Fire Fist, arrested.

This news has not been made public yet, but in fact, everything that needs to be known is pretty much known. News circulates very quickly, and even pirates have their own channels to get the latest information from the World Government or the Navy.

Of course, this news has not yet been made public.

The World Government and the Navy were going all out to make a big news this time. CP0 directly went to the World Economic News Agency and threatened the big news Morgans face to face, not allowing him to use Fire Fist without the permission of the World Government. The matter was published in the newspaper.

Faced with a world government that was really getting serious... no, to be precise, it was the Holy Land Marie Joa. Morgans, who was well-informed and knew a little bit of the secrets of the Holy Land, chose to follow his heart. He did not want to be hunted down by the Holy Land. die.

that's all,

The world still looks as peaceful and peaceful as before. In fact, under the calm water there is an extremely turbulent undercurrent.

In the New World, countless overt and covert eyes are staring at the Whitebeard Pirates' every move. If there is a slight commotion, everyone will be at war, especially the G1 and G5 branches of the Navy in the New World. They will be shocked even if they are three times a day. However, the two branch bases were always ready for a fight to the death.

However, unexpectedly, as the days passed, the Whitebeard Pirates did not make any big moves. They only frequently contacted the affiliated pirate groups affiliated with the Whitebeard Pirates. This is expected. If they want to fight with If the World Government goes to war, it will naturally need to gather all available forces.

The problem is that the Whitebeard Pirates have not taken any other action except contacting their affiliated pirate groups.

The more this is the case, the more frightened and panicked people become.

No one knows when this untimed bomb will explode, which makes people constantly on tenterhooks. Their spirits are always under great pressure. Many sailors in the two branches cannot bear the pressure and directly suffer from mental breakdown. .

To be honest, the lower-level marines had no idea what was going on.

However, they were extremely keen and could detect subtle changes in their officers and changes in the environment. Even if the commanders of the two branches tried their best to control it, it was a pity that their efforts were of no use after repeated warnings. Not a fool.

The highest-level alarms again and again are obviously to be wary of very terrible enemies.

Sometimes, unknown enemies are more terrifying.


Moby-Dick, shaped like a white whale, wanders the sea.

"Dad, I'm in."

Marco pushed the door open and walked into the captain's cabin.

He held a plate in his hand, with a glass of water and a large number of pills on it.

"Marco... why do you feel like you took too much medicine today?" Whitebeard, who was sitting at the table writing, noticed the plate in Marco's hand and muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Is it still as good as before?"

Marco sighed helplessly and placed the plate in his hand on the table.

Whitebeard finished taking the medicine under Marco's close gaze, picked up the cup and drank all the water in the cup. He complained again. When Marco picked up the plate and was about to leave, he suddenly asked: "Marco , how’s it going? Is there any new news?”

"Not yet. It's not clear where Ace is being held. The information collected is all ambiguous. Some say he's in the Undersea Prison, some say he's in the Navy Headquarters, and some say he's being held in the G2 branch... ····There is no way to determine the authenticity.”

Marco frowned.

The fact that Ace was captured by the navy can be said to be a bolt from the blue for the Whitebeard Pirates. There was almost no hesitation. From Whitebeard to the crew below, everyone decided to rescue Ace. This period All actions in time revolve around this matter.

But the biggest problem now is that he is not sure where Ace is.

This leaves the Whitebeard Pirates with nowhere to go. It would be extremely foolish to act rashly before finding out Ace's whereabouts.

"It seems that the navy's purpose this time is for me!"


"You haven't forgotten about the World Government's agents appearing in our territory some time ago, right? Even if it wasn't Ace, someone else would have been arrested, and they were secretive after they were arrested... I guess it was They are preparing to entertain me well!"

"Marco, there's no need to bother trying to find out Ace's whereabouts. When the World Government and Navy are ready, they will naturally notify us."

"Dad!! Do you want to contact Hong..."

