Since the fall of the King of Shipping, the new world, which has been constantly warring, is like a furnace that has been doused with gasoline. The flames of war have expanded several times in a very short period of time. All those related to Umit Countries and forces are all involved in this war.

At the beginning, the war had a certain order, and conflicts basically broke out again and again around the legacy left by Umit.

However, as the conflict intensified, new hatreds were added to the many forces that already had old grudges that could not be resolved. The war expanded and escalated, and even many affiliated forces under the Four Emperors joined in the chaos. The only good thing about the war was that the Four Emperors did not end up personally.


It seems to have entered a white-hot stage.

But in fact, it has not developed into the worst situation. It is still maintained in a relatively stable range and has not completely lost control.


Eleus did not stay in Dressrosa for too long. Except for King Donquixote Doflamingo in this small country, the Lilliputian country hidden in Greenbit can attract him. interest, but it was just a little curiosity. This curiosity was not enough to drive him to do something.

As for the SMILE factory,

I don’t know if there is a chance to build it!

After leaving Dressrosa, Elus did not directly go home. He contacted his father through a phone bug, mobilized a large number of troops from the country, and then personally participated in the war in the new world. middle.

He tortured enough intelligence information from the mouths of Umit's subordinates. Based on this information, he quickly received the forces left by Umit. When he encountered those who dared to resist or steal his trophies, he dared to fight with them. If you are naughty, just kill it.

The plate Umit left behind was too big.

If you want to completely take over the shipping network that covers most of the New World, you will have to contact more than 90% of the organizations and forces in the New World. The situation is naturally extremely complicated. If you try to sort out the clues one by one, it will probably take a long time. One or two years may not yield much results.


Elus chose to cut through the mess with a sharp knife.

He doesn't care who you are or who is standing behind you. Anyone who dares to stand in his way will be killed. If the four attendants can bite it off, they will be handed over to the attendants to deal with. If they can't solve it, Elwu Si will personally go into battle, chop off the heads of those who resist, extract their souls, and use the most brutal and direct means to suppress all those who do not surrender.

In just one month,

The war in the New World that had once set off a prairie fire was suddenly extinguished from its roots. The tycoons who had suffered losses at the hands of Eleus naturally turned their hatred towards Eleus. On the body.

But before that, he was frightened by Elus's thunderous tactics. He didn't dare to bark at Elus openly, so he could only bare his teeth in secret.


Compared with the endless war a month ago, there is actually a very subtle calm time now.

Of course, this calmness is false. It is a sand castle built on the absolute power of Elus. As long as Elus's power is broken, the sand castle standing on it will collapse in an instant, and with it The Socacio clan will be targeted by the enemies provoked by Elus.

These hyenas are waiting, waiting for the day when Eleus is defeated, and they firmly believe that such a day will come.

As Elus, the murderer of Umit, the Big Mom Pirates will never sit idly by. As long as Big Mom is not prepared to give up its control over the dark world, they must do something for Umit's death. Please explain, otherwise, the other giants in the dark world may not be as submissive as before.

Big Mom may not be able to understand this truth, but fortunately, the Big Mom Pirates are not without people who understand.


They believed that Eleus's arrogance would not last long.


Frankincense Sea.

In the royal palace on Saibai Island.

A headless corpse in gorgeous clothing sat leaning on the throne, while sticky, warm blood slowly flowed from the throne.

"Your king has been killed by me, now it's your turn to make a choice."

Holding the human head still dripping with blood, Eleus looked coldly at the people kneeling in the hall. These are the most powerful people in the Kingdom of Himuyel, second only to the king he killed. There are high-ranking ministers, prominent nobles, and big businessmen with huge wealth...

The Kingdom of Himuyel is not a member of the World Government, but it is also an old overlord of the New World that has ruled the frankincense sea area with Saibai Island as the core for three hundred years. In recent years, it has declined slightly, but it has become a Utopia. After becoming allies of Umit, with the help of Umit, there was a tendency for dead trees to grow again.

It can be said,

The Kingdom of Himuyel is Umit's staunchest supporter, and there is no one. After Umit's death, His Majesty the King of the Kingdom of Himuyel knew that even if he gathered the power of a country, he would not be able to match Elus. , but still chose to resist to the death.

This spirit is indeed admirable.

