Donghai, Rogge Town.

The execution platform in the central square, the original execution platform that witnessed the end of One Piece twenty years ago, and not long ago witnessed the end of the legend of the Golden Lion in a damaged state, has been demolished... Now This execution platform was newly built, imitating the original style, and was deliberately made old.

after all,

The execution platform is now the most important tourist attraction in Rogue Town.

Most of the tourism industry on the island has become prosperous because of the execution platform. Even if many of the guests who come to visit are pirates, as long as they don't cause trouble on the island and don't default on their bills, they are wealthy people and distinguished guests. .

"The Pirate King...was this where he was executed?"

With pink hair, round glasses, and a navy soldier's uniform, a short, chubby boy who looked like a winter melon stood in front of the execution platform, trying his best to open his eyes and look up at this legendary execution platform.

"Idiot Kerby, didn't you already tell me that this is a new building? The original one has been destroyed."

The boy with short blond hair and a butt chin spoke unceremoniously to his friend.

"What does it matter? Belumeber, what matters is not the things, but the determination of the navy who stays here to uphold justice. Even the Pirate King cannot escape the punishment of justice." said the pink-haired boy, Kirby. Very beautiful words came out.

"Hey! Anyone can tell lies."

Belumeb murmured, then moved closer to Kebi and whispered: "Hey, Kebi, why do you think Lieutenant General Garp is here?"

Not far away, Garp stood alone under the execution platform, silently looking at the execution platform, as motionless as a wooden man. Even Bellumber felt an unspeakable atmosphere, which made It is difficult for people to approach, and they can only stand far away.

"I didn't know. You should ask Mr. Bogarde about this kind of thing."

"I'm not going! Think I'm stupid! Mr. Bogarde's beating is extremely painful."

The little ones were noisy.

It wasn't until Garp's adjutant, Bogarde, came forward to teach the two brats a lesson that they calmed down and shut their mouths honestly.

The commotion of his subordinates did not affect Garp's memory of his old friend. The old navy looked at this strange execution platform...recalling the day when Roger was executed. At that time, he hid in secret to maintain order to prevent Roger from being executed. Members of the Jay Pirates come to the rescue.

It's a pity that we didn't wait for the big drama of robbery in the end.

Roger died here. He did not use his domineering force. He actively relaxed his muscles and allowed the executioner to take his life. If Roger had not actively sought death, the Navy would have sent Garp or a general-level figure to the stage to execute him. Ordinary lieutenant generals would have Don't even think about breaking Roger's dominance easily.

"So many years have passed in a flash... That stupid boy Ace is truly your son. I spent so much energy teaching him, but in the end he ended up on the same path as you..." ·You also led my grandson into mischief, huh, that brat, I will definitely teach him a lesson next time we meet."

"...Also, I didn't expect that old rooster Shi Ji to die here... I guess he was very happy when he died..."

Garp, who was thinking casually, was no longer as heartless as before.

The look of melancholy is so rare.

Not only did the two recruits find it novel, but many nearby navy soldiers also seemed to have seen a ghost. Is this the same heartless Lieutenant General Garp who could fall asleep while walking?

at this time,

The phone bug in Bogarde's pocket rang. He answered the call. After a few seconds, the expression of the man who had followed Garp his whole life changed instantly. He tightened his grip on the phone and looked towards He saw Garp standing in front of the execution platform, hesitant...

"What's wrong? Bogarde, what happened? Are you so upset?"

Before Bogard said anything, Garp had already walked over.

"Lieutenant General, this is not good news for you." Bogarde sighed with a complicated expression, "Malin Fando contacted me just now and said that General Kuzan and Lieutenant General Gumir, the commander of the G2 branch, have joined forces. Captured the second division captain of the Whitebeard Pirates [Fire Fist] Portcas D. Ace in the Kingdom of Alabasta.”

Garp was stunned.

He stood motionless for more than ten seconds.

Bogart didn't say a word and waved his hand to disperse the surrounding navy, leaving enough space for Garp to avoid any unexpected consequences.

