The next day.

The morning light has not yet dispersed the darkness on the earth.

Elus woke up on time, and his biological clock was working as usual. He did not wake up the maid who was still sleeping soundly, and washed his face and brushed his teeth. Although he was a prince, he was still more accustomed to doing things like this himself, and Not standing or sitting like a piece of wood while having someone poke it around in his mouth with a toothbrush.

Well, although the maid's movements were very professional, they did not make anyone feel uncomfortable at all. On the contrary, the movements were gentle enough to be called enjoyment.

But if you are not used to it, you are not used to it.

Some of the remaining psychological habits have not changed due to the new life.

After washing up, Eleus changed into his training clothes and went straight to the private training ground to start regular morning exercises.

More than two hundred years ago,

The ancestors of the Soccachio clan came from the East China Sea as bounty hunters, entered the Grand Line, and rushed into the New World. With a pair of iron fists, they carved out a foundation in the New World and laid the foundation for Exmundo. The kingdom took its prototype form, and after several generations of ancestors worked hard, it finally reached the great situation it has today.

A good life does not come easily.

It is even more difficult to maintain this beautiful life.

This is something every Soccachio child needs to understand from an early age.

If you want to survive in the new world, strong force is the most reliable guarantee. The kingdom of the new world has completely different rules from those of the Four Seas and Paradise. The king of a country in the new world may not necessarily be the most powerful warrior in the kingdom, but he is definitely not. It will be the kind of fighting against the five scum.

Therefore, the Socacio family has never given up their pursuit of force for generations.

The apparently strongest member of the Soccachio family today is Elus's grandfather, the old guy who married a new wife under the age of twenty in the Red Earth Continent. He has the full strength of a Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters. When he was in power, he was a notorious bastard in the New World.

And Elus's father, the sixth generation king of the Kingdom of Exmundo, Soccachio Bovell, is considered a first-rate master in the navy as a major general.

As for Eleus.

He is still young and has not yet shown his bravery in the spotlight. He needs a bright enough opportunity to let the world know about his existence and let the friends and enemies of the Kingdom of Elkmundo know about the Kingdom of Elkmundo. The next generation king is also a strong man who is not inferior to his elders.

And this opportunity,

It was already before his eyes.

The war with the Kingdom of Amento was the stage where Elus appeared.


After morning exercises, showering and changing, and a quick breakfast, Eleus once again came to the study room where His Majesty the King entertains guests.

Before him, guests had arrived.

"Your Highness Elus."

The burly man sitting on the sofa stood up and saluted Elus as he pushed in the door.

"There's no need to be so outspoken. Besides, you are my immediate superior now, so it's my turn to salute you, General Foy." Elus greeted the burly man with a smile.

This burly man who is two meters tall, has broad shoulders, can run horses, and has a burnt yellow beard under his chin. He is the Lord of the Navy of the Kingdom of Exmundo - Bamond Foy. For those who are about to serve as Deputy Lord of the Navy As far as Elus is concerned, he is indeed his immediate superior.

"Haha! You have grown up indeed! Much stronger than when you were a child." Foy laughed heartily. He turned his eyes to Burwell, who was sitting behind the desk, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, look It looks like we’ll be going to the World Government to retire in a few years!”

This is the rule of the Kingdom of Exmundo.

One emperor and one courtier.

Just as Alvus's grandfather abdicated the throne to Bovell and took his old ministers to the headquarters of the World Government in the Red Earth Continent, when Bovell abdicates the throne to Alvus, he will also bring his close ministers Take it to the Red Earth Continent.

And not only the ministers, but also other members of the royal family will be taken away together.

Eleus's grandfather took his other two sons to the Red Earth Continent. When Burwell left, he also wanted to take Eleus's younger brother and sister with him.

This was a rule set by the second generation king in order to avoid conflicts within the family.

after all,

Royal families like the Alabasta Kingdom and the Magi Drum Kingdom are rare and unique. As for the Kingdom of Goa, which can only rely on adopted sons to inherit the throne, that is a tragedy - of course, the premise is that the adopted sons are really adopted, not illegitimate child.

In most kingdoms, the royal family does not have the clan number 100 and people are embarrassed to say that they are royal.

As for how he got into the World Government, it's very simple. The second-generation king used an invincible golden bullet offensive to capture the only daughter of a high-ranking official in the World Government at that time. She was already in her fifties and married to a man in his twenties. It seems that it is also the tradition of the Soccachio family to marry a 'little' wife for a new wife who is 20 years old?

In short, the second-generation king 'sacrificed' himself in this way. Due to overwork, he died before the age of sixty, but he also successfully laid a foundation for the Soccachio family within the world government.

"I'm looking forward to that day too!"

Burwell also laughed heartily after hearing Foy's words.

Yesterday's gloomy clouds have all been dispelled by Eleus' return.

After His Majesty the King and the Lord Admiralty laughed enough, they got down to business.

"Foy, tell me about the situation on the front line!"

Burwell had a cigar in his mouth but did not light it.

"The navy of the Kingdom of Amento moved south from the north. The northernmost Whale Head Island was the first to be broken two days ago. Just ten minutes before you entered, the garrison on the Whale Belly Island sent a message and the fleet of the Kingdom of Amento appeared on The lookout came into view.

Your Highness Elus, you need to arrive with reinforcements before Whale Tail Island is captured. If Whale Tail Island is captured, the islands that need to be defended will become Nagato Island, Macchiato Island, and Gongtou Island. , it will be a lot of trouble by then. "

The territory map of the Kingdom of Exmundo hangs on the wall of the study room.

Foy stood next to the map, pointing to various locations on the map, trying his best to explain to Eleus.


In fact, it's not that complicated.

The chaos of the magnetic field in the new world is enough to make a less skilled navigator faint.

When sailing in the new world, you must follow the direction of the record pointer. Otherwise, once you stray into some extremely dangerous sea areas, there will really be only one way in and no way out. This also limits the flexibility of naval battles to a certain extent. Sex makes war in the new world direct and brutal.

There are only so many offensive routes and only so many defensive positions. Neither the attacker nor the defender has much choice.

A beheading tactic like heading straight for Huanglong would be a permanent indicator of the enemy's base camp, but it would be impossible to implement without island supplies along the way.

This kind of war does not require too many strategies and tricks. Whoever has bigger warships, more firepower, and more strong men will have the advantage. What the enemy and we are competing for is hard power.

For example, Whale Head Island, Whale Belly Island, and Whale Tail Island. The three islands are connected on the map like a big whale. These three islands are the three northern gates of the Kingdom of Aikmundo. The sea area around the three islands Both the islands and the island are extremely dangerous. Either directly penetrate the three islands, or bypass this sea area and attack the Kingdom of Exmundo from other directions.

At present,

The Kingdom of Amento is preparing to punch through the three islands of the whale's head, belly and tail with its fist.

"Whale Tail Island?"

Eleus stared at the chart for a few seconds and nodded.

"I understand, I will annihilate the enemy on Whale Tail Island."

"Al, be careful, don't forget that the Kingdom of Amento is just a cover, and that guy Umit is the real black hand." Burwell repeatedly warned, although Elus's strength had surpassed him two years ago, But as the saying goes, swords and guns have no eyes, and even the Four Emperors dare not say they are victorious when it comes to things on the battlefield - the beasts have been captured by the navy many times.

"By the way, the intelligence coming back from the front line mentioned several big pirates with bounties worth hundreds of millions. This is the compiled list and information. Please pay attention." Burwell picked up another document on the table and handed it to Gave it to Elus.

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