However, Elus will not be merciful because of this. On the contrary, the better the Kingdom of Himuyel performs, the more he will defeat this country. Only in this way can he completely erase Umit, who has become a remnant of history. Traces of the Shipping King.

For this reason, Elvus chose to rush to Saibai Island in person, and killed three powerful protectors of the Kingdom of Himuyel, and chopped off their king's head in front of these flesh-eaters.

The bloody methods did have an effect.

Not everyone has the courage to sacrifice their lives for charity, especially these weak-willed carnivores. After experiencing the terror of death with their own eyes, they were frightened and immediately lowered their originally high-spirited weapons towards Elus. He raised his head and pressed his forehead tightly to the ground, offering his loyalty in an extremely obedient manner.

The only problem is that it's not clear how long their loyalty will last.


As a sign of loyalty, the things these people offer are very good things.

"Your Highness Elus, I can provide you with five hundred kilograms of fine frankincense."

"Ah! You dare to run away, Your Highness Elus. I am willing to donate five to six...eight hundred kilograms of frankincense as military expenses."

"I can provide a thousand kilograms of frankincense."

"...Six hundred kilograms of frankincense."

The Kingdom of Himuyel itself is a country that prospers due to its rich production of frankincense. The precious spices and medicinal materials of frankincense are quite valuable. In addition to their medicinal value, they are mostly used for religious sacrifices, no matter what kind of religion they are. , seems to have an amazing obsession with frankincense.

One kilogram of frankincense is worth more than the same weight of gold in the market.

"A bunch of bastards."

Elus cursed and was too lazy to talk nonsense with these weaklings. As long as they chose to surrender, the specific conditions would naturally be negotiated by his subordinates. He threw away the head that had lost its heat in his hand and strode out of this bloody room. The densely packed hall.

Standing on the steps outside the main hall,

Elus overlooked the bustling city below the palace from a high position.

"Fran, the suppression of the Kingdom of Himuyel has been completed, where is the next target?" He asked the maid following him without looking back.

"The Kingdom of Himuyel is the last one, and there are no targets behind it worthy of your Highness."

"Is it gone?"

"Yes, Dylan, Dick, Casper, and Eschbach are all going smoothly in their suppression work. If nothing goes wrong, by the beginning of next month, Umit's shipping network will be almost re-established. Get up, the Kingdom of Himuyel is the last stubborn nail.”

Fran, wearing a black and white classic maid uniform, reported her work meticulously.

"Then... the next question is Big Mom, right?"

"Yes, according to the intelligence we collected in secret, many people in the new world are waiting for the conflict between you and the Big Mom Pirates. They firmly believe that the Big Mom Pirates must fight for Umi. To make corresponding explanations for Te's death, and they did not simply wait, but actively used many means to push the Big Mom Pirates to take action against you, Your Highness."

"These bastards are really capable!"

Eleus laughed, clasping his hands behind his back, looking towards the distant harbor.

"I'm just talking! Our guests are here, and they can find my location so seems like there are a lot of people behind the scenes!"

Where the sea and the sky meet.

A strange fleet appeared. Egg tart-like battleships appeared densely on the sea like locusts, surrounded by more than a dozen large and garishly decorated battleships. The pirate flags were flying in the wind, and even the sails were It is also painted with the Pirates' logo.

It was a beckoning skull wearing a top hat, fluff on the collar, and wearing lipstick.

This is--

The flag of the BIG·MOM Pirates.

Even children in the New World recognize this flag, which is enough to scare children away from crying at night.

Exploring the maximum limit of release of nerves,

Elus 'saw' the brilliant human-shaped flames burning brightly on the pirate ship heading towards Saboi Island. Such high-quality, high-density soul fluctuations, he had also seen in Whitebeard before. The main pirate group has seen it.

In particular, in the center of these high-quality souls, there is a rather weird soul. Different from ordinary stable souls, this is a soul with extremely high activity, and has even reached the point of breaking away from the body and interfering with entities. degree.

"He actually... died in person!"

Eleus was somewhat surprised.

Unexpectedly, he actually provoked such a monster. He thought it would be the 'generals' who came, but he didn't expect to directly attract the opponent's king.

"Fran, please pass on the order and ask all civilian personnel to return to the ship as much as possible and stay away from Saboy Island for the time being..." Elus issued orders one after another, all of which revolved around combat. ongoing.