"This is a matter for our Whitebeard Pirates. We don't need the intervention of anyone else, and we don't need that red-haired boy to help." Whitebeard flatly refused.

Marco sighed helplessly, which was also expected. He recalled what happened when the red-haired man came to visit not long ago. The red-haired man described the danger of Teach and persuaded his father to recall Ace, but his father flatly refused. , not long afterward, news came that Ace had been captured by the navy... It seemed that there was nothing unusual about it.

"I know, Dad."

"Marco, be prepared. When the news comes, you must leave quickly."

Marco agreed again, took the plate and left.


In front of you is the vast white ocean, without waves, quiet and peaceful.

Elus floated in the air, looking leisurely at the beautiful ocean in front of him. This was a sea completely different from the sea below. There was no wind, no waves, leisurely and tranquil. The extremely abundant light made this sea of ​​clouds so beautiful. White.

This is an altitude of 7,000 meters above sea level.

" that the direction?"

Elus looked down at the life card in his hand, which was moving slowly to the right. He looked in the same direction, through the sea of ​​clouds above, and saw an earth island and the black mass above the island. of thunderclouds.

A magnificent warship flew in the sky.

The Straw Hats can be seen scattered all over the island, and Luffy is fighting the long-eared man holding a golden stick on the deck of the battleship.

"Phew! I was almost late!"

Elus laughed,

If he had arrived a day or two late, Enelu might have already gone to the infinite land. Fortunately, he was lucky enough to arrive in time at this juncture. The Thunder Fruit... was about to arrive. Changed last name.

He reached out and opened an air door, floating and flying into the door.

The next second,

On the deck of the Ark Proverbs,

The air door opened, and Elus flew out, waving and greeting everyone: "Miss Nami, we meet again!"

"Black Prince?!!"

Nami looked at Alvus who suddenly appeared in shock, her brain suddenly shut down, and she had no idea why Elvus appeared here.

"It's you! Why are you here?"

Luffy was also dumbfounded. He was worrying about how to defeat the enemy Enel. Why would this annoying guy appear in front of him at this time? He was doubly annoying!

"This is fate!"

Eleus laughed happily.

Just as he was greeting the two members of the Straw Hats, the other 'God-sama' felt the humiliation of being ignored. This was the first time that Enel, who claimed to be a god, was ignored like this. He said nothing. , lifted up the golden rod in his hand and knocked the magatama drum on his back.

"Thirty million volts thunderbirds."

Dazzling lightning flashed from the drum, and the thunderbird constructed in the shape of a goshawk flapped its wings and flew toward Elus at extremely high speeds.

This is a blow that is enough to turn a human being into charcoal.


Didn't get the result that Enel wanted.

"Dull light."

Elus sent out a circle of purple-red light waves with his backhand, which shone on the Thunderbird. The Thunderbird, which was originally flying at a very fast speed, suddenly slowed down and seemed to be stuck in a colorless and transparent quagmire. As if inside, even Nami standing aside could clearly see the flight path of the Thunderbird.

"The effect is good!"

Elvus looked at the Thunderbird, which was still approaching at a slow speed, and nodded with satisfaction.

The ability of the Slowness Fruit emits slow photons, making the reaction of people or objects extremely slow for 30 seconds. During these 30 seconds, all movements will be slowed down to the extreme... Of course, the premise is that the enemy can be hit. This Devil Fruit is, to some extent, no less powerful than Whitebeard's Shock Fruit.

Used well it can produce incredible results.

In a battle between evenly matched strong men, as long as you can get one step ahead of the opponent, you will have an advantage in the battle...

"You...what did you do? You're from Qinghai."

Enelu's eyes widened.

He looked at the thunderbird he released in disbelief.

Trapped in the corner of the sky island, Enel's vision was greatly restricted. The appearance of Rubber Man Luffy made him feel like he saw a natural enemy. Before he could deal with it, this annoying little guy appeared again. A more elusive enemy.

"It's just a little trick."