Just like the last time they trampled down the embassy palace of the Kingdom of Exmundo.

"Ace is such an idiot."

This time,

Surprisingly, I didn't lose my temper.

The old navy just let out a tired sigh, "I knew from the time that fool went to sea that this day would come sooner or later...but I didn't expect it to come so soon!"

"What did Malinfando say?"

"Inform us to return to the headquarters as quickly as possible. Marshal Sengoku has ordered the mobilization of elite soldiers from all over the world to go to the headquarters in case the Whitebeard Pirates make any changes. I heard that CP seems to be making moves as well."

"Is there a war coming?"

Bogart was silent.


This war was actively pursued by the Navy, right? Is the purpose for Whitebeard?

"Lieutenant General, what should we do next?"

"... Go back! Ace has been caught. If that stupid boy Luffy knows the news... none of them will obey." Garp clenched his fists and finally gave up. Let go, "Ace, you idiot!!! You just hang out with that old guy Whitebeard."

"Alright, Bogarde, get ready to sail. The target is to return to Malinfando... Wait, let's go to Impel Down first. Ace will probably be escorted to Impel Down."

"You want to rob prison?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm here to see my grandson."

Bogarde shook his head, conveyed the Vice Admiral's order, and directed the navy soldiers to return to the warship. Although he was a little confused that the time to rest ashore was too short... But as a general under Garp, They carried out the orders faithfully without any complaints.

"Hey, Kirby, what's going on?"

"I told you not to ask me. You and I have been together just now. How could I know what happened? Stop talking nonsense and catch up quickly. If you fall behind, Mr. Bogarde's stick will come again. "The two new recruits were talking while trying their best to follow the big team and not fall behind.

The group of people under Garp were all elites who could follow Garp in the new world. The two recruits soon lost their leisure to talk. Just rushing on the road exhausted all their energy.

The warship soon set sail again,

Heading quickly towards Marine Fando, the naval headquarters on the Grand Line.


Kingdom of Alabasta, Eastern Desert.

"Fire Fist was caught here? Wow, it's really spectacular. The glacial landforms in the desert area... It's worthy of a general. He changed the climate with just one move. With such a glacier, the nearby desert is probably There will be a lot more oases.”

Standing on the dividing line between desert and glacier, Eleus can feel two completely different climates: hot and cold.

"The natural devil fruit... is really good. I want to get the thunder fruit more and more." Elus looked at the surrounding scenery with interest.

Just two days ago,

Admiral Kuzan of the Navy Headquarters, codenamed 'Ao Pheasant', landed in Alabasta and teamed up with Lieutenant General Gumir, the commander of the G2 branch, to besiege Fire Fist. Fire Fist could not deal with just one general, let alone others. A lieutenant general Gumir who can be called the ceiling of a lieutenant general.

After a day of hard work,

Fire Fist was defeated and captured.

Fortunately, the battlefield was in an uninhabited desert, and the Kingdom of Alabasta had a vast territory. This battle did not affect the ordinary people. On the contrary, the glaciers and icebergs left by Kuzan would benefit the Kingdom of Alabasta for a long time to come. The desert brings a steady stream of water.

"Your Highness, this is a call from His Majesty Burwell." Fran walked over holding the phone bug.

"Dad? It must be something about the Fire Fist. If you catch the Fire Fist, the Whitebeard Pirates will move. If Whitebeard moves... the whole new world will be affected. This is going to change the world, give me the microphone!"


"Hey, Al, how long are you going to play in the park?" As soon as he picked up the phone, the phone bug vividly imitated Burwell's anger.

"It will take a while!"

Elvus said calmly, not affected by Burwell's emotions at all.

"The new world is almost in chaos. Why are you kid still in the mood to wander around outside? Don't tell me that you don't know about Fire Fist's arrest. Whitebeard is definitely going to go crazy this time. The navy and pirates are going to go crazy this time." A war might break out!!"

