set their bones!

How come you were forced to change jobs without making any noise?

Of course, no matter what he thought in his heart, he did not dare to slow down his movements. It must be said that after treating each of them, his skills became more and more proficient.


Seeing Elus' men being defeated one after another and being brought back, and realizing that her companions had achieved a great victory, Nami became more and more nervous. The past few months had made her deeply aware of what Elus was. How terrible!

It was certainly something to be happy about defeating Elus's subordinates, but... as long as she saw Elus himself, Nami could not help but worry.

Even though the Black Prince and Luffy's father may have an agreement,

Even though the series of behaviors shown by the Black Prince did not seem to have any murderous intention towards Luffy and the others,

But the disparity in power is always unsettling. If the knife is held in someone else's hand, even if they say it won't hurt you, there is definitely no way to really feel at ease.


The battle between Luffy and Lucci has entered a fierce stage.

"Fingergun Madara!!!"

Lucci has used a special skill called "Return of Life". His combat effectiveness has been improved again, and his speed and strength have been significantly improved. However...his attacks are still difficult to achieve. Luffy will The combination of paper painting and rubber fruit's abilities creates an incredible effect.

The storm-like attacks were dodged,

Finger Gun Madara, in the state of returning life, shoots countless finger guns with both hands, which is an attack that is extremely difficult to dodge.

However, this move has little effect on Luffy.

On the contrary, Luffy kept thinking about the finger-gun skills of this variant of Juyan, combining them with the luck skills of the giants he learned from the small garden, and the ability of the rubber fruit, and the attack power of his fists continued. It continues to improve and optimize through actual combat feedback.

Lu Qi's iron block couldn't hold it any longer.

"Damn Straw Hat."

Lu Qi spat bloody saliva.

He has tried almost all the fighting techniques he has mastered, and the attack effect on Luffy is very average. At the moment, the last move is left... He feels the pain and fatigue signals coming from all parts of his body. , I realized that I could no longer drag it out like this.

If he delays it any longer, he will be dragged down, and by then he may not even have the strength to use this most powerful trick.

He once again hardened his body muscles with iron blocks, tilted his shoulders, and withstood Luffy's punch. He endured the dull pain on his shoulders, and used the movement technique called 'razor' under his feet, and then slashed in mid-air. A curved sharp track came out, dodged the second fist, and got close to Luffy.

Both hands were clenched into fists, raised side by side, and placed close to Luffy's chest.

"Six Types of Secrets·Six Kings Spear!!!"

All the strength of the whole body was gathered together and blasted out in the form of a shock wave. The heavy bombardment hit Luffy's chest. The invisible shock wave came so fast, and the attack area was also unusually large. Luffy could not completely dodge it. open.

Almost half of the shock wave fell on Luffy.

The astonishing force hit Luffy and spurted out a mouthful of blood. His whole body was ejected backwards, knocking over a building.


Nami gripped the window edge worriedly.

Leaning forward, she felt that the wind would blow her out.

"The last trump card has been revealed. Lu Qi is really forced into a desperate situation!" Kaku struggled to get up, leaned towards the window and stuck his head out to look outside.

"Don't move! Asshole, I managed to bandage it."

Farug jumped angrily.

None of these bastards were honest. The wounds had just been bandaged and the bones had just been reset. As a result, one by one they even crawled away and moved around randomly. Fortunately, this building was the original police room and the windows were big enough. , it’s not a big deal to stuff a few more people’s heads.

"This guy Lucci has become weak! It's really useless."

Gabra scoffed.

"Haha, Gabra, are you okay? Why do you hear your bones ringing," Kaku said with a smile.

"You bastard, whose bones are ringing? Kaku, you bastard, you are the one who bandaged it up like a mummy."

"Have it?"

Kaku looked down at the bandages on his body.

"Kaku, you bastard, don't you have any sense of self-consciousness?"

Gabra and Kaku quarreled as usual. To be precise, Gabra shouted loudly, while Kaku always acted as if nothing had happened. Of course, the more this happened, the more irritated Gabra was, and the louder the roar became. , it’s simply a vicious cycle.

The noise here is limited to this place.

Both of them had no time to look around during the battle. Luffy and Lucci focused all their attention on their opponents. Luffy got up and felt the pain coming from his body. He was obviously a rubber man, but the shock wave penetrated The damaged skin and flesh directly acts on the weak internal organs.

His internal organs were shaken, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"It would feel bad if I get hit a few more times!"

Luffy reached out and pressed the area where he had just been hit. The pain was real.

"Lanjiao·Leopard Tail."

Lucci kicked in the air, and shot a spiral slash like a beast's tail towards Luffy. Luffy was forced to dodge, and the pile of rocks behind him was shattered by the slash. Taking advantage of this gap, Lu Qi once again rushed forward and approached.

The Six Kings Spear requires close proximity to exert its due power.

at this point,

Luffy also realized it.

However, Luffy did not retreat and kept distance. Blindly dodging was not in line with his style, and to be honest, he was also very interested in Lucci's move just now, and he displayed powerful destructive power without close contact. , if you can learn this trick...

"Rubber Beast Gun."

Come to think of it, Luffy wasn't prepared to just take a beating without fighting back.

"Iron block·empty wood."

The derivative skill of the iron block that Lucci has mastered is the iron block that can return the attack power of the opponent. If Luffy were not a rubber man, an ordinary person's punch on Lucci's body would not cause any harm to Lucci. Nine times out of ten, he will break his own arm.

"Is this the trick again? It's so shameless."

Luffy pouted.

This move is also very interesting, as it can deflect the enemy's attacks... Unfortunately, he has seen it several times but still hasn't learned anything from it.

"Got you."

Luffy didn't care what Luffy was mumbling, and rushed forward as fast as possible. His long leopard tail reached out first and wrapped around Luffy's left leg. Luffy had already raised his right foot. Luffy tried to move but failed, his balance was broken and he almost fell to the ground.

"Six Types of Secrets·Six Kings Spear!!!"

Lucci's fists turned into large-caliber artillery, and the invisible shock wave hit Luffy's stomach without missing a beat this time. The terrifying force pulled Luffy's body back and lengthened, but because his left foot was entangled, Because of the shelter, it was restricted to the same place and difficult to move, so it was not thrown away.

Lu Qi knew very well the principle of not showing mercy to others when you have the upper hand. After taking a breath, he immediately launched a second round of attacks.

"The Secret of Six Styles·The Greatest Wheel·Six Kings Spear!!!"

The six-king gun with the greatest firepower.

This is the strongest technique that Lu Qi has only used a few times, because it consumes too much physical energy. In order to ensure that the attack hits the enemy instead of wasting energy in vain, he needs to find a way to lock the enemy's body in advance. For example, he uses Leopard The tail wrapped around Luffy's left foot, so that he wouldn't worry about missing.

"Asshole, it hurts."

Luffy gasped,

There was severe cramping pain from the impacted internal organs, and the pain caused cold sweat to flow from Luffy's forehead.

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