Eleus raised his hand to summon the Moonlight Sword, and with one swing of the sword, the Thunderbird, which was still in slow motion, was directly wiped out.

"Okay, Lord God of Sky Island, let me see what you can do!"

"Hey! That prince, this is my opponent!"

Luffy screamed in dissatisfaction at being robbed of a monster.

"Ah? Does it matter? Anyway, for you, this kind of enemy won't have much training effect on you." Elus's attitude towards grabbing monsters was quite determined, "It's really not possible to wait until I finish him off. You can deal with me when the time comes!"

"If it doesn't work, it won't work. I must defeat this guy, second gear!!!"

Luffy is also a stubborn person.

In order to get the upper hand, he directly transformed into the second gear state and rushed in front of Enel in an instant. He raised his hand and punched him. He was so fast that even though he used his 'Heart Network' to predict Luffy's movements, he completely missed it. There was no time to react.


Enelu was knocked away.

Eniru, who is used to crushing enemies with the thunder fruit and the domineering power of seeing and hearing, suffered like this for the first time today.

"Hey, running away is an immoral act! Straw Hat."

Elus stood still and did not move. He just raised his hand and the chain with the armored domineering force rushed out like a poisonous dragon, aiming at Eniru and beating him wildly. The poor god was so stunned that he was completely stunned. I am confused and don't know what the situation is like now.

"I told you, this is my prey."

Luffy is extremely stubborn.

Ignoring Nami's winks from the side, she rushed forward and hit Enelu hard with a series of punches.

"...Ah! It's really a headache..."

Eleus took back the chain.

"I can leave it to you, but if I defeat him, I will handle it."

"I just have to beat him."

"Then leave it to you."

Elus was too lazy to fight with Luffy. After some testing just now, he found that Eniru's strength was pretty good. He combined the domineering power of the Thunder Fruit with the power of the thunder fruit... Unfortunately, his health was a bit poor, and his fighting consciousness was not the same. If not, the most important thing is a serious lack of combat awareness.

Enelu, who has never experienced a difficult battle, is very poor in combat awareness!

Elus' actions were simply bullying, and Luffy's loud voice kept making noises, so he simply let it go. As long as he got the Thunderous Fruit in the end, it didn't matter whose hands Elnus fell into. Luffy If you want to fight monsters, let him do it... Anyway, he likes the Straw Hats.

"Miss Nami!!"

Elus came to Nami's side.

He raised his hand to open an air door, and the chain flew into it and pulled out a set of tables, chairs and a refrigerator. He found these things on the nearby Angel Island using the power of the Staring Fruit, and then used the Gate Fruit to open the air door. Then use the power of the Chain Fruit to bring what you want.

Different fruit ability combinations can not only be used for fighting, but this ability is also very convenient to use in life.

"Prince Eleus."

Nami forced a smile.

"Don't be so reserved! Although we haven't met each other very often before, Fran has told me a lot about Miss Nami. Please sit down!" Elus pulled out the chair and Nami sat down obediently. In front of Elus, there is always a feeling of a white rabbit and a dragon coexisting in the same room.

Eleus's politeness not only failed to relieve his stress, but made him even more nervous.

"What should I drink... But even though I'm asking this, it's a pity that I don't know much about Sky Island's drinks." Elus opened the refrigerator, looked at the different types of drinks on it, and pondered for a moment, "Since So, let’s try them all! I remember Fran said, Nami-san, your drinking capacity is quite amazing!”

"Ahaha! Is there any? It's Miss Fran. She gave me the award. My drinking capacity is average."

Nami laughed twice.

She didn't know what to do to refuse the wine glass offered to her without offending the Black Prince, so she still stretched out her hand to catch the wine glass, forcing a stiff and awkward smile on her face, looking out of the corner of her eye. Watch the battle between Luffy and Enel.


Elus and Nami sat on the deck of the Ark's Proverbs and began to taste the fine wine of Sky Island.

Luffy and Enel continued their arduous battle.

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