No, it should be a war,

War is coming to this country.


"The new world has become a mess!"

"Isn't it always like this? The new world."

"That's right, but... I still feel that the current new world is too chaotic, and there is no justice at all. Tina doesn't like this place!"

Warships flying seagull flags sailed on the blue sea.

Standing on the bow deck chatting were two naval officers who did not look very old. The coats with the word "Justice" written on them and their private clothes proved that both of them had the lowest military rank of major, and they had strict rules in the navy. The dressing standards, such as "just coat + casual clothes", are only allowed for naval officers of major and above.

"me too!"

Smoker, who was holding a cigar, rested his elbow on the railing, looked up at the sea of ​​white clouds in the sky, and slowly blew out a perfect circular smoke ring, "The new world is the new world of the four emperors, it's really... ...What a disgusting statement! However, what is even more disgusting is that this sentence is an out-and-out fact."

【White Hunter】Smorg.

【Black Threshold】Tina.

Both of them are lieutenants of the Navy Headquarters, and are representative figures of the Navy Young Faction. Smoker in particular, as a natural ability user like the three generals, is regarded as the successor of the future general and is trained by the headquarters. This is Once they were sent to train under Lieutenant General Garp, and together they went to the new world to perform a confidential mission.

"Hey, Smoker, what exactly is this secret mission?"

"Probably, it has something to do with the death of King of Shipping Umit! Isn't the current chaos in the new world because of this incident? I just don't know what the big shots above are going to do, and they don't reveal any information. We simply It's like a blind man rushing into the new world rashly. If Lieutenant General Garp hadn't led the team, I would have doubted if someone finally disliked my temper and threw me here to die!" Smoker said. His tone was cold, as if he was talking about something completely unrelated to him.

"Tina is very surprised! It turns out that the famous 'White Hunter' also knows that her temper is unpleasant!"

"Hmph, I'm too lazy to please those fat-bellied bureaucrats. As a human being, I have nothing in common with those pig-like things."

"If those big shots hear you say something like this, you will definitely be included in the list of the dead."

"Whatever they want."

Smoker's bad attitude is really hard to make anyone feel good about him.

In fact, this is exactly the case. Although he is regarded as the future successor of the navy, Smoker's popularity in Marinefando is really poor. Except for a few friends like Tina and others who he can talk to, Everyone else who knew Smoker shunned him.

"Your temper! It's just..."

Tina, who had long been accustomed to Smog's bad temper, lit up her lady's cigarette and looked into the distance, and the conversation ended in vain.

This is also the norm!

During this long sea voyage, chatting is one of the important ways to relieve boredom. The content of the conversation is not important. What is important is to relieve the inner pressure. Yes, the two navy talents feel heavy in their hearts. pressurized.

As captains of the Navy Headquarters, they know very well what kind of dangerous place the new world is.

Different from paradise, the New World is a real Shura purgatory. The jungle law of survival of the fittest and the law of the jungle is fully brought into play here. The weak have no power in this cruel arena of the New World, even if they are known as the Young Masters of the Navy. Representative figure of the faction.

But they themselves know their own weight best.

In the new world, just the small goal of not holding back Lieutenant General Garp filled their hearts with unconfidence and anxiety, let alone delusions such as helping Lieutenant General Garp, which they dared not even think about.

"Smog, Tina, come here."


Came Garp's shout.

The two people who were summoned did not dare to neglect. Even Smoker, who had always been unruly and accustomed to doing his own thing, honestly could not see anything wrong when facing Garp, the "naval hero". , they soon arrived at the bridge on the deck.

it's here,

They saw Lieutenant General Garp with a serious face.

This was completely different from their previous impression of Lieutenant General Garp, who was laughing and joking and either eating or sleeping. A sudden realization rose in their hearts. This should be the true appearance of a naval hero, and his usual laziness was just that. It's just an appearance.


My heart, which was already under pressure, was now even more overwhelmed.

Even Lieutenant General Garp showed such a serious expression, could the two of them really be of any use? If it really hindered Lieutenant General Garp... I couldn't imagine whether I would have the courage to continue living at that time.

"You two, stand behind me. You should know these things by now."

Sitting on the single sofa, Garp greeted the two of them and came over.


Garp looked at the adjutants sitting on the two couches and the three major generals who were also sent for support.

"let's start!"

Garp waved his hand.

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