Bikahi Island.

In front of the official residence of the Port Tax Bureau, the golden coffee tree flag of the Kingdom of Exmundo and the pirate flag of the Whitebeard Pirates were flying high in the wind.

Eleus stood under the flag stand.

Looking up at the skull and crossbones flag with the iconic crescent beard above.

"We are obviously a member of the World Government, but we have to fly the pirate flag. Fran, don't you think it's awkward?"


Eleus spoke, breaking the silence around him.

"Your Highness, if you haven't had enough sleep, you can make up for it when you get on the ship." The girl with long red hair as bright as flames stood next to Elus, her bright red eyes showing Under the indifferent cold light, the black and white traditional long-skirt maid uniform covered up the girl's graceful figure. Only the black round-toe shoes exposed under the skirt were visible.

"It's actually enough to hang a flag here..." Elus murmured.

"It's still daytime! Please don't talk in your sleep, it's very embarrassing."

"...Fran, are you looking for trouble?"

Eleus glanced sideways at his personal maid.

The red-haired girl's name is Fran. She has no surname. She was born as an orphan. She is seventeen years old. She is a personal maid trained by Elus's mother. She is not only used to warm Elus's bed. , it was still the last shield blocking Eleus at the critical moment.

After rounds of rigorous and cruel eliminations, only Fran stood out among nearly a hundred candidates.


As long as everything is done correctly, even a girl's little hobby of mocking people can be accommodated with a broad chest.

And to be honest, Elus doesn't hate Fran's little hobby. Compared with the other little maids in the palace who are obedient and don't know how to resist until they are blocked in the corner, Fran's character is more interesting and more exciting to tease. .

"How is that possible? I am just a maid. There is no reason for a maid to find fault with the master." Fran said seriously.


Elus glared, then calmed down, "Then just pretend it's not true! Anyway, we can get it back sooner or later." He put an extra emphasis on the word 'late', and the originally serious girl suddenly gritted her teeth. He stood up, blushed and gave Elvus a hard look, but did not criticize him again.

Someone is coming.

There were two people coming, both male, one tall and one short, wearing the same black suit, and they were walking quickly towards the flag stand.

"Dick, Eschbach, are you all ready?"

When the two of them came closer, Eleus asked.

"The eight warships have been assembled, the materials and ammunition have been counted, there are no shortages, and the sailors on each ship are all in place, and they can set off at any time." The short man on the left was speaking. He was said to be short, but two hundred At 22 centimeters tall, he is much taller than Elus.

It's just that he is really short compared to the big man standing on the right who is three hundred and fifty centimeters tall.

"Well done, Dick, Eschbach."

Eleus praised.

The short one is Dick, and the big one is Eschbach. Both of them are Elus's attendants, similar to Fran, who is a personal maid. They have been with Elus since they were young, and they have accepted it. Top elite education, as long as they can survive successfully, when Eleus ascends the throne in the future, they will be the new ministers of the kingdom.

The current Admiral of the Kingdom of Exmundo, Balmond Foy, used to be Burwell's squire.

"Your Highness, are you leaving now?"

Eschbach lowered his head and asked in a deep voice.

This 350-centimetre-tall big guy looks amazingly oppressive, but when he speaks, there is a sense of calmness and calmness. Looking at those gray-brown eyes, there is no trace of anxiety or impulsiveness, nor the eagerness to try. Gram is just the opposite.

"Where are Dylan and Casper?"

Eleus asked about his other two attendants.

"They're sitting on the boat."

Eschbach replied.

"Now that everyone is here, let's go!"

Elvus looked up at the two flags in the sky.

Then he turned around and headed towards the official residence of the tax bureau.

Fran followed closely behind her, and Dick and Eschbach also started to follow.


The eight warships docked at the port left the port and headed north at full speed under the instructions of the navigators.



Toothed whale waters.

This sea area is the northern gateway to the Kingdom of Elkmundo. Unless it is a flying enemy, intruders who want to invade the Kingdom of Elkmundo from the north can only use this sea area, including the whale's head, belly and tail. The three islands are the three gates.

Today, Whale Head Island and Whale Belly Island have been captured by invaders from the Kingdom of Amento.

Only the last Whale Tail Island is still in the hands of the Kingdom of Exmundo.

On the vast sea, a fleet of fifty large warships was breaking through the waves and galloping towards Whale Tail Island in the south.


The flag of the Kingdom of Amento flutters in the wind.


The king of the Kingdom of Amento, Nebri IV, stood on the deck, looking up at the familiar flag, but his eyes were full of defeat and despair.

It's over.

All is lost.

The Kingdom of Amento, which has a history of 120 years, is destined to be unable to escape this disaster this time. No matter who wins or loses, the Kingdom of Amento, the King of Shipping, Umit, or the Kingdom of Amento, will not end well. If he hadn't had the idea of ​​leaving a ray of blood for the Nebry family, he would have no longer wanted to live.

For the sake of his young son who was kidnapped by Umit, he could only grit his teeth and insist on cooperating with Umit's actions at all costs.


He also has the dark intention of bringing others into misfortune.

Now that the Nebry family's kingdom is over, why do you, the Soccachio family, continue to dominate the Exmundo Kingdom? Especially since there has always been a lot of friction between the two countries. The Nebri family and the Soccachio family have often fought against each other over the years, and basically every time, the Nebri family was pressed to the ground and rubbed against each other.

It was worthwhile to take revenge on an old enemy before he died.

And it would be even better if the bastards of the Soccachio family could make that bastard Umit suffer a little. Both sides would suffer losses, which was the scene he was most looking forward to.


The phone bug rings.

Nebri IV rolled his eyes and looked at the black-haired man hugging each other on the couch not far away, "Sword Sword" Venkura, a pirate with a bounty of 150 million, and a trace of hatred could not help but appear in his eyes. meaning.

It was this guy who pretended to be tired of his wandering life as a pirate and wanted to join the Kingdom of Amento. He deceived the Kingdom of Amento's defense force and took the power of the entire country into his hands without any hesitation.


This great pirate who has become quite famous in recent years is a hidden subordinate of the King of Shipping, Umit.

"Lord Umit."

Venkula pushed aside the woman next to him, respectfully held the phone and reported the situation, "We are almost at Whale Tail Island. If nothing else happens, we will arrive at Whale Tail Island before evening. Don't worry, before you fall asleep, I’ll bring you good news.”

"Venkula~, I'm waiting for your good news, don't let me down~~~!!"

Meaningful words.

The phone bug even more vividly imitated the King of Shipping's sharp, penetrating eyes.

Venkula lowered his head deeply,

"Lord Umit, I will not let you down."

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