"I know, I'm visiting the place where Fire Fist was arrested right now!"

"What did you say? Al, you, you, what on earth are you doing?"

"Dad, don't worry. This matter has little to do with us. What the World Government and Navy have to deal with is the Whitebeard Pirates, not our Kingdom of Exmundo. Why are you worried so much?" Elwu said. Si said slowly.

"You're talking lightly. Without a pillar like Whitebeard, the order of the new world will collapse. Once the existing order is destroyed, do you think it has anything to do with us?"

"Then at least we have to wait until Whitebeard is really dead, otherwise... don't look at the hilarity of everyone shouting now, as long as Whitebeard lives for one day, those clowns will never take any actual action, and wait until Whitebeard Beard is really dead...I will naturally go back then."

Eleus squinted at the glacier in front of him.

"So, don't worry about what will happen. Even if the new world order collapses, as long as I am still alive, they will not dare to do anything extraordinary to our country."

Burwell on the other end of the phone was silent.

He was convinced by his son.

Indeed it is!

Not to mention that as long as Whitebeard lasts for a day or so, the new world will not be in chaos. Even if Whitebeard dies and the new world order collapses, the lowest and simplest rule of the strong is king will not change. As long as Al is here, it will still be possible. There are really not many people who dare to provoke the Kingdom of Ecmundo.

"Forget it, I can't control you anymore, just hand over the throne when you come back this time!"

Burwell sighed.

Regardless of whether Whitebeard will fall in the ensuing turmoil, the hostility shown by the Navy towards the Whitebeard Pirates alone is doomed that the next era will no longer be as peaceful as the past. The future era I don’t know what it will look like.

Although Burwell was still in the prime of life,

But he knew that in that magnificent future, it would be difficult for him to maintain the influence of the current Aikmundo Kingdom.

"I understand, but dad, don't rush to enjoy your freedom. Don't forget my dream. When the time comes... I'll still need you to help me!"

"You kid... we'll tell you later!"

The call is interrupted.

Eleus handed the phone bug to Fran.

"Your Highness, how long are we going to stay here?" the maid holding the phone bug asked.

"What? Fran, are you in a hurry to return home?"

"No, that's not the case. It's enough for me to stay with His Highness, but this time I went out for too long..."

"There's no rush, no rush. If I'm not mistaken, I'll be back home at this time, and I'll have to come to Paradise soon. Don't forget the inevitable war between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates, the World Government and the Navy. It is estimated that all available forces will be gathered, and the King's Shichibukai... will definitely be summoned."

"Ah! I almost forgot, Your Highness, you are still the King of the Shichibukai."

"...Can you forget this?"

Elus shook his head, "In addition to this, there is also... Paradise has the Devil Fruits I want. Before I get those Devil Fruits... there is no need to rush. Let's leave." His gaze kept rising from the glacier, and soon he looked towards the sea of ​​clouds in the distance.

He snapped his fingers.

The whole person floated and flew up.

This is--

The power of fluttering fruit.

After he mastered the power of the Staring Fruit, his speed in analyzing Devil Fruit abilities has improved. After the Staring Fruit, he has analyzed and mastered the power of the Slow Fruit in less than a month, and is now analyzing the floating fruit. The floating fruit is expected to be replaced with a new devil fruit in three to five days.

to this end,

He focused on the natural Thunder Fruit.

"Flan, where is Miss Nami's life card? Have there been any changes recently?"

"So, the life card that was placed in the bottle yesterday suddenly floated up from the bottom of the bottle and stuck to the mouth of the bottle..."

"Oh! Have you arrived at Sky Island? It is indeed destiny!"

Elvus clicked his tongue in surprise.

Now that we have arrived at the Sky Island, we need to seize the time to hunt for the Thunder Fruit. Otherwise, if we wait for the guy from Enelu to lose the fight and run away to that infinite land... it will be very troublesome to chase him. It's better to do it as soon as possible. past.

"Flan, give me Ms. Nami's life card. I want to use it."

"I see."

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